package swingtree;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import sprouts.Action;
import sprouts.*;
import sprouts.impl.SequenceDiff;
import sprouts.impl.SequenceDiffOwner;
import swingtree.api.mvvm.TabSupplier;
import swingtree.style.ComponentExtension;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring {@link JTabbedPane} instances.
* @param <P> The type of the {@link JTabbedPane} instance that this builder node configures.
public final class UIForTabbedPane<P extends JTabbedPane> extends UIForAnySwing<UIForTabbedPane<P>, P>
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UIForTabbedPane.class);
private static final Tab TAB_ERROR = UI.tab("Error Tab");
private static final Tab TAB_NULL = UI.tab("Empty Tab");
private final BuilderState<P> _state;
* {@link UIForAnySwing} (sub)types always wrap
* a single component for which they are responsible.
* @param state The {@link BuilderState} modelling how the component is built.
UIForTabbedPane( BuilderState<P> state ) {
_state = state.withMutator(thisComponent -> {
protected BuilderState<P> _state() {
return _state;
protected UIForTabbedPane<P> _newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P> newState ) {
return new UIForTabbedPane<>(newState);
* Adds an action to be performed when a mouse click is detected on a tab.
* The action will receive a {@link TabDelegate} instance which
* not only delegates the current tabbed pane and mouse event, but also
* tells the action which tab was clicked and whether the clicked tab is selected.
* @param onClick The action to be performed when a tab is clicked.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given action is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onTabMouseClick( Action<TabDelegate> onClick ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onClick, "onClick", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
thisComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
int indexOfTab = thisComponent.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
int tabCount = thisComponent.getTabCount();
if ( indexOfTab >= 0 && indexOfTab < tabCount )
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onClick.accept(new TabDelegate(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab click!", ex);
* Adds an action to be performed when a mouse press is detected on a tab.
* The action will receive a {@link TabDelegate} instance which
* not only delegates the current tabbed pane and mouse event, but also
* tells the action which tab was pressed and whether the pressed tab is selected.
* @param onPress The action to be performed when a tab is pressed.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given action is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onTabMousePress( Action<TabDelegate> onPress ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onPress, "onPress", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
thisComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
int indexOfTab = thisComponent.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
int tabCount = thisComponent.getTabCount();
if ( indexOfTab >= 0 && indexOfTab < tabCount )
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onPress.accept(new TabDelegate(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab press!", ex);
* Adds an action to be performed when a mouse release is detected on a tab.
* The action will receive a {@link TabDelegate} instance which
* not only delegates the current tabbed pane and mouse event, but also
* tells the action which tab was released and whether the released tab is selected.
* @param onRelease The action to be performed when a tab is released.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given action is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onTabMouseRelease( Action<TabDelegate> onRelease ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onRelease, "onRelease", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
thisComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
int indexOfTab = thisComponent.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
int tabCount = thisComponent.getTabCount();
if ( indexOfTab >= 0 && indexOfTab < tabCount )
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onRelease.accept(new TabDelegate(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab release!", ex);
* Adds an action to be performed when a mouse enter is detected on a tab.
* The action will receive a {@link TabDelegate} instance which
* not only delegates the current tabbed pane and mouse event, but also
* tells the action which tab was entered and whether the entered tab is selected.
* @param onEnter The action to be performed when a tab is entered.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given action is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onTabMouseEnter( Action<TabDelegate> onEnter ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onEnter, "onEnter", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
thisComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
int indexOfTab = thisComponent.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
int tabCount = thisComponent.getTabCount();
if ( indexOfTab >= 0 && indexOfTab < tabCount )
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onEnter.accept(new TabDelegate(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab enter!", ex);
* Adds an action to be performed when a mouse exit is detected on a tab.
* The action will receive a {@link TabDelegate} instance which
* not only delegates the current tabbed pane and mouse event, but also
* tells the action which tab was exited and whether the exited tab is selected.
* @param onExit The action to be performed when a tab is exited.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given action is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onTabMouseExit( Action<TabDelegate> onExit ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onExit, "onExit", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
thisComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
int indexOfTab = thisComponent.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
int tabCount = thisComponent.getTabCount();
if ( indexOfTab >= 0 && indexOfTab < tabCount )
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onExit.accept(new TabDelegate(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab exit!", ex);
* Sets the selected tab based on the given index.
