package swingtree;
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import sprouts.Val;
import swingtree.components.JBox;
import swingtree.layout.AddConstraint;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
import javax.swing.Scrollable;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.Objects;
* Defines an abstract builder for
* constructing a scroll pane or any subclass of {@link JScrollPane}.
* @param <I> The concrete type of the builder instance, which is
* important as a return type for the builder methods.
* @param <P> The type of the scroll pane or any subclass of {@link JScrollPane}.
public abstract class UIForAnyScrollPane<I, P extends JScrollPane> extends UIForAnySwing<I, P>
protected void _addComponentTo(P thisComponent, JComponent addedComponent, @Nullable AddConstraint constraints) {
if ( constraints != null ) {
if ( addedComponent instanceof Scrollable ) {
ThinScrollableDelegateBox thinDelegationBox = new ThinScrollableDelegateBox((Scrollable) addedComponent);
thinDelegationBox.add(addedComponent, constraints.toConstraintForLayoutManager());
} else {
// The user wants to add a component to the scroll pane with a specific constraint.
// Swing does not support any constraints for scroll panes, but we are not Swing, we are SwingTree!
ThinDelegationBox thinDelegationBox = new ThinDelegationBox(addedComponent);
thinDelegationBox.add(addedComponent, constraints.toConstraintForLayoutManager());
addedComponent = thinDelegationBox;
// ^ So we improve this situation by wrapping the component in a mig layout panel, supporting constraints.
// Let's strip it of any visible properties, since it should serve merely as a container.
* Use this to set the scroll bars policy for both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.<br>
* The scroll policy can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#NEVER}: The scrolls bar will never be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#ALWAYS}: The scrolls bar will always be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#AS_NEEDED}:
* The two scroll bars will only be displayed when needed,
* i.e. when the content is too large to fit in the viewport
* and scrolling is required.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param scrollPolicy The scroll policy to use.
* @return The next builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
* @throws NullPointerException If the argument is null.
public final I withScrollBarPolicy( UI.Active scrollPolicy ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
_setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollPolicy);
_setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollPolicy);
* Use this to set the scroll bars policy for the vertical scroll bar,
* which controls when the vertical scroll bar should be displayed or not.<br>
* The scroll policy can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#NEVER}: The vertical scroll bar will never be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#ALWAYS}: The vertical scroll bar will always be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#AS_NEEDED}:
* The vertical scroll bar will only be displayed when needed,
* i.e. when the content is too large to fit in the viewport
* and scrolling is required.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param scrollBarPolicy The scroll policy to determine when the vertical scroll bar should be displayed.
* @return This builder node, to allow for method chaining.
* @throws NullPointerException If the argument is null.
public final I withVerticalScrollBarPolicy( UI.Active scrollBarPolicy ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
_setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollBarPolicy);
private void _setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( P thisComponent, UI.Active scrollBarPolicy ) {
switch ( scrollBarPolicy ) {
case NEVER: thisComponent.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); break;
case ALWAYS: thisComponent.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); break;
case AS_NEEDED: thisComponent.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); break;
* Use this to dynamically set the scroll bars policy for the vertical scroll bar.
* When the property changes, the scroll bar policy will be updated accordingly.
* <p>
* The scroll policy can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#NEVER}: The vertical scroll bar will never be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#ALWAYS}: The vertical scroll bar will always be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#AS_NEEDED}:
* The vertical scroll bar will only be displayed when needed,
* i.e. when the content is too large to fit in the viewport
* and scrolling is required.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param scrollBarPolicy The scroll policy property, whose value will determine when
* the vertical scroll bar should be displayed.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Val<UI.Active> scrollBarPolicy ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(scrollBarPolicy, "scrollBarPolicy", Val.class);
NullUtil.nullPropertyCheck(scrollBarPolicy, "scrollBarPolicy", "Null is not a valid scroll bar policy.");
return _withOnShow( scrollBarPolicy, (thisComponent,v) -> {
_setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, v);
._with( thisComponent -> {
_setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollBarPolicy.get());
* Use this to set the scroll bars policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
* The scroll policy can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#NEVER}: The horizontal scroll bar will never be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#ALWAYS}: The horizontal scroll bar will always be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#AS_NEEDED}:
* The horizontal scroll bar will only be displayed when needed,
* i.e. when the content is too large to fit in the viewport
* and scrolling is required.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param scrollBarPolicy The scroll policy to use.
* @return The next builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
* @throws NullPointerException If the argument is null.
public final I withHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( UI.Active scrollBarPolicy ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
_setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollBarPolicy);
private void _setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( P thisComponent, UI.Active scrollBarPolicy ) {
switch ( scrollBarPolicy ) {
case NEVER: thisComponent.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); break;
case ALWAYS: thisComponent.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); break;
case AS_NEEDED: thisComponent.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); break;
* Use this to dynamically set the scroll bars policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
* When the property changes, the scroll bar policy will be updated accordingly.
* <p>
* The scroll policy can be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#NEVER}: The horizontal scroll bar will never be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#ALWAYS}: The horizontal scroll bar will always be displayed.</li>
* <li>{@link swingtree.UI.Active#AS_NEEDED}:
* The horizontal scroll bar will only be displayed when needed,
* i.e. when the content is too large to fit in the viewport
* and scrolling is required.
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param scrollBarPolicy The scroll policy property, whose value will determine when
* the horizontal scroll bar should be displayed.
