package swingtree.style;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import swingtree.UI;
import swingtree.components.JBox;
import swingtree.components.JIcon;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPanelUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextFieldUI;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Optional;
* This class is responsible for installing and uninstalling custom look and feel
* implementations so that SwingTree can apply custom styles to components.
final class DynamicLaF
private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicLaF.class);
private static final DynamicLaF _NONE = new DynamicLaF(null, null, false);
private static final UIUpdateListenerAndSwingTreeLookAndFeelRestorer _UI_UPDATE_LISTENER = new UIUpdateListenerAndSwingTreeLookAndFeelRestorer();
static DynamicLaF none() { return _NONE; }
private final @Nullable ComponentUI _styleLaF; // Nullable
private final @Nullable ComponentUI _formerLaF; // Nullable
private final boolean _overrideWasNeeded;
private DynamicLaF(
@Nullable ComponentUI styleLaF,
@Nullable ComponentUI formerLaF,
boolean overrideWasNeeded
) {
_styleLaF = styleLaF;
_formerLaF = formerLaF;
_overrideWasNeeded = overrideWasNeeded;
boolean overrideWasNeeded() {
return _overrideWasNeeded;
boolean customLookAndFeelIsInstalled() {
return _styleLaF != null;
DynamicLaF establishLookAndFeelFor(StyleConf styleConf, JComponent owner ) {
DynamicLaF result = this;
// For panels mostly:
boolean weNeedToOverrideLaF = false;
if ( styleConf.border().hasAnyNonZeroArcs() ) // Border radius
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( styleConf.margin().isPositive() )
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( styleConf.hasVisibleGradientsOnLayer(UI.Layer.BACKGROUND) )
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( styleConf.hasVisibleNoisesOnLayer(UI.Layer.BACKGROUND) )
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( styleConf.hasPaintersOnLayer(UI.Layer.BACKGROUND) )
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( styleConf.hasVisibleShadows(UI.Layer.BACKGROUND) )
weNeedToOverrideLaF = true;
if ( weNeedToOverrideLaF ) {
if (owner instanceof JScrollPane) {
boolean foundationIsTransparent = styleConf
.map( c -> c.getAlpha() < 255 )
.map( c -> c.getAlpha() < 255 )
boolean hasBorderRadius = styleConf.border().hasAnyNonZeroArcs();
boolean hasMargin = styleConf.margin().isPositive();
owner.setOpaque(!hasBorderRadius && !hasMargin && !foundationIsTransparent);
JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) owner;
if ( scrollPane.getViewport() != null )
/* ^
If our style reveals what is behind it, then we need
to make the component non-opaque so that the previous rendering get's flushed out!
try {
result = _installCustomLaF(owner, false);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error("Failed to install custom LaF for component '"+owner+"'!", e);
} else if ( customLookAndFeelIsInstalled() ) {
try {
result = _uninstallCustomLaF(owner);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error("Failed to uninstall custom LaF for component '"+owner+"'!", e);
if ( _overrideWasNeeded != weNeedToOverrideLaF )
return new DynamicLaF(result._styleLaF, result._formerLaF, weNeedToOverrideLaF);
return result;
private DynamicLaF _installCustomLaF( JComponent owner, boolean isUpdate ) {
// First we check if we already have a custom LaF installed:
ComponentUI formerLaF = _formerLaF;
ComponentUI styleLaF = _styleLaF;
if ( !customLookAndFeelIsInstalled() || isUpdate ) {
if ( !isUpdate )
owner.addPropertyChangeListener("UI", _UI_UPDATE_LISTENER);
if (owner instanceof JBox) { // This is a SwingTree component, so it already has a custom LaF.
JBox p = (JBox) owner;
formerLaF = p.getUI();
styleLaF = formerLaF;
} else if (owner instanceof JIcon) { // This is a SwingTree component, so it already has a custom LaF.
JIcon i = (JIcon) owner;
formerLaF = i.getUI();
styleLaF = formerLaF;
} else if (owner instanceof JPanel) {
JPanel p = (JPanel) owner;
formerLaF = p.getUI();
PanelStyler laf = PanelStyler.INSTANCE;
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(p, laf);
if ( !success ) {
if (formerLaF != null) {
PanelUI panelUI = (PanelUI) formerLaF;
// We make the former LaF believe that it is still in charge of the component.
styleLaF = laf;
} else if (owner instanceof AbstractButton) {
AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) owner;
formerLaF = b.getUI();
ButtonStyler laf = new ButtonStyler(b.getUI());
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(b, laf);
if ( !success ) {
if ( formerLaF != null ) {
ButtonUI buttonUI = (ButtonUI) formerLaF;
// We make the former LaF believe that it is still in charge of the component.