* @param index The index of the tab to select.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withSelectedIndex( int index ) {
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Dynamically sets the selected tab based on the given index property.
* So when the index property changes, the selected tab will change accordingly.
* @param index The index property of the tab to select.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withSelectedIndex( Val<Integer> index ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck( index, "index", Val.class );
NullUtil.nullPropertyCheck( index, "index", "Null is not a valid state for modelling a selected index." );
return _withOnShow( index, (thisComponent,i) -> {
._with( thisComponent -> {
* Binds the given index property to the selection index of the tabbed pane,
* which means that when the index property changes, the selected tab will change accordingly
* and when the user selects a different tab, the index property will be updated accordingly.
* @param index The index property of the tab to select.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withSelectedIndex( Var<Integer> index ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck( index, "index", Var.class );
NullUtil.nullPropertyCheck( index, "index", "Null is not a valid state for modelling a selected index." );
return _with( thisComponent -> {
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(thisComponent);
if ( state.selectedTabIndex != null && state.selectedTabIndex != index )
"Trying to bind a new property '"+index+"' " +
"to the index of tabbed pane '"+thisComponent+"' " +
"even though the previously specified property '"+state.selectedTabIndex+"' is " +
"already bound to it. " +
"The previous property will be replaced now!",
new Throwable()
state.selectedTabIndex = index;
._withOnShow( index, (thisComponent,i) -> {
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(thisComponent);
state.selectionListeners.forEach( l -> l.accept(i) );
._with( thisComponent -> {
_onChange(thisComponent, e -> _runInApp(()->{
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(thisComponent);
index.set(From.VIEW, thisComponent.getSelectedIndex());
state.selectionListeners.forEach(l -> l.accept(thisComponent.getSelectedIndex()) );
* Defines the tab placement side based on the given {@link swingtree.UI.Side} enum,
* which maps directly to the {@link JTabbedPane#setTabPlacement(int)} method.
* @param side The position to use for the tabs.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withTabPlacementAt( UI.Side side ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(side, "side", UI.Side.class );
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Binds the supplied property to the tab placement of the tabbed pane.
* This means that when the property changes, the tab placement will change accordingly.
* The {@link swingtree.UI.Side} enum maps directly to the {@link JTabbedPane#setTabPlacement(int)} method.
* @param side The position property to use for the tabs.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withTabPlacementAt( Val<UI.Side> side ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(side, "side", Var.class);
return _withOnShow( side, (thisComponent,v) -> {
._with( thisComponent -> {
* Defines the overflow policy based on the given {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy} enum,
* which maps directly to the {@link JTabbedPane#setTabLayoutPolicy(int)} method.
* The overflow policy must either be {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy#SCROLL} or
* {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy#WRAP}.
* The {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy#SCROLL} policy will make the tabs scrollable
* when there are too many tabs to fit in the tabbed pane.
* The {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy#WRAP} policy will make the tabs wrap to the next line
* when there are too many tabs to fit in the tabbed pane.
* @param policy The overflow policy to use for the tabs.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withOverflowPolicy( UI.OverflowPolicy policy ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck( policy, "policy", UI.OverflowPolicy.class );
return _with( thisComponent -> {
* Binds the supplied enum property to the overflow policy of the tabbed pane.
* When the item of the property changes, the overflow policy will change accordingly.
* The {@link swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy} enum maps directly to the
* {@link JTabbedPane#setTabLayoutPolicy(int)} method.
* @param policy The overflow policy property to use for the tabs.
* @return This builder node.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> withOverflowPolicy( Val<UI.OverflowPolicy> policy ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(policy, "policy", Var.class);
return _withOnShow( policy, (thisComponent,v) -> {
._with( thisComponent -> {
private Supplier<Integer> _indexFinderFor(
WeakReference<P> paneRef,
WeakReference<JComponent> contentRef
) {
return ()->{
P foundPane = paneRef.get();
JComponent foundContent = contentRef.get();
if ( foundPane != null && foundContent != null ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < foundPane.getTabCount(); i++ ) {
if ( foundContent == foundPane.getComponentAt(i) ) return i;
return -1;
* Adds a tab to the tabbed pane based on the given {@link Tab} configuration.
