package swingtree.animation;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* Runs an {@link Animation} on a {@link Component} according to a {@link LifeSpan} and a {@link RunCondition}.
class ComponentAnimator
private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComponentAnimator.class);
private final @Nullable WeakReference<Component> _compRef;
private final LifeSpan _lifeSpan;
private final Stride _stride;
private final RunCondition _condition;
private final Animation _animation;
private final AtomicLong _currentRepeat = new AtomicLong(0);
@Nullable Component component, // may be null if the animation is not associated with a specific component
LifeSpan lifeSpan,
Stride stride,
RunCondition condition,
Animation animation
) {
_compRef = component == null ? null : new WeakReference<>(component);
_lifeSpan = Objects.requireNonNull(lifeSpan);
_stride = Objects.requireNonNull(stride);
_condition = Objects.requireNonNull(condition);
_animation = Objects.requireNonNull(animation);
public LifeSpan lifeSpan() { return _lifeSpan; }
public Optional<JComponent> component() {
if ( _compRef == null ) return Optional.empty();
Component _component = this._compRef.get();
return Optional.ofNullable( _component instanceof JComponent ? (JComponent) _component : null );
boolean run( long now, ActionEvent event )
if ( now < _lifeSpan.getStartTimeIn(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) )
return true;
AnimationState state = AnimationState.of(_lifeSpan, _stride, event, now);
boolean shouldContinue = false;
try {
long duration = state.lifeSpan().lifeTime().getDurationIn(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
shouldContinue = _condition.shouldContinue(state) && duration > 0;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.warn("An exception occurred while checking if an animation should continue!", e);
If exceptions happen in user provided animation stop conditions,
then we don't want to mess up the rest of the animation logic, so we catch
any exceptions right here!
We log as warning because exceptions during rendering are not considered
as harmful as elsewhere!
Hi there! If you are reading this, you are probably a developer using the SwingTree
library, thank you for using it! Good luck finding out what went wrong! :)
Component component = _compRef == null ? null : _compRef.get();
if ( _compRef != null && component == null )
return false; // There was a component, but it has been garbage collected.
Runnable requestComponentRepaint = () -> {
if ( component != null ) {
if ( component.getParent() == null ) {
ComponentExtension.from((JComponent) component).gatherApplyAndInstallStyle(false);
// There will be no repaint if the component is not visible.
// So we have to manually apply the style.
if ( !shouldContinue ) {
try {
state = AnimationState.endOf(state.lifeSpan(), _stride, state.event(), _currentRepeat.get());; // We run the animation one last time to make sure the component is in its final state.
_animation.finish(state); // This method may or may not be overridden by the user.
// An animation may want to do something when it is finished (e.g. reset the component to its original state).
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.warn("An exception occurred while executing the finish procedure of an animation!", e);
If exceptions happen in the finishing procedure of animations provided by the user,
then we don't want to mess up the execution of the rest of the animations,
so we catch any exceptions right here!
We log as warning because exceptions during rendering are not considered
as harmful as elsewhere!
Hi there! If you are reading this, you are probably a developer using the SwingTree
library, thank you for using it! Good luck finding out what went wrong! :)
return false;
try {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.warn("An exception occurred while executing an animation!", e);
If exceptions happen in the animations provided by the user,
then we don't want to mess up the execution of the rest of the animations,
so we catch any exceptions right here!
We log as warning because exceptions during rendering are not considered
as harmful as elsewhere!
Hi there! If you are reading this, you are probably a developer using the SwingTree
library, thank you for using it! Good luck finding out what went wrong! :)
return true;