package swingtree.animation;
* Defines an animation in terms of functional transformations
* taking in an {@link AnimationStatus} together with a value
* and returning an updated value. <br>
* The value is expected to be immutable and may be everything
* from a simple {@link java.lang.Number} to a complex view model
* holding your application state and business logic. <br>
* <p>
* Implementations of this are designed to be used as
* part of the {@link Animatable} class holding the initial
* animation state and the {@link LifeTime} determining
* when the animation should run.<br>
* So you may use this interface to define an {@link Animatable}
* like this: <br>
* <pre>{@code
* return Animatable.of(
* LifeTime.of(0.45, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this,
* (status, model) -> model.withFontSize((int) (24 + status.pulse() * 16))
* );
* }
* </pre>
* An {@link Animatable} may then be passed to
* {@link swingtree.UI#animate(sprouts.Var, Animatable)} together
* with a {@link sprouts.Var} property to repeatedly transform
* the property item during the iterations of the entire animation lifetime.
* @param <T> The type of the value that is animated
* through repeated transformations.
public interface AnimationTransformation<T>
* This takes in the current {@link AnimationStatus} and an immutable
* value of type {@code T} and returns a new updated value of type {@code T}.
* This may typically be an immutable view model whose fields are bound
* to the UI components of your application through property lenses.
* @param status The current status of the animation.
* @param value The current value of the animated item.
* @return The updated value of the animated item based on the current status,
* typically the {@link AnimationStatus#progress()} number.
* @throws Exception If the method call encounters errors in the execution of its implementations.
* Due to this being a generic interface, the likelihood of
* exceptions being thrown is high and so it is recommended
* to handle them at the invocation site.
T run( AnimationStatus status, T value ) throws Exception;
* This method is called after the animation has finished.
* The default implementation does nothing but returns the
* supplied value. <br>
* Implement this to create a cleaned up final version
* of the item after the animation has finished. <br>
* Note that this method deliberately requires the handling of checked exceptions
* at its invocation sites because there may be any number of implementations
* hiding behind this interface and so it is unwise to assume that
* all of them will be able to execute gracefully without throwing exceptions.
* @param status The current progress status of the animation, which
* is used to determine the intermediate values of
* the animated item. You may typically want to use
* the {@link AnimationStatus#progress()} number to
* interpolate fields of your view model.
* @param value The final value of the animated item, which is
* expected to be an immutable object.
* @return The final value of the animated item after the animation has finished.
* @throws Exception If the method call encounters errors in the execution of its implementations.
* Due to this being a generic interface, the likelihood of
* exceptions being thrown is high and so it is recommended
* to handle them at the invocation site.
default T finish( AnimationStatus status, T value ) throws Exception {
return value;