
import swingtree.api.Styler;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Objects;

 *  A {@link StyleTrait} contains a set of properties that will be used to
 *  target specific {@link JComponent}s matching said properties, so that
 *  you can associate custom {@link Styler} lambdas with them
 *  which are using the {@link ComponentStyleDelegate} API
 *  to configure the style of the component. <br>
 *  See {@link StyleSheet#add(StyleTrait, Styler)} for more information. <br>
 *  Instances of this are supposed to be created and registered inside
 *  custom {@link StyleSheet} extensions, more specifically a {@link}
 *  implementation in which you can register your {@link StyleTrait}s and
 *  {@link Styler}s using the {@link StyleSheet#add(StyleTrait, Styler)} method.
 * @param <C> The type of {@link JComponent} this {@link StyleTrait} is for.
public final class StyleTrait<C extends JComponent>
    private final String   _group;
    private final String   _id;
    private final String[] _toInherit;
    private final Class<C> _type;

    private StyleTrait( String id, String groupTag, String[] inherits, Class<C> type ) {
        _id        = Objects.requireNonNull(id);
        _group     = Objects.requireNonNull(groupTag);
        _toInherit = Objects.requireNonNull(inherits).clone();
        _type      = Objects.requireNonNull(type);
        // And we check for duplicates and throw an exception if we find any.
        for ( int i = 0; i < _toInherit.length - 1; i++ )
            if ( _toInherit[ i ].equals( _toInherit[ i + 1 ] ) )
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Duplicate inheritance found in " + this + "!"

    StyleTrait() { this( "", "", new String[0], (Class<C>) JComponent.class ); }

    String group()       { return _group;     }

    String id()          { return _id;        }

    String[] toInherit() { return _toInherit; }

    Class<?> type()      { return _type;      }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with the given group name. <br>
     *  <b>
     *      Note that this method defines the group in terms of a {@link String}
     *      which can be problematic with respect to compile-time safety. <br>
     *      Please consider using {@link #group(Enum)} instead.
     *  </b>
     * @param group The new group name.
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given group name.
    public StyleTrait<C> group( String group ) { return new StyleTrait<>(_id, group, _toInherit, _type); }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with the given group in terms of an {@link Enum}. <br>
     * @param group The new group in terms of an {@link Enum}.
     * @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum} to use as the group enum
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given group name.
    public <E extends Enum<E>> StyleTrait<C> group( E group ) { return group(StyleUtil.toString(Objects.requireNonNull(group))); }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with the given id. <br>
     *  <b>
     *      Note that this method defines the id in terms of a {@link String}
     *      which can be problematic with respect to compile-time safety. <br>
     *      Please consider using {@link #id(Enum)} instead.
     *  </b>
     * @param id The new id.
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given id.
    public StyleTrait<C> id( String id ) { return new StyleTrait<>(id, _group, _toInherit, _type); }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with the given id in terms of an {@link Enum}. <br>
     * @param id The new id in terms of an {@link Enum}.
     * @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum} to use as the id enum
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given id.
    public <E extends Enum<E>> StyleTrait<C> id( E id ) { return id(StyleUtil.toString(Objects.requireNonNull(id))); }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with an array of groups to inherit from. <br>
     *  <b>
     *      Note that this method defines the groups in terms of {@link String}s
     *      which can be problematic with respect to compile-time safety. <br>
     *      Please consider using {@link #inherits(Enum[])} instead.
     *  </b>
     * @param superGroups The new groups to inherit from.
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given groups to inherit from.
    public StyleTrait<C> inherits( String... superGroups ) { return new StyleTrait<>(_id, _group, superGroups, _type ); }

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with an array of groups to inherit from in terms of {@link Enum}s. <br>
     * @param superGroups The new groups to inherit from in terms of {@link Enum}s.
     * @param <E> The type of the {@link Enum}s to use as the super group enums
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given groups to inherit from.
    public final <E extends Enum<E>> StyleTrait<C> inherits( E... superGroups ) {
        String[] superGroupNames = new String[superGroups.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < superGroups.length; i++ ) {
            E superGroup = Objects.requireNonNull(superGroups[i]);
            superGroupNames[i] = StyleUtil.toString(superGroup);
        return inherits(superGroupNames);

     *  Creates a new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *  but with the given component type to which a style should be applied. <br>
     * @param type The new type.
     * @param <T> The type of the {@link JComponent} to use as the type
     * @return A new {@link StyleTrait} with the same properties as this one,
     *         but with the given type.
    public <T extends C> StyleTrait<T> type( Class<T> type ) { return new StyleTrait<>(_id, _group, _toInherit, type ); }

    boolean isApplicableTo( JComponent component ) {
        boolean typeIsCompatible = _type.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass());
        boolean idIsCompatible   = _id.isEmpty() || _id.equals(component.getName());
        boolean belongsToApplicableGroup = ComponentExtension.from(component)
                                              .anyMatch( sg -> sg.equals(_group));

        boolean nameIsCompatible = _group.isEmpty() || belongsToApplicableGroup;
        return typeIsCompatible && idIsCompatible && nameIsCompatible;

    boolean thisInherits( StyleTrait<?> other ) {

        if ( ! || ! )
            return false;

        boolean thisGroupIsExtensionOfOther = false;
        for ( String superGroup : this.toInherit() )
            if ( superGroup.equals( ) ) {
                thisGroupIsExtensionOfOther = true;

        boolean thisTypeIsSubclassOfOther = other.type().isAssignableFrom(this.type());

        if ( thisGroupIsExtensionOfOther && !thisTypeIsSubclassOfOther )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    this + " is an extension of " + other + " but is not a subclass of it."

        return ( thisGroupIsExtensionOfOther || ) && thisTypeIsSubclassOfOther;

    public String toString() {
        String inherits = java.util.Arrays.toString(_toInherit);
        return "StyleTrait[" +
                    "id='"      + _id      + "', " +
                    "group='"   + _group   + "', " +
                    "inherits=" + inherits + ", "  +
                    "type="     + _type    +

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        for ( String inherit : _toInherit )
            hash = 31 * hash + inherit.hashCode();

        return Objects.hash( _id, _group, hash, _type );

    public boolean equals( Object other ) {
        if ( !( other instanceof StyleTrait ) )
            return false;

        StyleTrait<?> that = (StyleTrait<?>) other;
        return _id    .equals( that._id    ) &&
               _group .equals( that._group ) &&
               _type  .equals( that._type  ) &&
                java.util.Arrays.equals(_toInherit, that._toInherit);
