import swingtree.UI;
import swingtree.layout.Size;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
* A wrapper object for transient reference based caching of the various areas of a component
* based on the immutable {@link BoxModelConf} object as cache key.
* This is used to avoid recalculating the areas of a component over and over again
* if they don't change, which can be a little expensive, especially if the component
* has round corners. Note that this may also be used by different components in case
* of them having equal box model configurations...
final class ComponentAreas
private static final Map<BoxModelConf, ComponentAreas> _CACHE = new WeakHashMap<>();
private final LazyRef<Area> _borderArea = new LazyRef<>(ComponentAreas::_produceBorderArea);
private final LazyRef<Area> _interiorArea = new LazyRef<>(ComponentAreas::_produceInteriorArea);
private final LazyRef<Area> _exteriorArea = new LazyRef<>(ComponentAreas::_produceExteriorArea);
private final LazyRef<Area> _bodyArea = new LazyRef<>(ComponentAreas::_produceBodyArea);
private final LazyRef<Area[]> _borderEdgeAreas = new LazyRef<>((currentState, currentAreas) -> calculateEdgeBorderAreas(currentState));
private final WeakReference<BoxModelConf> _key;
static ComponentAreas of( BoxModelConf state ) {
return _CACHE.computeIfAbsent(state, conf -> new ComponentAreas(state));
static BoxModelConf intern(BoxModelConf state ) {
ComponentAreas areas = _CACHE.get(state);
if ( areas != null ) {
BoxModelConf key = areas._key.get();
if ( key != null )
return key;
_CACHE.put(state, new ComponentAreas(state));
return state;
private ComponentAreas(BoxModelConf conf) {
_key = new WeakReference<>(conf);
public Shape get( UI.ComponentArea areaType ) {
BoxModelConf boxModel = Optional.ofNullable(_key.get()).orElse(BoxModelConf.none());
switch ( areaType ) {
case BODY:
return _bodyArea.getFor(boxModel, this); // all - exterior == interior + border
return _interiorArea.getFor(boxModel, this); // all - exterior - border == content - border
case BORDER:
return _borderArea.getFor(boxModel, this); // all - exterior - interior
return _exteriorArea.getFor(boxModel, this); // all - border - interior
case ALL:
return new Rectangle(
0, 0,
public Area[] getEdgeAreas() {
BoxModelConf boxModel = Optional.ofNullable(_key.get()).orElse(BoxModelConf.none());
return _borderEdgeAreas.getFor(boxModel, this);
public boolean areaExists(UI.ComponentArea area) {
switch ( area ) {
case BODY:
return _bodyArea.exists();
return _interiorArea.exists();
case BORDER:
return _borderArea.exists();
return _exteriorArea.exists();
case ALL:
return true;
static Area calculateComponentBodyArea(BoxModelConf state, float insTop, float insLeft, float insBottom, float insRight )
return _calculateComponentBodyArea(
private static Area _produceBorderArea(BoxModelConf currentState, ComponentAreas currentAreas) {
Area componentArea = currentAreas._interiorArea.getFor(currentState, currentAreas);
Area borderArea = new Area(currentAreas._bodyArea.getFor(currentState, currentAreas));
return borderArea;
private static Area _produceInteriorArea(BoxModelConf currentState, ComponentAreas currentAreas) {
Outline widths = currentState.widths();
float leftBorderWidth = widths.left().orElse(0f);
float topBorderWidth =;
float rightBorderWidth = widths.right().orElse(0f);
float bottomBorderWidth = widths.bottom().orElse(0f);
return calculateComponentBodyArea(
private static Area _produceExteriorArea(BoxModelConf currentState, ComponentAreas currentAreas) {
Size size = currentState.size();
float width = size.width().orElse(0f);
float height = size.height().orElse(0f);
Area exteriorComponentArea = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, width, height));
exteriorComponentArea.subtract(currentAreas._bodyArea.getFor(currentState, currentAreas));
return exteriorComponentArea;
private static Area _produceBodyArea(BoxModelConf currentState, ComponentAreas currentAreas) {
return calculateComponentBodyArea(currentState, 0, 0, 0, 0);
private static Area _calculateComponentBodyArea(
final BoxModelConf border,
float insTop,
float insLeft,
float insBottom,
float insRight
) {
final Outline margin = border.margin();
final Size size = border.size();
final Outline outline = border.baseOutline();
if ( BoxModelConf.none().equals(border) ) {
Outline insets =, insLeft, insBottom, insRight));
// If there is no style, we just return the component's bounds:
return new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(
size.width().orElse(0f) - insets.left().orElse(0f) - insets.right().orElse(0f),
size.height().orElse(0f) - - insets.bottom().orElse(0f)
insTop +=;
insLeft += outline.left().orElse(0f);
insBottom += outline.bottom().orElse(0f);
insRight += outline.right().orElse(0f);
