package swingtree.api;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.util.Objects;
* A {@link Styler} is a function that takes a {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} and then
* transforms and returns it with some new style properties (see {@link swingtree.UIForAnySwing#withStyle(Styler)}). <br>
* Note that all of this is done in a functional manner, so the original {@link ComponentStyleDelegate}
* as well as the delegated {@link StyleConf} object is not modified
* because {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} is an immutable object. <br>
* This design makes the underlying style engine of SwingTree very flexible and scalable
* because it allows for the composition of styles and reuse of style logic across many components
* (see {@link} for more advanced usage).
* @param <C> the type of the {@link JComponent} that the {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} is delegating to.
public interface Styler<C extends JComponent>
* A {@link Styler} that does nothing, meaning it simply returns the given {@link ComponentStyleDelegate}
* without applying any style to it.
* @param <C> The type of the {@link JComponent} that the {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} is delegating to.
* @return A {@link Styler} that does nothing.
static <C extends JComponent> Styler<C> none() {
return (Styler<C>) Constants.STYLER_NONE;
* Applies some style to the given {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} and returns a new {@link ComponentStyleDelegate}
* that has the style applied (if any). <br>
* Note that this method deliberately requires the handling of checked exceptions
* at its invocation sites because there may be any number of implementations
* hiding behind this interface and so it is unwise to assume that
* all of them will be able to execute gracefully without throwing exceptions.
* @param delegate The {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} to apply the style to.
* @return A new {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} that has the style applied.
ComponentStyleDelegate<C> style( ComponentStyleDelegate<C> delegate ) throws Exception;
* Returns a new {@link Styler} that applies the style of this {@link Styler} and then applies the style
* of the given {@link Styler}. <br>
* This method is conceptually equivalent to the
* {@link java.util.function.Function#andThen(java.util.function.Function)}.
* @param other the {@link Styler} to apply after this {@link Styler}.
* @return a new {@link Styler} that applies the style of this {@link Styler} and then applies the style
* of the given {@link Styler}.
default Styler<C> andThen( Styler<C> other ) {
if ( this == none() )
return other;
if ( other == none() )
return this;
return delegate -> {
ComponentStyleDelegate<C> result = delegate;
try {
result = style( delegate );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// Exceptions inside a styler should not be fatal.
"Error trying to run '"+delegate+"' through styler '"+this+"'.",
return result );