package swingtree;
import net.miginfocom.layout.AC;
import net.miginfocom.layout.CC;
import net.miginfocom.layout.LC;
import swingtree.layout.AddConstraint;
import swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint;
* Essentially just a namespace for static layout constants for
* the {@link net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout} {@link java.awt.LayoutManager} type. <br>
* This class is not intended to be instantiated! <br>
* <br>
* The constants as well as static factory methods in this class
* are intended to be used like this:
* <pre>{@code
* import static swingtree.UI.*;
* //...
* panel(FILL.and(WRAP(2)))
* .withPrefSize(500, 300)
* .add(GROW,
* panel(FILL_X.and(WRAP(2)),"[shrink][grow]")
* .add(label("Username"))
* .add(GROW_X,
* textField(vm.username())
* )
* .add(SHRINK_X, label("Password"))
* .add(GROW_X,
* passwordField(vm.password())
* )
* )
* .add(GROW,
* panel(FILL_X.and(WRAP(2)),"[shrink][grow]")
* .add(label("Email"))
* .add(GROW_X,
* textField(vm.email())
* )
* .add(SHRINK_X, label("Gender"))
* .add(GROW_X,
* comboBox(vm.gender())
* )
* )
* .add(GROW_X,
* panel(FILL_X.and(WRAP(1)))
* .add(GROW_X,
* checkBox("I accept!", vm.termsAccepted())
* )
* .add(GROW_X,
* button("Register")
* .onClick( it -> vm.register() )
* )
* )
* .add(GROW_X,
* panel(FILL_X.and(WRAP(1)))
* .withBorderTitled("Feedback")
* .add(GROW_X,
* boldLabel(
* vm.feedback()
* )
* .withForeground(vm.feedbackColor())
* )
* )
* .add(GROW_X.and(SPAN), button("RESET").onClick( it -> vm.reset() ));
* }</pre>
* In this little example form we can see how the constants are used to
* create a form with a grid layout. <br>
* The {@link #FILL} constant is used to make the panels fill the entire
* width of the parent panel. <br>
* The {@link #WRAP(int)} constant is used to make the panels wrap after
* n components have been added to them. <br>
* The {@link #GROW} constant is used to make the panels grow vertically
* to fill the entire height of the parent panel. <br>
* ... and so on. <br>
public abstract class UILayoutConstants
UILayoutConstants() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
// Common Mig layout constants:
public static LayoutConstraint FILL = LayoutConstraint.of("fill");
public static LayoutConstraint FILL_X = LayoutConstraint.of("fillx");
public static LayoutConstraint FILL_Y = LayoutConstraint.of("filly");
public static LayoutConstraint INS(int insets) { return INSETS(insets); }
public static LayoutConstraint INSETS(int insets) { return LayoutConstraint.of("insets " + insets); }
public static LayoutConstraint INS(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { return INSETS(top, left, bottom, right); }
public static LayoutConstraint INSETS(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { return LayoutConstraint.of("insets " + top + " " + left + " " + bottom + " " + right); }
public static LayoutConstraint WRAP(int times) { return LayoutConstraint.of( "wrap " + times ); }
public static LayoutConstraint GAP_REL(int size) { return LayoutConstraint.of( "gap rel " + size ); }
public static LayoutConstraint FLOW_X = LayoutConstraint.of("flowx");
public static LayoutConstraint FLOW_Y = LayoutConstraint.of("flowy");
public static LayoutConstraint NO_GRID = LayoutConstraint.of("nogrid");
public static LayoutConstraint NO_CACHE = LayoutConstraint.of("nocache");
public static LayoutConstraint DEBUG = LayoutConstraint.of("debug");
public static AddConstraint WRAP = AddConstraint.of("wrap");
public static AddConstraint SPAN = AddConstraint.of("SPAN");
public static AddConstraint SPAN(int times ) { return AddConstraint.of( "span " + times ); }
public static AddConstraint SPAN(int xTimes, int yTimes ) { return AddConstraint.of( "span " + xTimes + " " + yTimes ); }
public static AddConstraint SPAN_X(int times ) { return AddConstraint.of( "spanx " + times ); }
public static AddConstraint SPAN_Y(int times ) { return AddConstraint.of( "spany " + times ); }
public static AddConstraint GROW = AddConstraint.of("grow");
public static AddConstraint GROW_X = AddConstraint.of("growx");
public static AddConstraint GROW_Y = AddConstraint.of("growy");
public static AddConstraint GROW(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of( "grow " + weight ); }
public static AddConstraint GROW_X(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of( "growx " + weight ); }