* @return The next builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
* @throws NullPointerException If the argument is null.
public final I withHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Val<UI.Active> scrollBarPolicy ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(scrollBarPolicy, "scrollBarPolicy", Val.class);
NullUtil.nullPropertyCheck(scrollBarPolicy, "scrollBarPolicy", "Null is not a valid scroll bar policy.");
return _withOnShow( scrollBarPolicy, (thisComponent,v) -> {
_setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, v);
._with( thisComponent -> {
_setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(thisComponent, scrollBarPolicy.get());
* Use this to set the vertical scroll increment unit,
* which controls how far the content moves when you
* use the mouse wheel, scroll gesture on a touchpad or
* press the arrow buttons on the scrollbar.
* This can be thought of as the smallest step size for
* scrolling. Like for example, scrolling by one line of text
* at a time in a text area.
* @param increment The scroll vertical increment to use.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withVerticalScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Use this to set the horizontal scroll increment unit,
* which typically controls how far the content moves when you:
* <ul>
* <li>press the left and right arrow buttons on the scrollbar</li>
* <li>press the left and right arrow buttons on the keyboard</li>
* <li>use the mouse wheel or scroll gesture on a touchpad</li>
* </ul>
* <br>
* This can be thought of as the smallest step size for
* scrolling. Like for example, scrolling by one line of text
* at a time in a text area.
* @param increment The scroll horizontal increment to use.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withHorizontalScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Use this to set the vertical and horizontal scroll increment,
* which controls how far the content moves when you:
* <ul>
* <li>press the arrow buttons on the scrollbars</li>
* <li>press the arrow buttons on the keyboard</li>
* <li>use the mouse wheel or scroll gesture on a touchpad</li>
* </ul>
* <br>
* This can be thought of as the smallest step size for
* scrolling. Like for example, scrolling by one line of text
* at a time in a text area.
* @see #withVerticalScrollIncrement(int) if you only want to define the vertical increment.
* @see #withHorizontalScrollIncrement(int) if you only want to define the horizontal increment.
* @param increment The scroll increment to use.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Use this to set the vertical scroll bar block increment,
* which typically controls how far the content moves when you:
* <ul>
* <li>press the page up or page down keys (not to be confused with the arrow keys)</li>
* <li>click on a scroll bar track (the empty area of the scrollbar, not the thumb or arrows)</li>
* </ul>
* It represents a larger jump, like moving an entire "page" or a
* significant chunk of content.
* <p>
* Note, that if the argument is equal to the value of Integer.MIN_VALUE,
* then most look and feel implementations will not provide scrolling
* to the right/down.
* <br><b>
* Please be aware that look and feel implementations
* that provide custom scrolling behavior may ignore
* the block increment value.
* </b>
* @param increment The scroll vertical block increment to use when scrolling by a "block".
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withVerticalBlockScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Use this to set the horizontal scroll bar block increment,
* which typically controls how far the content moves
* to the left or right when you:
* <ul>
* <li>press the page up or page down keys (not to be confused with the arrow keys)</li>
* <li>click on a scroll bar track (the empty area of the scrollbar, not the thumb or arrows)</li>
* </ul>
* <br><b>
* Please be aware that look and feel implementations
* that provide custom scrolling behavior may ignore
* the block increment value.
* </b>
* @param increment The scroll horizontal block increment to use.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withHorizontalBlockScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Use this to set both the vertical and horizontal scroll block increment.
* The block increment is the amount to change the scrollbar's value by,
* given a block (usually "page") up/down request or when the user clicks
* above or below the scrollbar "knob" to change the value
* up or down by large amount.
* <br><b>
* Please be aware that look and feel implementations
* that provide custom scrolling behavior may ignore
* the block increment value.
* </b>
* @see #withVerticalBlockScrollIncrement(int) if you only want to define the vertical increment.
* @see #withHorizontalBlockScrollIncrement(int) if you only want to define the horizontal increment.
* @param increment The scroll block increment to use.
* @return This builder instance, to allow for method chaining.
public final I withBlockScrollIncrement( int increment ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Delegate class for wrapping a component in a thin container
* which always has the same sizes as the wrapped component.
static class ThinDelegationBox extends JBox {
protected final JComponent _child;
ThinDelegationBox(JComponent child) {
setLayout(new MigLayout("fill, ins 0, hidemode 2, gap 0"));
_child = child;
public void setSize(Dimension d) {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
Dimension prefChildSize = _child.getPreferredSize();
Dimension prefSelfSize = super.getPreferredSize();
if ( !Objects.equals(prefChildSize, prefSelfSize) ) {
return prefChildSize;
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
Dimension minChildSize = _child.getMinimumSize();
Dimension minSelfSize = super.getMinimumSize();
if ( !Objects.equals(minChildSize, minSelfSize) ) {
return minChildSize;
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
Dimension maxChildSize = _child.getMaximumSize();
Dimension maxSelfSize = super.getMaximumSize();
if ( !Objects.equals(maxChildSize, maxSelfSize) ) {
return maxChildSize;
private static final class ThinScrollableDelegateBox extends ThinDelegationBox implements Scrollable {
private final Scrollable _scrollable;
ThinScrollableDelegateBox( Scrollable child ) {
super((JComponent) child);
_scrollable = child;
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() {
return _scrollable.getPreferredScrollableViewportSize();
public int getScrollableUnitIncrement( Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction ) {
return _scrollable.getScrollableUnitIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction);
public int getScrollableBlockIncrement( Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction ) {
return _scrollable.getScrollableBlockIncrement(visibleRect, orientation, direction);
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() {
return _scrollable.getScrollableTracksViewportWidth();
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() {
return _scrollable.getScrollableTracksViewportHeight();