// The background box is calculated from the margins and border radius:
float left = Math.max(margin.left().orElse(0f), 0) + insLeft ;
float top = Math.max(, 0) + insTop ;
float right = Math.max(margin.right().orElse(0f), 0) + insRight ;
float bottom = Math.max(margin.bottom().orElse(0f), 0) + insBottom;
float width = size.width().orElse(0f);
float height = size.height().orElse(0f);
boolean insAllTheSame = insTop == insLeft && insLeft == insBottom && insBottom == insRight;
if ( border.allCornersShareTheSameArc() && insAllTheSame ) {
float arcWidth = border.topLeftArc().map( a -> Math.max(0,a.width() ) ).orElse(0f);
float arcHeight = border.topLeftArc().map( a -> Math.max(0,a.height()) ).orElse(0f);
arcWidth = Math.max(0, arcWidth - insTop);
arcHeight = Math.max(0, arcHeight - insTop);
if ( arcWidth == 0 || arcHeight == 0 )
return new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(left, top, width - left - right, height - top - bottom));
// We can return a simple round rectangle:
return new Area(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(
left, top,
width - left - right, height - top - bottom,
arcWidth, arcHeight
} else {
Arc topLeftArc = border.topLeftArc().orElse(null);
Arc topRightArc = border.topRightArc().orElse(null);
Arc bottomRightArc = border.bottomRightArc().orElse(null);
Arc bottomLeftArc = border.bottomLeftArc().orElse(null);
Area area = new Area();
float topLeftRoundnessAdjustment = Math.min(insLeft, insTop );
float topRightRoundnessAdjustment = Math.min(insTop, insRight);
float bottomRightRoundnessAdjustment = Math.min(insBottom, insRight);
float bottomLeftRoundnessAdjustment = Math.min(insBottom, insLeft );
float arcWidthTL = Math.max(0, topLeftArc == null ? 0 : topLeftArc.width() - topLeftRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcHeightTL = Math.max(0, topLeftArc == null ? 0 : topLeftArc.height() - topLeftRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcWidthTR = Math.max(0, topRightArc == null ? 0 : topRightArc.width() - topRightRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcHeightTR = Math.max(0, topRightArc == null ? 0 : topRightArc.height() - topRightRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcWidthBR = Math.max(0, bottomRightArc == null ? 0 : bottomRightArc.width() - bottomRightRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcHeightBR = Math.max(0, bottomRightArc == null ? 0 : bottomRightArc.height() - bottomRightRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcWidthBL = Math.max(0, bottomLeftArc == null ? 0 : bottomLeftArc.width() - bottomLeftRoundnessAdjustment);
float arcHeightBL = Math.max(0, bottomLeftArc == null ? 0 : bottomLeftArc.height() - bottomLeftRoundnessAdjustment);
// Top left:
if ( topLeftArc != null ) {
area.add(new Area(new Arc2D.Float(
left, top,
arcWidthTL, arcHeightTL,
90, 90, Arc2D.PIE
// Top right:
if ( topRightArc != null ) {
area.add(new Area(new Arc2D.Float(
width - right - topRightArc.width() + topRightRoundnessAdjustment,
arcWidthTR, arcHeightTR,
0, 90, Arc2D.PIE
// Bottom right:
if ( bottomRightArc != null ) {
area.add(new Area(new Arc2D.Float(
width - right - bottomRightArc.width() + bottomRightRoundnessAdjustment,
height - bottom - bottomRightArc.height() + bottomRightRoundnessAdjustment,
arcWidthBR, arcHeightBR,
270, 90, Arc2D.PIE
// Bottom left:
if ( bottomLeftArc != null ) {
area.add(new Area(new Arc2D.Float(
height - bottom - bottomLeftArc.height() + bottomLeftRoundnessAdjustment,
arcWidthBL, arcHeightBL,
180, 90, Arc2D.PIE
Now we are going to have to fill four rectangles for each side of the partially rounded background box
and then a single rectangle for the center.
The four outer rectangles are calculated from the arcs and the margins.
float topDistance = 0;
float rightDistance = 0;
float bottomDistance = 0;
float leftDistance = 0;
// top:
if ( topLeftArc != null || topRightArc != null ) {
float arcWidthLeft = (arcWidthTL / 2f);
float arcHeightLeft = (arcHeightTL / 2f);
float arcWidthRight = (arcWidthTR / 2f);
float arcHeightRight = (arcHeightTR / 2f);
topDistance = Math.max(arcHeightLeft, arcHeightRight);// This is where the center rectangle will start!
float innerLeft = left + arcWidthLeft;
float innerRight = width - right - arcWidthRight;
float edgeRectangleHeight = topDistance;
area.add(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(
innerLeft, top, innerRight - innerLeft, edgeRectangleHeight
// right:
if ( topRightArc != null || bottomRightArc != null ) {
float arcWidthTop = (arcWidthTR / 2f);
float arcHeightTop = (arcHeightTR / 2f);
float arcWidthBottom = (arcWidthBR / 2f);
float arcHeightBottom= (arcHeightBR / 2f);
rightDistance = Math.max(arcWidthTop, arcWidthBottom);// This is where the center rectangle will start!