* The tab will be added to the end of the tab list.
* @param tab The tab to add to the tabbed pane.
* @return This builder node.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given tab is null.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> add( Tab tab )
return _with( thisComponent -> {
JComponent dummyContent = new JPanel();
WeakReference<P> paneRef = new WeakReference<>(thisComponent);
WeakReference<JComponent> contentRef = new WeakReference<>(tab.contents().orElse(dummyContent));
Supplier<Integer> indexFinder = _indexFinderFor(paneRef, contentRef);
.ifPresent(onSelection ->
thisComponent.addChangeListener(e -> {
JTabbedPane tabbedPane = paneRef.get();
if ( tabbedPane == null ) return;
int index = indexFinder.get();
if ( index >= 0 && index == tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() )
try {
onSelection.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(tabbedPane, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab selection!", ex);
TabMouseClickListener mouseListener = new TabMouseClickListener(thisComponent, indexFinder, tab.onMouseClick().orElse(null));
// Initial tab setup:
_doWithoutListeners(thisComponent, ()-> {
boolean hasSelectionBoolProp = tab.isSelected().isPresent();
ExtraState.of(thisComponent).doSilentlyIfAlreadyHasSelectionOrIf(hasSelectionBoolProp, ()->{
tab.isEnabled().ifPresent( isEnabled -> thisComponent.setEnabledAt(indexFinder.get(), isEnabled.get()) );
tab.isSelected().ifPresent( isSelected -> {
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(thisComponent);
_selectTabFromModelling(thisComponent, indexFinder.get(), isSelected.get());
if ( isSelected instanceof Var && isSelected.isMutable() ) {
Var<Boolean> isSelectedMut = (Var<Boolean>) isSelected;
state.selectionListeners.add(i -> {
boolean isNowSelected = _isSuppliedTabIndexSelected(indexFinder, i);
isSelectedMut.set(From.VIEW, isNowSelected);
The above listener will ensure that the isSelected property of the tab is updated when
the selection index property changes.
// Now on to binding:
tab.title() .ifPresent( title -> _onShow(title, thisComponent, (c,t) -> c.setTitleAt(indexFinder.get(), t)) );
tab.icon() .ifPresent( icon -> _onShow(icon, thisComponent, (c,i) -> c.setIconAt(indexFinder.get(), i)) );
tab.tip() .ifPresent( tip -> _onShow(tip, thisComponent, (c,t) -> c.setToolTipTextAt(indexFinder.get(), t)) );
tab.isEnabled() .ifPresent( enabled -> _onShow(enabled, thisComponent, (c,e) -> c.setEnabledAt(indexFinder.get(), e)) );
tab.isSelected().ifPresent( isSelected -> _onShow(isSelected, thisComponent, (c,s) -> _selectTab(c, indexFinder.get(), s) ));
tab.headerContents().ifPresent( c ->
_buildTabHeader( tab, mouseListener )
* Dynamically generates tabs for items in a {@link Vals} list and automatically updates them
* when the items change. The items are typically view model instances, but can be any type.
* <p>
* The provided {@link TabSupplier} lambda is invoked with each item from the list,
* returning a {@link Tab} to be added to the {@link JTabbedPane} wrapped by this builder.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Binding tabs to a {@link Vals} list assumes no other tabs are present.
* <p>
* <b>Usage:</b>
* <pre>{@code
* UI.panel()
* .add(
* UI.tabbedPane().addAll(tabs, model ->
* switch(model.type()) {
* case LOGIN -> UI.tab("Login").add(..);
* case ABOUT -> UI.tab("About").add(..);
* case SETTINGS -> UI.tab("Settings").add(..);
* }
* )
* )
* }</pre>
* @param <M> The type of items in the {@link Vals} list.
* @param tabModels A list of items, typically view model instances.
* @param tabSupplier A lambda to generate a {@link Tab} for each item.
