package swingtree.dialogs;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import sprouts.From;
import sprouts.Var;
import swingtree.UI;
import swingtree.api.IconDeclaration;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
* An immutable builder class for creating simple enum based option dialogs
* where the user can select one of the enum options.
* <p>
* This class is intended to be used as part of the {@link UI} API
* by calling the {@link UI#choice(String, Enum[])} or {@link UI#choice(String, Var)} factory methods.
* <p>
* Here a simple usage example:
* <pre>{@code
* // In your view model:
* public enum MyOptions { YES, NO, CANCEL }
* private final Var<MyOptions> selectedOption = Var.of(MyOptions.YES);
* // In your view:
* UI.choice("Select an option:", vm.selectedOption())
* .parent(this)
* .showAsQuestion( o -> switch(o) {
* case YES -> "Yes, please!";
* case NO -> "No, thank you!";
* case CANCEL -> "Cancel";
* });
* }</pre>
* In this example, the user will be presented with a dialog
* containing the message "Select an option:" and the enum options "YES", "NO" and "CANCEL"
* presented as "Yes, please!", "No, thank you!" and "Cancel" respectively.
* The dialog will know the available options from the {@link Var} instance "selectedOption".
* <p>
* Note that this API translates to the
* {@link JOptionPane#showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object)} method.
* @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum} options that the dialog will present to the user.
public final class OptionsDialog<E extends Enum<E>>
private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptionsDialog.class);
private static final OptionsDialog<?> _NONE = new OptionsDialog<>(
* Creates a new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified message and options.
* @param message The message of the dialog presenting various options to the user.
* @param options The {@link Enum} options that the user can select from.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified message and options.
* @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum} options.
public static <E extends Enum<E>> OptionsDialog<E> offering( String message, E... options ) {
for ( Enum<?> option : options )
return ((OptionsDialog<E>)_NONE).message(message).options(options);
* Creates a new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified message and enum property
* from which the options, default option and selected option will be derived.
* @param message The message of the dialog presenting various options to the user.
* @param property The property to which the selected option will be assigned.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified message and options.
* @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum} options.
public static <E extends Enum<E>> OptionsDialog<E> offering( String message, Var<E> property ) {
return ((OptionsDialog<E>)_NONE).message(message).property(property);
private final int _type;
private final String _title;
private final String _message;
private final @Nullable E _default;
private final @Nullable E[] _options;
private final @Nullable Icon _icon;
private final @Nullable Component _parent;
private final @Nullable Var<E> _property;
private OptionsDialog(
int type,
String title,
String message,
@Nullable E defaultOption,
@Nullable E[] options,
@Nullable Icon icon,
@Nullable Component parent,
@Nullable Var<E> property
) {
_type = type;
_title = Objects.requireNonNull(title);
_message = Objects.requireNonNull(message);
_default = defaultOption;
_options = options;
_icon = icon;
_parent = parent;
_property = property;
* Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified title
* which will used as the window title of the dialog
* when it is shown to the user.
* @param title The title of the dialog.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified title.
public OptionsDialog<E> titled( String title ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, title, _message, _default, _options, _icon, _parent, _property);
* @param message The message of the dialog.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified message.
private OptionsDialog<E> message( String message ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, message, _default, _options, _icon, _parent, _property);
* Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified default option,
* which will be the option with the initial focus when the dialog is shown.
* If the user presses the enter key, this option will be selected automatically.
* @param defaultOption The default option of the dialog.
* This option will be selected by default.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified default option.
public OptionsDialog<E> defaultOption( E defaultOption ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, defaultOption, _options, _icon, _parent, _property);
* @param options The options of the dialog.
* The user will be able to select one of these options.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified options.
private OptionsDialog<E> options( E... options ) {
for ( Enum<?> option : options )
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, _default, options, _icon, _parent, _property);
* Allows you to specify an icon declaration for an icon that will be displayed in the dialog window.
* An icon declaration is a constant that simply holds the location of the icon resource.
* This is the preferred way to specify an icon for the dialog.
* @param icon The icon declaration for an icon that will be displayed in the dialog window.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified icon.
public OptionsDialog<E> icon( IconDeclaration icon ) {
return icon.find().map(this::icon).orElse(this);
* Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified icon,
* which will be displayed in the dialog window.
* Consider using the {@link #icon(IconDeclaration)} method instead,
* as it is the preferred way to specify an icon for the dialog.
* @param icon The icon of the dialog.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified icon.
public OptionsDialog<E> icon( Icon icon ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, _default, _options, icon, _parent, _property);
* Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified icon path
* leading to the icon that will be displayed in the dialog window.
* The icon will be loaded using the {@link UI#findIcon(String)} method.
* But consider using the {@link #icon(IconDeclaration)} method instead of this,
* as it is the preferred way to specify an icon for the dialog.
* @param path The path to the icon of the dialog.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified icon.
public OptionsDialog<E> icon( String path ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, _default, _options, UI.findIcon(path).orElse(null), _parent, _property);
* You may specify a reference to a parent component for the dialog,
* which will be used to center the dialog on the parent component.
* See {@link JOptionPane#showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object)}
* for more information.