public static AddConstraint GROW_Y(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of( "growy " + weight ); }
public static AddConstraint SHRINK = AddConstraint.of("shrink");
public static AddConstraint SHRINK_X = AddConstraint.of("shrinkx");
public static AddConstraint SHRINK_Y = AddConstraint.of("shrinky");
public static AddConstraint SHRINK(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("shrink "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint SHRINK_X(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("shrinkx "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint SHRINK_Y(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("shrinky "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint SHRINK_PRIO(int priority ) { return AddConstraint.of("shrinkprio "+priority); }
public static AddConstraint PUSH = AddConstraint.of("push");
public static AddConstraint PUSH_X = AddConstraint.of("pushx");
public static AddConstraint PUSH_Y = AddConstraint.of("pushy");
public static AddConstraint PUSH(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("push "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint PUSH_X(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("pushx "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint PUSH_Y(int weight ) { return AddConstraint.of("pushy "+weight); }
public static AddConstraint SKIP(int cells ) { return AddConstraint.of("skip "+cells); }
public static AddConstraint SPLIT(int cells ) { return AddConstraint.of("split "+cells); }
public static AddConstraint WIDTH(int min, int pref, int max ) { return AddConstraint.of("width "+min+":"+pref+":"+max); }
public static AddConstraint HEIGHT(int min, int pref, int max ) { return AddConstraint.of("height "+min+":"+pref+":"+max); }
public static AddConstraint PAD(int size ) { return PAD(size, size, size, size); }
public static AddConstraint PAD(int top, int left, int bottom, int right ) { return AddConstraint.of("pad "+top+" "+left+" "+bottom+" "+right); }
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_CENTER = AddConstraint.of("align center");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_LEFT = AddConstraint.of("align left");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_RIGHT = AddConstraint.of("align right");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_X_CENTER = AddConstraint.of("alignx center");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_X_LEFT = AddConstraint.of("alignx left");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_X_RIGHT = AddConstraint.of("alignx right");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_Y_CENTER = AddConstraint.of("aligny center");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_Y_BOTTOM = AddConstraint.of("aligny bottom");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN_Y_TOP = AddConstraint.of("aligny top");
public static AddConstraint ALIGN(UI.Side pos ) { return AddConstraint.of(pos.toMigAlign()); }
public static AddConstraint TOP = AddConstraint.of("top");
public static AddConstraint RIGHT = AddConstraint.of("right");
public static AddConstraint BOTTOM = AddConstraint.of("bottom");
public static AddConstraint LEFT = AddConstraint.of("left");
public static AddConstraint CENTER = AddConstraint.of("center");
public static AddConstraint GAP_LEFT_PUSH = AddConstraint.of("gapleft push");
public static AddConstraint GAP_RIGHT_PUSH = AddConstraint.of("gapright push");
public static AddConstraint GAP_TOP_PUSH = AddConstraint.of("gaptop push");
public static AddConstraint GAP_BOTTOM_PUSH = AddConstraint.of("gapbottom push");
public static AddConstraint DOCK_NORTH = AddConstraint.of("dock north");
public static AddConstraint DOCK_SOUTH = AddConstraint.of("dock south");
public static AddConstraint DOCK_EAST = AddConstraint.of("dock east");
public static AddConstraint DOCK_WEST = AddConstraint.of("dock west");
public static AddConstraint DOCK(UI.Side pos ) { return AddConstraint.of("dock " + pos.toDirectionString()); }
* A factory method for creating a {@link net.miginfocom.layout.LC} instance.
* @return A {@link net.miginfocom.layout.LC} instance.
public static LC LC() { return new LC(); }
public static AC AC() { return new AC(); }
public static CC CC() { return new CC(); }