* @return This instance, allowing for builder-style method chaining.
public <M> UIForTabbedPane<P> addAll(Vals<M> tabModels, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(tabModels, "tabModels");
Objects.requireNonNull(tabSupplier, "tabSupplier");
return _with(thisComponent -> {
if ( thisComponent.getTabCount() > 0 ) {
"Trying to bind a list of tabs to a tabbed pane that already has tabs. \n" +
"Manually defined tabs existing along with bound tabs is not supported. \n" +
"The manually defined tabs will be removed now!",
new Throwable() // Stack trace so that a user can see where this warning was triggered.
_doWithoutListeners(thisComponent, thisComponent::removeAll);
_onShow(tabModels, thisComponent, (pane, delegate) -> {
_updateTabs(pane, delegate, tabSupplier);
tabModels.forEach(v -> _addTabAt(thisComponent.getTabCount(), v, tabSupplier, thisComponent));
private <M> void _updateTabs(P pane, ValsDelegate<M> delegate, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier) {
Vals<M> newValues = delegate.newValues();
Vals<M> oldValues = delegate.oldValues();
int index = delegate.index().orElse(-1);
switch (delegate.change()) {
case SET:
if ( index < 0 ) {
log.error("Missing index for change type: {}", delegate.change(), new Throwable());
delegate.currentValues().forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < newValues.size(); i++) {
int position = index + i;
_updateTabAt(position, newValues.at(i).orElseNull(), tabSupplier, pane);
case ADD:
if ( index < 0 ) {
log.error("Missing index for change type: {}", delegate.change(), new Throwable());
delegate.currentValues().forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < newValues.size(); i++) {
int position = index + i;
_addTabAt(position, newValues.at(i).orElseNull(), tabSupplier, pane);
case REMOVE:
if ( index < 0 ) {
log.error("Missing index for change type: {}", delegate.change(), new Throwable());
delegate.currentValues().forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < oldValues.size(); i++) {
_removeTabAt(index, pane);
case CLEAR:
case NONE:
log.error("Unknown change type: {}", delegate.change(), new Throwable());
// We do a simple rebuild:
delegate.currentValues().forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
if (pane.getTabCount() != delegate.currentValues().size()) {
"Broken binding to view model list detected! \n" +
"TabbedPane tab count '{}' does not match tab models list of size '{}'. \n" +
"A possible cause for this is that tabs were {} this '{}' \n" +
"directly, instead of through the property list binding. \n" +
"However, this could also be a bug in the UI framework.",
pane.getTabCount() > delegate.currentValues().size() ? "added to" : "removed from",
new Throwable()
* Dynamically generates tabs for items in a {@link Tuple} {@link Val} and automatically updates them
* when the items change. The tuple items are typically view model instances, but can be any type.
* <p>
* The provided {@link TabSupplier} lambda is invoked with each item from the tuple,
* returning a {@link Tab} to be added to the {@link JTabbedPane} wrapped by this builder.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Binding tabs to a {@link Tuple} {@link Val} assumes no other tabs are present.
* <p>
* <b>Usage:</b>
* <pre>{@code
* UI.panel()
* .add(
* UI.tabbedPane().addAll(tabs, model ->
* switch(model.type()) {
* case LOGIN -> UI.tab("Login").add(..);
* case ABOUT -> UI.tab("About").add(..);
* case SETTINGS -> UI.tab("Settings").add(..);
* }
* )
* )
* }</pre>
* @param <M> The type of items in the form of a {@link Tuple} wrapped by a {@link Val}.
* @param tabModels A list of items, typically view model instances.
* @param tabSupplier A lambda to generate a {@link Tab} for each item.
* @return This instance, allowing for builder-style method chaining.
public <M> UIForTabbedPane<P> addAll(Val<Tuple<M>> tabModels, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(tabModels, "tabModels");
Objects.requireNonNull(tabSupplier, "tabSupplier");
return _with(thisComponent -> {
if ( thisComponent.getTabCount() > 0 ) {
"Trying to bind a tuple of tabs to a tabbed pane that already has tabs. \n" +
"Manually defined tabs existing along with bound tabs is not supported. \n" +
"The manually defined tabs will be removed now!",
new Throwable() // Stack trace so that a user can see where this warning was triggered.
