package swingtree;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import sprouts.Action;
import swingtree.api.Configurator;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.dnd.*;
import java.util.Objects;
* A value based builder object for configuring drop target events for a component
* using the {@link UIForAnySwing#withDropSite(Configurator)} method, where an instance of this
* class is passed to the {@link Configurator} lambda defining how
* the component should behave and look when something is dragged and dropped
* on top of it. <br>
* <br>
* <b>For listening to drop events, the following methods are available:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #onDragEnter(Action)} -
* Called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer enters
* the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* </li>
* <li>{@link #onDragOver(Action)} -
* Called when a drag operation is ongoing, while the mouse pointer is still
* over the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* </li>
* <li>{@link #onDropActionChanged(Action)} -
* Called if the user has modified
* the current drop gesture.
* </li>
* <li>{@link #onDragExit(Action)} -
* Called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has
* exited the operable part of the drop site for the
* <code>DropTarget</code> registered with this listener.
* </li>
* <li>{@link #onDrop(Action)} -
* Called when the drag operation has terminated with a drop on
* the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* This is where the transfer of the data should take place.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param <C> The type of the component to be dragged away.
public final class DragDropComponentConf<C extends JComponent>
private static final Action NO_ACTION = e -> {};
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DragDropComponentConf.class);
public static <C extends JComponent> DragDropComponentConf<C> of(
C component
) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
private final C _component;
private final Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> _onDragEnter;
private final Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> _onDragOver;
private final Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> _onDropActionChanged;
private final Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetEvent>> _onDragExit;
private final Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDropEvent>> _onDragDropEnd;
private DragDropComponentConf(
C component,
Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> onDragEnter,
Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> onDragOver,
Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> onDropActionChanged,
Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetEvent>> onDragExit,
Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDropEvent>> onDragDropEnd
) {
_component = Objects.requireNonNull(component);
_onDragEnter = Objects.requireNonNull(onDragEnter);
_onDragOver = Objects.requireNonNull(onDragOver);
_onDropActionChanged = Objects.requireNonNull(onDropActionChanged);
_onDragExit = Objects.requireNonNull(onDragExit);
_onDragDropEnd = Objects.requireNonNull(onDragDropEnd);
* Returns the component that this configuration is for
* so that it can be used in the {@link UIForAnySwing#withDropSite(Configurator)}
* method to configure the drop site based on the component state.
* @return The component that this configuration is for.
public C component() {
return _component;
* The supplied action is called while a drag operation is ongoing,
* when the mouse pointer enters
* the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* @param action An {@link Action} with a <code>DropTargetDragEvent</code>
* wrapped in a {@link ComponentDelegate} passed to it.
* @return A new {@link DragDropComponentConf} updated with the supplied action.
public DragDropComponentConf<C> onDragEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> action) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
* The supplied action is called when a drag operation is ongoing, while the mouse pointer is still
* over the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* @param action An {@link Action} with a <code>DropTargetDragEvent</code>
* wrapped in a {@link ComponentDelegate} passed to it.
* @return A new {@link DragDropComponentConf} updated with the supplied action.
public DragDropComponentConf<C> onDragOver(Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> action) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
* The supplied action is called if the user has modified
* the current drop gesture.
* @param action An {@link Action} with a <code>DropTargetDragEvent</code>
* wrapped in a {@link ComponentDelegate} passed to it.
* @return A new {@link DragDropComponentConf} updated with the supplied action.
public DragDropComponentConf<C> onDropActionChanged(Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDragEvent>> action) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
* The supplied action is called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has
* exited the operable part of the drop site for the
* {@link DropTarget} registered with this listener.
* @param action An {@link Action} with a <code>DropTargetEvent</code>
* wrapped in a {@link ComponentDelegate} passed to it.
* @return A new {@link DragDropComponentConf} updated with the supplied action.
public DragDropComponentConf<C> onDragExit(Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetEvent>> action) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
* The supplied {@link Action} is called when the drag operation
* has terminated with a drop on
* the operable part of the drop site for the <code>DropTarget</code>
* registered with this listener.
* <p>
* This method is responsible for undertaking
* the transfer of the data associated with the
* gesture. The {@link DropTargetDropEvent}
* provides a means to obtain a {@link java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable}
* object that represents the data object(s) to
* be transfered.<P>
* From this method, the <code>DropTargetListener</code>
* shall accept or reject the drop via the
* acceptDrop(int dropAction) or rejectDrop() methods of the
* {@link DropTargetDropEvent} parameter.
* <P>
* After acceptDrop(), but not before,
* {@link DropTargetDropEvent}'s getTransferable()
* method may be invoked, and data transfer may be
* performed via the returned {@link java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable}'s
* getTransferData() method.
* <P>
* At the completion of a drop, an implementation
* of this method is required to signal the success/failure
* of the drop by passing an appropriate
* <code>boolean</code> to the {@link DropTargetDropEvent}'s
* dropComplete(boolean success) method.
* <P>
* Note: The data transfer should be completed before the call to the
* {@link DropTargetDropEvent}'s dropComplete(boolean success) method.
* After that, a call to the getTransferData() method of the
* {@link java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable} returned by
* <code>DropTargetDropEvent.getTransferable()</code> is guaranteed to
* succeed only if the data transfer is local; that is, only if
* {@link DropTargetDropEvent#isLocalTransfer} returns
* <code>true</code>. Otherwise, the behavior of the call is
* implementation-dependent.
* <P>
* @param action An {@link Action} with a {@link DropTargetDropEvent}
* wrapped in a {@link ComponentDelegate} passed to it.
* @return A new {@link DragDropComponentConf} updated with the supplied action.
public DragDropComponentConf<C> onDrop( Action<ComponentDelegate<C,DropTargetDropEvent>> action ) {
return new DragDropComponentConf<>(
DropTarget toNewDropTarget() {
return new DropTarget(
new DropTargetListener() {
public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
try {
_onDragEnter.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(_component, event));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while processing drag enter event.", e);
public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
try {
_onDragOver.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(_component, event));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while processing drag over event.", e);
public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
try {
_onDropActionChanged.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(_component, event));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while processing drop action changed event.", e);
public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent event) {
try {
_onDragExit.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(_component, event));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while processing drag exit event.", e);
public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent event) {
try {
_onDragDropEnd.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(_component, event));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occurred while processing drop event.", e);