Package swingtree

Class UI.TableHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, TableColumnModelListener, StylableComponent
Enclosing class:

public static class UI.TableHeader extends JTableHeader implements StylableComponent
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TableHeader

      public TableHeader()
    • TableHeader

      public TableHeader(TableColumnModel model)
  • Method Details

    • setToolTipsSupplier

      public void setToolTipsSupplier(Function<Integer,String> toolTipTextSupplier)
      Use this for defining the header cell tool tips. This models the tool tip of all header cells using a function which receives the column index and returns the tool tip text for that column.
      toolTipTextSupplier - A function which receives the column index and returns the tool tip text for that column.
    • setToolTips

      public void setToolTips(String... toolTips)
      Use this for defining a fixed set of tool tip texts for the columns.
      toolTips - The tool tip texts for the columns.
    • paintComponent

      public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
      paintComponent in class JComponent
    • paintChildren

      public void paintChildren(Graphics g)
      Description copied from interface: StylableComponent
      This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
            public void paintChildren(Graphics g){
                paintForeground(g, ()->super.paintChildren(g));
      Specified by:
      paintChildren in interface StylableComponent
      paintChildren in class JComponent
      g - the graphics context to paint on, obtained from the component's JComponent::paintChildren(Graphics) method.
    • setUISilently

      public void setUISilently(ComponentUI ui)
      Description copied from interface: StylableComponent
      Certain style configurations require SwingTree to install a custom UI delegate. This method is used to set the UI delegate for the component but without triggering side effects like the former UI being uninstalled (which itself can cause a lot of undesired side effects).

      This method is not intended to be called by client code! It exists for internal use only and unfortunately cannot be protected or private due to the nature of the Swing API.

      The implementation of this method is expected to look like this:

        public void setUISilently(ComponentUI ui){
            this.ui = ui; // no side effects
      Specified by:
      setUISilently in interface StylableComponent
      ui - the UI delegate to set for the component without triggering side effects.
    • getToolTipText

      public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e)
      getToolTipText in class JTableHeader