_doWithoutListeners(thisComponent, thisComponent::removeAll);
AtomicReference<@Nullable SequenceDiff> lastDiffRef = new AtomicReference<>(null);
if (tabModels.get() instanceof SequenceDiffOwner)
_onShow(tabModels, thisComponent, (pane, tupleOfModels) -> {
_updateTabs(pane, tupleOfModels, lastDiffRef, tabSupplier);
tabModels.get().forEach(v -> _addTabAt(thisComponent.getTabCount(), v, tabSupplier, thisComponent));
private <M> void _updateTabs(P pane, Tuple<M> tupleOfModels, AtomicReference<@Nullable SequenceDiff> lastDiffRef, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier) {
SequenceDiff diff = null;
SequenceDiff lastDiff = lastDiffRef.get();
if (tupleOfModels instanceof SequenceDiffOwner)
diff = ((SequenceDiffOwner)tupleOfModels).differenceFromPrevious().orElse(null);
if ( diff == null || ( lastDiff == null || !diff.isDirectSuccessorOf(lastDiff) ) ) {
tupleOfModels.forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
} else {
switch (diff.change()) {
case SET:
for (int i = 0; i < diff.size(); i++) {
int position = diff.index().orElse(0) + i;
_updateTabAt(position, tupleOfModels.get(position), tabSupplier, pane);
case ADD:
for (int i = 0; i < diff.size(); i++) {
int position = diff.index().orElse(0) + i;
_addTabAt(position, tupleOfModels.get(position), tabSupplier, pane);
case REMOVE:
for (int i = 0; i < diff.size(); i++) {
_removeTabAt(diff.index().orElse(0), pane);
case RETAIN:
int currentNumberOfTabs = pane.getTabCount();
int firstToRemove = diff.index().orElse(0);
int lastToRemove = currentNumberOfTabs - (firstToRemove + diff.size());
//remove the first n tabs
for (int i = 0; i < firstToRemove; i++) {
_removeTabAt(0, pane);
// remove the last n tabs
for (int i = 0; i < lastToRemove; i++) {
_removeTabAt(diff.size(), pane);
case CLEAR:
case NONE:
log.error("Unknown change type: {}", diff.change(), new Throwable());
// We do a simple rebuild:
tupleOfModels.forEach(value -> _addTabAt(pane.getTabCount(), value, tabSupplier, pane));
if (pane.getTabCount() != tupleOfModels.size()) {
"Broken binding to view model tuple detected! \n" +
"TabbedPane tab count '{}' does not match tab models tuple of size '{}'. \n" +
"A possible cause for this is that tabs were {} this '{}' \n" +
"directly, instead of through the property tuple binding. \n" +
"However, this could also be a bug in the UI framework.",
pane.getTabCount() > tupleOfModels.size() ? "added to" : "removed from",
new Throwable()
private void _doWithoutListeners( P thisComponent, Runnable r ) {
ChangeListener[] listeners = thisComponent.getChangeListeners();
for ( ChangeListener l : listeners ) thisComponent.removeChangeListener(l);
for ( ChangeListener l : listeners ) thisComponent.addChangeListener(l);
This is important because the tabbed pane will fire a change event when a tab is added.
This is not desirable because the tabbed pane is not yet fully initialized at that point.
private void _selectTab( P thisComponent, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected ) {
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(thisComponent);
int selectedIndex = ( isSelected ? tabIndex : thisComponent.getSelectedIndex() );
if ( state.selectedTabIndex != null )
state.selectedTabIndex.set(From.VIEW, selectedIndex);
else if ( isSelected )
state.selectionListeners.forEach(l -> l.accept(selectedIndex));
private void _selectTabFromModelling( P thisComponent, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected ) {
int selectedIndex = ( isSelected ? tabIndex : thisComponent.getSelectedIndex() );
if ( isSelected )
private JComponent _buildTabHeader( Tab tab, TabMouseClickListener mouseListener )
tab.title().map( title ->
// We want both title and user component in the header!
