package swingtree.layout;
* A wrapper for mig layout constraint string to avoid the inherent brittleness of strings...
* which can be merged with other instances of this class through the {@link #and(LayoutConstraint)} method,
* which is in essence a wither method.
* <br>
* Here how this class would typically be used in a swing-tree UI:
* <pre>{@code
* import static swingtree.UI.*;
* public class MyView extends JPanel {
* public MyView() {
* of(this).withLayout(FILL.and(GROW).and(WRAP(3)))
* .add(LEFT, label("Name:") )
* .add(GROW.and(SPAN), textField("name") )
* .add(LEFT, label("Address:") )
* .add(GROW.and(SPAN), textField("address") )
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* As you can see this class is not used directly, but rather in the form of static constants
* as part of the UI class.
* You can define your own mig layout constraints as static constants in your own code
* by using the {@link #of(String...)} method.
public final class LayoutConstraint extends AbstractConstraint
* Create a new LayoutConstraint with the given layout constraints
* @param layoutConstraints the layout constraints in the form of a string array.
* @return a new LayoutConstraint, which may represent a single component or a group of layout constraints.
public static LayoutConstraint of( String... layoutConstraints ) { return new LayoutConstraint(layoutConstraints); }
private LayoutConstraint( String[] layoutConstraints ) { super(layoutConstraints); }
private LayoutConstraint() { super(); }
* Create a new {@link LayoutConstraint} with the provided {@link LayoutConstraint} merged with this one.
* @param attr the {@link LayoutConstraint} to merge with this one
* @return a new {@link LayoutConstraint} with the provided {@link LayoutConstraint} merged with this one
public LayoutConstraint and( LayoutConstraint attr ) { return (LayoutConstraint) _and( attr, new LayoutConstraint() ); }
* Create a new {@link LayoutConstraint} with the provided layout constraints merged with this one.
* @param layoutConstraints the string layout constraints to merge with this one
* @return a new {@link LayoutConstraint} with the provided layout constraints merged with this one
public LayoutConstraint and( String... layoutConstraints ) {
LayoutConstraint attr = new LayoutConstraint( layoutConstraints );
return (LayoutConstraint) _and( attr, new LayoutConstraint() );