styleLaF = laf;
} else if (owner instanceof JLabel) {
JLabel l = (JLabel) owner;
formerLaF = l.getUI();
LabelStyler laf = new LabelStyler(l.getUI());
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(l, laf);
if ( !success ) {
if (formerLaF != null) {
LabelUI labelUI = (LabelUI) formerLaF;
// We make the former LaF believe that it is still in charge of the component.
styleLaF = laf;
} else if (owner instanceof JTextField && !(owner instanceof JPasswordField)) {
JTextField t = (JTextField) owner;
formerLaF = t.getUI();
TextFieldStyler laf = new TextFieldStyler(t.getUI());
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(t, laf);
if ( !success ) {
if ( formerLaF != null ) {
TextUI textFieldUI = (TextUI) formerLaF;
// We make the former LaF believe that it is still in charge of the component.
styleLaF = laf;
return new DynamicLaF(styleLaF, formerLaF, true);
DynamicLaF _uninstallCustomLaF( JComponent _owner )
ComponentUI styleLaF = _styleLaF;
if ( customLookAndFeelIsInstalled() ) {
if ( _owner instanceof JPanel ) {
JPanel p = (JPanel) _owner;
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(p, _formerLaF);
if ( !success )
p.setUI((PanelUI) _formerLaF);
styleLaF = null;
if ( _owner instanceof JBox ) {
// The JBox is a SwingTree native type, so it also enjoys the perks of having a SwingTree look and feel!
styleLaF = null;
if ( _owner instanceof JIcon ) {
// The JIcon is a SwingTree native type, so it also enjoys the perks of having a SwingTree look and feel!
styleLaF = null;
else if ( _owner instanceof AbstractButton ) {
AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) _owner;
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(b, _formerLaF);
if ( !success )
b.setUI((ButtonUI) _formerLaF);
styleLaF = null;
else if ( _owner instanceof JLabel ) {
JLabel l = (JLabel) _owner;
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(l, _formerLaF);
if ( !success )
l.setUI((LabelUI) _formerLaF);
styleLaF = null;
else if ( _owner instanceof JTextField && !(_owner instanceof JPasswordField) ) {
JTextField t = (JTextField) _owner;
boolean success = _tryInstallingUISilently(t, _formerLaF);
if ( !success )
t.setUI((TextUI) _formerLaF);
styleLaF = null;
return new DynamicLaF(styleLaF, _formerLaF, false);
private static boolean _tryInstallingUISilently(
final JComponent owner,
final @Nullable ComponentUI laf
) {
if ( laf == null )
return false;
We wish installing the UI by simply calling setUI(..) was so easy,
but it is not due to the fact that this method has a lot of unwanted side effects.
The biggest side effect is that it triggers a call to 'uninstallUI' on the former UI,
which in turn triggers more unwanted side effects.
Believe it or not, the BasicTextUI for example call the removeAll() method on the component
when it is uninstalled, which is a big problem when you have custom text fields with custom
try {
if ( owner instanceof StylableComponent) {
((StylableComponent) owner).setUISilently(laf);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to install custom SwingTree UI for component '"+owner+"'!", e);
return false;
void installCustomUIFor(JComponent owner )
if ( owner instanceof JBox )
((JBox)owner).setUI(new DynamicLaF.PanelStyler() {
@Override public void installUI(JComponent c) { installDefaults((JBox)c); }
@Override public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) { uninstallDefaults((JBox)c); }
private void installDefaults(JBox b) {
LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(b, "Box.background", "Box.foreground", "Box.font");
LookAndFeel.installProperty(b, "opaque", Boolean.FALSE);
private void uninstallDefaults(JBox b) { LookAndFeel.uninstallBorder(b); }
else if ( owner instanceof JIcon )
((JIcon)owner).setUI(new DynamicLaF.LabelStyler(null));
// Other types of components are not supported yet!