UI.panel("fill, ins 0").withBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0))
.applyIfPresent( tab.tip().map( tip -> panel -> panel.withTooltip(tip) ) )
.peek( it -> {
UI.label(title).withBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0))
.applyIfPresent( tab.tip().map( tip -> label -> label.withTooltip(tip) ) )
.peek( it -> {
.add("grow", tab.headerContents().orElse(new JPanel()))
.map( p -> (JComponent) p )
.orElse(tab.headerContents().orElse(new JPanel()));
private class TabMouseClickListener extends MouseAdapter
private final List<WeakReference<JComponent>> ownerRefs = new ArrayList<>();
private final WeakReference<JTabbedPane> paneRef;
private final Supplier<Integer> indexFinder;
private final @Nullable Action<ComponentDelegate<JTabbedPane, MouseEvent>> mouseClickAction;
private TabMouseClickListener(
JTabbedPane pane,
Supplier<Integer> indexFinder,
@Nullable Action<ComponentDelegate<JTabbedPane, MouseEvent>> mouseClickAction
) {
this.paneRef = new WeakReference<>(pane);
this.indexFinder = Objects.requireNonNull(indexFinder);
this.mouseClickAction = mouseClickAction;
if ( mouseClickAction != null ) {
pane.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
JTabbedPane pane = paneRef.get();
if ( pane == null ) return;
int indexOfThis = indexOfThisTab();
if ( indexOfThis < 0 ) return;
int indexClicked = pane.indexAtLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
if ( indexClicked < 0 ) return;
if ( indexOfThis == indexClicked )
_runInApp(()-> {
try {
mouseClickAction.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(pane, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab click!", ex);
private void doAction( JTabbedPane pane, MouseEvent e ) {
Point p = e.getPoint();
if ( e.getSource() != pane ) {
// We need to find the point relative to the tabbed pane:
p = traversePosition((Component) e.getSource(), pane, p);
int indexOfThis = indexOfThisTab();
if ( indexOfThis < 0 ) return;
int indexClicked = pane.indexAtLocation(p.x, p.y);
if ( indexClicked < 0 ) return;
if ( indexOfThis == indexClicked && mouseClickAction != null )
_runInApp(()-> {
try {
mouseClickAction.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(pane, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab click!", ex);
if ( indexOfThis < pane.getTabCount() )
private int indexOfThisTab() {
return indexFinder.get();
public void addOwner(JComponent c) { this.ownerRefs.add(new WeakReference<>(c)); }
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
JTabbedPane pane = this.paneRef.get();
if ( pane == null ) {
for ( WeakReference<JComponent> compRef : this.ownerRefs) {
JComponent owner = compRef.get();
if ( owner != null )
else doAction( pane, e );
* If we click on a subcomponent on the header we need to traverse
* upwards to find the click position relative to the tabbed pane!
* Otherwise we don't know where the click went.
* @param current The component where we currently have the relative position {@code p}.
* @param end The component at which we end traversal when it is the same as the current.
* @param p The relative position to the current component.
* @return The relative position to the end component!
private static Point traversePosition( Component current, Component end, Point p ) {
if ( current == end ) return p;
Component parent = current.getParent();
Point relativeToParent = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(current, p, parent);
return traversePosition(parent, end, relativeToParent);
* Adds an {@link Action} to the underlying {@link JTabbedPane}
* through an {@link javax.swing.event.ChangeListener},
* which will be called when the state of the tabbed pane changes.
* For more information see {@link JTabbedPane#addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener)}.
* @param onChange The {@link Action} that will be called through the underlying change event.
* @return This very instance, which enables builder-style method chaining.