float innerTop = top + arcHeightTop;
float innerBottom = height - bottom - arcHeightBottom;
float edgeRectangleWidth = rightDistance;
area.add(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(
width - right - edgeRectangleWidth, innerTop, edgeRectangleWidth, innerBottom - innerTop
// bottom:
if ( bottomRightArc != null || bottomLeftArc != null ) {
float arcWidthRight = (arcWidthBR / 2f);
float arcHeightRight = (arcHeightBR / 2f);
float arcWidthLeft = (arcWidthBL / 2f);
float arcHeightLeft = (arcHeightBL / 2f);
bottomDistance = Math.max(arcHeightRight, arcHeightLeft);// This is where the center rectangle will start!
float innerLeft = left + arcWidthLeft;
float innerRight = width - right - arcWidthRight;
float edgeRectangleHeight = bottomDistance;
area.add(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(
innerLeft, height - bottom - edgeRectangleHeight, innerRight - innerLeft, edgeRectangleHeight
// left:
if ( bottomLeftArc != null || topLeftArc != null ) {
float arcWidthBottom = (arcWidthBL / 2f);
float arcHeightBottom= (arcHeightBL / 2f);
float arcWidthTop = (arcWidthTL / 2f);
float arcHeightTop = (arcHeightTL / 2f);
leftDistance = Math.max(arcWidthBottom, arcWidthTop);// This is where the center rectangle will start!
float innerTop = top + arcHeightTop;
float innerBottom = height - bottom - arcHeightBottom;
float edgeRectangleWidth = leftDistance;
area.add(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(
left, innerTop, edgeRectangleWidth, innerBottom - innerTop
// Now we add the center:
area.add(new Area(
new Rectangle2D.Float(
left + leftDistance, top + topDistance,
width - left - leftDistance - right - rightDistance,
height - top - topDistance - bottom - bottomDistance
return area;
* Calculates the border-edge areas of the components box model in the form of
* an array of 4 {@link Area} objects, each representing the area of a single edge.
* So the top, right, bottom and left edge areas are returned in that order.
* <p>
* Each area is essentially just a polygon which consists of 5 points,
* two of which are the margin based border corners and the other three
* are the inner border width based corners as well as a center point.
* @param boxModel The box model of the component
* @return An array of 4 {@link Area} objects representing the border-edge areas
private static Area[] calculateEdgeBorderAreas( BoxModelConf boxModel) {
final Size size = boxModel.size();
final Outline margin = boxModel.margin();
final Outline widths = boxModel.widths();
final float width = size.width().orElse(0f);
final float height = size.height().orElse(0f);
final float topLeftX = margin.left().orElse(0f);
final float topLeftY =;
final float topRightX = width - margin.right().orElse(0f);
final float topRightY = topLeftY;
final float bottomLeftX = topLeftX;
final float bottomLeftY = height - margin.bottom().orElse(0f);
final float bottomRightX = topRightX;
final float bottomRightY = bottomLeftY;
final float innerTopLeftX = topLeftX + widths.left().orElse(0f);
final float innerTopLeftY = topLeftY +;
final float innerTopRightX = topRightX - widths.right().orElse(0f);
final float innerTopRightY = innerTopLeftY;
final float innerBottomLeftX = bottomLeftX + widths.left().orElse(0f);
final float innerBottomLeftY = bottomLeftY - widths.bottom().orElse(0f);
final float innerBottomRightX = bottomRightX - widths.right().orElse(0f);
final float innerBottomRightY = innerBottomLeftY;
final float innerCenterX = (innerTopLeftX + innerTopRightX) / 2f;
final float innerCenterY = (innerTopLeftY + innerBottomLeftY) / 2f;
Area[] edgeAreas = new Area[4];
{ // TOP:
edgeAreas[0] = new Area(new Polygon(
new int[] {(int)innerCenterX, (int)innerTopLeftX, (int)topLeftX, (int)topRightX, (int)innerTopRightX},
new int[] {(int)innerCenterY, (int)innerTopLeftY, (int)topLeftY, (int)topRightY, (int)innerTopRightY},
{ // RIGHT:
edgeAreas[1] = new Area(new Polygon(
new int[] {(int)innerCenterX, (int)innerTopRightX, (int)topRightX, (int)bottomRightX, (int)innerBottomRightX},
new int[] {(int)innerCenterY, (int)innerTopRightY, (int)topRightY, (int)bottomRightY, (int)innerBottomRightY},
{ // BOTTOM:
edgeAreas[2] = new Area(new Polygon(
new int[] {(int)innerCenterX, (int)innerBottomRightX, (int)bottomRightX, (int)bottomLeftX, (int)innerBottomLeftX},
new int[] {(int)innerCenterY, (int)innerBottomRightY, (int)bottomRightY, (int)bottomLeftY, (int)innerBottomLeftY},
{ // LEFT:
edgeAreas[3] = new Area(new Polygon(
new int[] {(int)innerCenterX, (int)innerBottomLeftX, (int)bottomLeftX, (int)topLeftX, (int)innerTopLeftX},
new int[] {(int)innerCenterY, (int)innerBottomLeftY, (int)bottomLeftY, (int)topLeftY, (int)innerTopLeftY},
return edgeAreas;