package swingtree;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import swingtree.animation.*;
import swingtree.api.AnimatedStyler;
import swingtree.style.ComponentStyleDelegate;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Models an animation which can switch between two states.
* @param <C> The type of the component which this flip-flop animation is applied to.
* @author Daniel Nepp
final class FlipFlopStyler<C extends JComponent>
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlipFlopStyler.class);
private final LifeTime _lifetime;
private final AnimatedStyler<C> _styler;
private final WeakReference<C> _owner;
private @Nullable AnimationStatus _status = null;
private boolean _isOn;
private boolean _isCurrentlyRunningAnimation = false;
private @Nullable DisposableAnimation _animation = null;
FlipFlopStyler( boolean isOnInitially, C owner, LifeTime lifetime, AnimatedStyler<C> styler ) {
_isOn = isOnInitially;
_owner = new WeakReference<>(Objects.requireNonNull(owner));
_lifetime = Objects.requireNonNull(lifetime);
_styler = Objects.requireNonNull(styler);
ComponentStyleDelegate<C> style( ComponentStyleDelegate<C> delegate ) throws Exception {
AnimationStatus status = _status;
if ( status == null )
status = AnimationStatus.startOf(
new ActionEvent(this, 0, null)
_status = status;
return _styler.style(status, delegate);
void set( final boolean isOn ) {
if ( _isOn == isOn ) return;
C owner = _owner.get();
if ( owner == null )
LifeTime lifetime = _lifetime;
long offset = 0;
if ( _isCurrentlyRunningAnimation ) {
if ( _animation != null ) {
_animation = null;
Now this is tricky! We are in the middle of an animation transitioning between
the on and off states. What we want is to start a new animation from the progress
of the current animation. So we need to calculate the time offset for the new animation
based on the progress of the current animation.
double progress = _status == null ? 0 : _status.progress();
if ( _isOn )
progress = 1 - progress;
long animationDuration = lifetime.getDurationIn(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
offset = -(long) (animationDuration * progress);
_isCurrentlyRunningAnimation = true;
_animation = new DisposableAnimation(new Animation() {
public void run( AnimationStatus status ) {
_status = status;
_isOn = isOn;
public void finish( AnimationStatus status ) {
_status = status;
_isOn = isOn;
_isCurrentlyRunningAnimation = false;
AnimationDispatcher.animateFor(lifetime, isOn ? Stride.PROGRESSIVE : Stride.REGRESSIVE, owner)
.goWithOffset(offset, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, _animation);
static class DisposableAnimation implements Animation
private @Nullable Animation _animation;
DisposableAnimation( Animation animation ) {
_animation = Objects.requireNonNull(animation);
public void run( AnimationStatus status ) {
try {
if ( _animation != null )
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error("Error while running animation.", e);
public void finish( AnimationStatus status ) {
try {
if (_animation != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error while finishing animation.", e);
} finally {
public void dispose() {
_animation = null;