static class PanelStyler extends BasicPanelUI
static final PanelStyler INSTANCE = new PanelStyler();
PanelStyler() {}
@Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c ) {
ComponentExtension.from(c).paintBackground(g, true, null);
@Override public void update( Graphics g, JComponent c ) { paint(g, c); }
static class ButtonStyler extends BasicButtonUI
private final @Nullable ButtonUI _formerUI;
ButtonStyler( @Nullable ButtonUI formerUI ) {
_formerUI = ( formerUI instanceof ButtonStyler ) ? ((ButtonStyler)formerUI)._formerUI : formerUI;
@Override public void paint( Graphics g, JComponent c ) {
boolean customWipe = _formerUI == null;
ComponentExtension.from(c).paintBackground(g, customWipe, localGraphics->{
if ( _formerUI != null )
_paintComponentThroughFormerUI(_formerUI, localGraphics, c);
@Override public void update( Graphics g, JComponent c ) { paint(g, c); }
static class LabelStyler extends BasicLabelUI
private final @Nullable LabelUI _formerUI;
LabelStyler(@Nullable LabelUI formerUI) {
_formerUI = (formerUI instanceof LabelStyler) ? ((LabelStyler)formerUI)._formerUI : formerUI;
@Override public void paint( Graphics g, JComponent c ) {
ComponentExtension.from(c).paintBackground(g, false, localGraphics->{
if ( _formerUI != null )
_paintComponentThroughFormerUI(_formerUI, localGraphics, c);
super.paint(localGraphics, c);
@Override public void update( Graphics g, JComponent c ) { paint(g, c); }
static class TextFieldStyler extends BasicTextFieldUI
private final @Nullable TextUI _formerUI;
TextFieldStyler(@Nullable TextUI formerUI) {
_formerUI = ( formerUI instanceof TextFieldStyler ) ? ((TextFieldStyler)formerUI)._formerUI : formerUI;
@Override protected void paintSafely(Graphics g) {
if ( !getComponent().isOpaque() )
ComponentExtension.from(getComponent()).gatherStyleAndPaintInScope(g, ()->{
super.paintSafely(g);// Paints the text
@Override protected void paintBackground(Graphics g) {
JComponent c = getComponent();
Insets margins = ComponentExtension.from(c).getMarginInsets();
int insetTop = margins.top ;
int insetLeft = margins.left ;
int insetBottom = margins.bottom;
int insetRight = margins.right ;
ComponentExtension.from(getComponent()).gatherStyleAndPaintInScope(g, ()->{
insetLeft, insetTop,
c.getWidth() - insetLeft - insetRight, c.getHeight() - insetTop - insetBottom
boolean customWipe = _formerUI == null;
boolean shouldPaintFormerUI = (insetLeft == 0 && insetRight == 0 && insetTop == 0 && insetBottom == 0);
ComponentExtension.from(c).paintBackground(g, customWipe, localGraphics -> {
if (shouldPaintFormerUI && _formerUI != null)
_paintComponentThroughFormerUI(_formerUI, localGraphics, c);
@Override public void update( Graphics g, JComponent c ) { paint(g, c); }
private static void _paintComponentThroughFormerUI(
ComponentUI formerUI, Graphics g, JComponent c
) {
try {
if ( formerUI != null ) {
StyleConf styleConf = ComponentExtension.from(c).getStyle();
boolean hasMargin = styleConf.margin().isPositive();
boolean hasBorderRadius = styleConf.border().hasAnyNonZeroArcs();
if ( !hasMargin && !hasBorderRadius )
formerUI.update(g, c);
else {
ComponentExtension.from(c).gatherStyleAndPaintInScope(g, ()->{
formerUI.update(g, c);
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
log.error("Failed to paint component through former UI", ex);
* If the user installs another look and feel, we use this property change listener to
* capture this update and then ensure that the SwingTree look and feel delegate wraps
* the newly installed {@link ComponentUI} instead of it being replaced and forgotten...<br>
* You can test if this works through the following Code:
* <pre>{@code
* for ( Window w : Window.getWindows() ) {
* SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(w);
* if ( !w.isDisplayable() )
* continue;
* if ( w instanceof Frame
* ? !((Frame)w).isResizable()
* : !(w instanceof Dialog) || !((Dialog) w).isResizable()
* ) w.pack();
* }
* }</pre>
private static final class UIUpdateListenerAndSwingTreeLookAndFeelRestorer implements PropertyChangeListener {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
Object oldValue = event.getOldValue();
Object newValue = event.getNewValue();
Object source = event.getSource();
if ( !(source instanceof JComponent) ) {
String sourceTypeAsString = Optional.ofNullable(source).map(Object::getClass).map(Class::getSimpleName).orElse("null");
"Invalid UI update event source detected! " +
"Source object is expected to be a 'JComponent'.\n" +
"Received unknown object of type '" + sourceTypeAsString + "' instead.",
new Throwable()
if ( !(oldValue instanceof ComponentUI) ) {
String oldValueTypeAsString = Optional.ofNullable(oldValue).map(Object::getClass).map(Class::getSimpleName).orElse("null");
"Detected invalid 'oldValue' object in UI update event! " +
"Old value is expected to be a 'ComponentUI'.\n" +
"Received unknown object of type '" + oldValueTypeAsString + "' instead.",
new Throwable()
if ( !(newValue instanceof ComponentUI) ) {
String newValueTypeAsString = Optional.ofNullable(newValue).map(Object::getClass).map(Class::getSimpleName).orElse("null");
"Detected invalid 'newValue' object in UI update event! " +
"New value is expected to be a 'ComponentUI'.\n" +
"Received unknown object of type '" + newValueTypeAsString + "' instead.",
new Throwable()
JComponent owner = (JComponent) source;
ComponentExtension.from(owner).updateDynamicLookAndFeel( oldLaf -> {
if ( oldLaf.customLookAndFeelIsInstalled() )
oldLaf = oldLaf._installCustomLaF(owner, true);
return oldLaf;