public final UIForTabbedPane<P> onChange( Action<ComponentDelegate<P, ChangeEvent>> onChange ) {
NullUtil.nullArgCheck(onChange, "onChange", Action.class);
return _with( thisComponent -> {
_onChange(thisComponent, e -> _runInApp(()->{
try {
onChange.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(thisComponent, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab change!", ex);
private void _onChange( P thisComponent, Consumer<ChangeEvent> action ) {
private <M> void _addTabAt(int index, @Nullable M m, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier, P p) {
Tab tab = _createTab(m, tabSupplier);
JComponent dummyContent = new JPanel();
WeakReference<P> paneRef = new WeakReference<>(p);
WeakReference<JComponent> contentRef = new WeakReference<>(tab.contents().orElse(dummyContent));
Supplier<Integer> indexFinder = _indexFinderFor(paneRef, contentRef);
.ifPresent(onSelection ->
p.addChangeListener(e -> {
JTabbedPane tabbedPane = paneRef.get();
if (tabbedPane == null) return;
int i = indexFinder.get();
if (i >= 0 && i == tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex())
_runInApp(() -> {
try {
onSelection.accept(new ComponentDelegate<>(tabbedPane, e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while executing action on tab selection!", ex);
TabMouseClickListener mouseListener = new TabMouseClickListener(p, indexFinder, tab.onMouseClick().orElse(null));
// Initial tab setup:
tab.isEnabled().ifPresent(isEnabled -> p.setEnabledAt(indexFinder.get(), isEnabled.get()));
tab.isSelected().ifPresent(isSelected -> {
ExtraState state = ExtraState.of(p);
_selectTabFromModelling(p, indexFinder.get(), isSelected.get());
if (isSelected instanceof Var && isSelected.isMutable()) {
Var<Boolean> isSelectedMut = (Var<Boolean>) isSelected;
state.selectionListeners.add(i -> {
boolean isNowSelected = _isSuppliedTabIndexSelected(indexFinder, i);
isSelectedMut.set(From.VIEW, isNowSelected);
The above listener will ensure that the isSelected property of the tab is updated when
the selection index property changes.
// Now on to binding:
tab.title().ifPresent(title -> _onShow(title, p, (c, t) -> c.setTitleAt(indexFinder.get(), t)));
tab.icon().ifPresent(icon -> _onShow(icon, p, (c, i) -> c.setIconAt(indexFinder.get(), i)));
tab.tip().ifPresent(tip -> _onShow(tip, p, (c, t) -> c.setToolTipTextAt(indexFinder.get(), t)));
tab.isEnabled().ifPresent(enabled -> _onShow(enabled, p, (c, e) -> c.setEnabledAt(indexFinder.get(), e)));
tab.isSelected().ifPresent(isSelected -> _onShow(isSelected, p, (c, s) -> _selectTab(c, indexFinder.get(), s)));
tab.headerContents().ifPresent(c -> p.setTabComponentAt(index, _buildTabHeader(tab, mouseListener)));
private static boolean _isSuppliedTabIndexSelected(Supplier<Integer> indexOfCurrent, int newIndex) {
return newIndex >= 0 && Objects.equals(newIndex, indexOfCurrent.get());
private <M> void _updateTabAt(int index, @Nullable M m, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier, P p) {
_removeTabAt(index, p);
_addTabAt(index, m, tabSupplier, p);
private void _removeTabAt(int index, P p) {
private <M> Tab _createTab( @Nullable M m, TabSupplier<M> tabSupplier ) {
if (m == null)
return UIForTabbedPane.TAB_NULL;
try {
Tab tab = tabSupplier.createTabFor(m);
if ( tab == null ) {
log.warn("Tab supplier returned null for '{}'.", m, new Throwable());
return UIForTabbedPane.TAB_NULL;
return tab;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error while creating tab for '{}'.", m, e);
return UIForTabbedPane.TAB_ERROR;
private static class ExtraState extends DefaultSingleSelectionModel
static ExtraState of( JTabbedPane pane ) {
return ComponentExtension.from(pane)
.getOrSet(ExtraState.class, ExtraState::new);
final List<Consumer<Integer>> selectionListeners = new ArrayList<>();
private @Nullable Var<Integer> selectedTabIndex = null;
private boolean ignoreChanges = false;
@Override public void setSelectedIndex(int index) {
if ( ignoreChanges )
if ( selectedTabIndex != null )
selectedTabIndex.set(From.VIEW, index);
selectionListeners.forEach(l -> l.accept(index));
@Override public void clearSelection() {
if ( ignoreChanges )
if ( selectedTabIndex != null )
selectedTabIndex.set(From.VIEW, -1);
private void doSilentlyIfAlreadyHasSelectionOrIf(boolean condition, Runnable action) {
ignoreChanges = ( condition || this.selectedTabIndex != null );
try {
} finally {
ignoreChanges = false;