* @param parent The parent component of the dialog.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified parent component.
public OptionsDialog<E> parent( Component parent ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, _default, _options, _icon, parent, _property);
* @param property The property to which the selected option will be assigned.
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified property.
private OptionsDialog<E> property( Var<E> property ) {
E[] options = _options;
E defaultOption = _default;
if ( options == null )
options = property.type().getEnumConstants();
if ( defaultOption == null )
defaultOption = property.orElseNull();
return new OptionsDialog<>(_type, _title, _message, defaultOption, options, _icon, _parent, property);
* @param type The type of the dialog, which may be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link JOptionPane#ERROR_MESSAGE}</li>
* <li>{@link JOptionPane#INFORMATION_MESSAGE}</li>
* <li>{@link JOptionPane#WARNING_MESSAGE}</li>
* <li>{@link JOptionPane#PLAIN_MESSAGE}</li>
* <li>{@link JOptionPane#QUESTION_MESSAGE}</li>
* </ul>
* @return A new {@link OptionsDialog} instance with the specified type.
private OptionsDialog<E> _type( int type ) {
return new OptionsDialog<>(type, _title, _message, _default, _options, _icon, _parent, _property);
* Shows the options dialog as a question dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#QUESTION_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsQuestion() {
return showAsQuestion(Object::toString);
* Shows the options dialog as a question dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#QUESTION_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsQuestion( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
return _type(JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE).show(presenter);
* Shows the options dialog as an error dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#ERROR_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsError() {
return showAsError(Object::toString);
* Shows the options dialog as an error dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#ERROR_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsError( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
return _type(JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE).show(presenter);
* Shows the options dialog as a warning dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#WARNING_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsWarning() {
return showAsWarning(Object::toString);
* Shows the options dialog as a warning dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#WARNING_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsWarning( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
return _type(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE).show(presenter);
* Shows the options dialog as an information dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#INFORMATION_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsInfo() {
return showAsInfo(Object::toString);
* Shows the options dialog as an information dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#INFORMATION_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsInfo( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
return _type(JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE).show(presenter);
* Shows the options dialog as a plain dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#PLAIN_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsPlain() {
return showAsPlain(Object::toString);
* Shows the options dialog as a plain dialog (see {@link JOptionPane#PLAIN_MESSAGE}) and returns the
* {@link Enum} answer that the user selected from the existing options.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* Note that this method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected
* an option in the dialog.
* @return The {@link Enum} instance that the user selected in the dialog.
public Optional<E> showAsPlain( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
return _type(JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE).show(presenter);
* Calling this method causes the dialog to be shown to the user.
* The method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected an option
* or closed the dialog.
* If the dialog is closed, the method will return an empty {@link Optional},
* otherwise it will return the {@link Enum} that the user selected.
* @return The {@link Enum} that the user selected in the dialog wrapped in an {@link Optional}
* or an empty {@link Optional} if the user closed the dialog.
public Optional<E> show() {
return this.show(Object::toString);
* Calling this method causes the dialog to be shown to the user.
* The method is blocking and will only return when the user has selected an option
* or closed the dialog.
* If the dialog is closed, the method will return an empty {@link Optional},
* otherwise it will return the {@link Enum} that the user selected.
* The presenter function is used to convert the enum options to strings that
* will be displayed in the dialog for the user to select from. <br>
* This is useful when your enum constant naming adheres to a specific naming convention,
* like capitalized snake case, and you want to present the options in a more user-centric format.
* @return The {@link Enum} that the user selected in the dialog wrapped in an {@link Optional}
* or an empty {@link Optional} if the user closed the dialog.
public Optional<E> show( Function<E, String> presenter ) {
E[] options = _options;
if ( options == null ) {
if ( _property != null )
options = _property.type().getEnumConstants();
else {
log.warn("No options were specified for dialog with title '{}' and message '{}'.", _title, _message);
if ( options == null )
options = (E[])new Enum<?>[0];
String[] asStr = new String[options.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) {
try {
asStr[i] = presenter.apply(options[i]);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.warn("An exception occurred while converting an enum option to a string!", e);
asStr[i] = options[i].toString();
E defaultOption = _default;
if ( defaultOption == null ) {
if ( _property != null && _property.isPresent() )
defaultOption = _property.get();
else if ( options.length > 0 )
defaultOption = options[0];
String defaultOptionStr = "";
if ( defaultOption != null ) {
try {
defaultOptionStr = presenter.apply(defaultOption);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.warn("An exception occurred while converting the default option to a string!", e);
defaultOptionStr = defaultOption.toString();
int type = _type;
if ( type < 0 ) {
if ( _property != null || options.length != 0 )
type = JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE;
else {
type = JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE;
int selectedIdx = Context.summoner.showOptionDialog(
_parent, // parent component, if this is not null then the dialog will be centered on it
_message, // message to display
_title, // title of the dialog
JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // type of the dialog
type, // type of the dialog
_icon, // icon to display
asStr, // options to display
defaultOptionStr // default option
if ( _property != null && selectedIdx >= 0 && options[selectedIdx] != null )
_property.set( From.VIEW, options[selectedIdx] );
return Optional.ofNullable( selectedIdx >= 0 ? options[selectedIdx] : null );