
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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A - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
AbstractDelegate<C> - Class in swingtree
Extensions of this class delegate a component as well as provide useful methods for trying the tree of the components in which the delegated component is contained.
AbstractTextComponentDelegate - Class in swingtree
A delegate object for text event listeners served by the numerous TextComponent types.
AbstractTextComponentDelegate(JTextComponent, DocumentFilter.FilterBypass, int, int) - Constructor for class swingtree.AbstractTextComponentDelegate
AC() - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
accept(C) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Peeker
Applies an action to the current component.
AccessibleJBox() - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JBox.AccessibleJBox
add(B...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This method provides the same functionality as the other "add" methods.
add(E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This builder class expects its implementations to be builder types for anything which can be built in a nested tree-like structure.
add(String, B...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest builder types into this builder to effectively plug the wrapped JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(String, E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest JComponent types into this builder to effectively plug the provided JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(String, Val<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate a view for the item of a property (usually a property holding a sub-view model) and automatically regenerate the view when the property changes.
add(String, UIForAnySwing<?, T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest builder nodes into this builder to effectively plug the wrapped JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(List<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This builder class expects its implementations to be builder types for anything which can be built in a nested tree-like structure.
add(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to add the contents UI to the tab.
add(JMenuItem) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
add(JMenuItem) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to add a JMenuItem to the JSplitButton popup menu.
add(JPanel) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
add(JSeparator) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
add(CC, B...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest builder types into this builder to effectively plug the JComponents wrapped by the provided builders into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(Val<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate a view for the item of a property (usually a property holding a sub-view model) and automatically regenerate the view when the property changes.
add(AddConstraint, B...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest builder types into this builder to effectively plug the wrapped JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(AddConstraint, E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest JComponent types into this builder to effectively plug the provided JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(AddConstraint, Val<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate a view for the item of a property (usually a property holding a sub-view model) and automatically regenerate the view when the property changes.
add(AddConstraint, UIForAnySwing<?, T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to nest builder nodes into this builder to effectively plug the wrapped JComponents into the JComponent type wrapped by this builder instance.
add(SplitItem<I>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to add a SplitItem to the JSplitButton popup menu.
add(StyleTrait<C>, Styler<C>) - Method in class
Use this to register style rules in you StyleSheet.configure() implementation by providing a StyleTrait targeting the components you want to style (see,,, StyleSheet.type(Class)), and a corresponding Styler lambda which will be applied to the components targeted by the StyleTrait.
add(Tab) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds a tab to the tabbed pane based on the given Tab configuration.
add(UIForAnySwing<?, ?>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to add the contents UI to the tab.
add(UIForAnySwing<?, T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Uses the supplied builder to build its component and then add it to the component that is being built by this builder instance.
add(UIForMenuItem<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to add a JMenuItem to the JSplitButton popup menu.
ADD - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
addAll(String, Val<Tuple<M>>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
addAll(String, Vals<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate views for the items in a Vals property list and automatically regenerate the view when any of the items change.
addAll(Val<Tuple<M>>, TabSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Dynamically generates tabs for items in a Tuple Val and automatically updates them when the items change.
addAll(Val<Tuple<M>>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Dynamically generate views for the items in a Tuple of items, and automatically regenerate the view when any of the items in the tuple change.
addAll(Vals<M>, TabSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Dynamically generates tabs for items in a Vals list and automatically updates them when the items change.
addAll(Vals<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate views for the items in a Vals property list and automatically regenerate the view when any of the items change.
addAll(AddConstraint, Val<Tuple<M>>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
addAll(AddConstraint, Vals<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to dynamically generate views for the items in a Vals property list and automatically regenerate the view when any of the items change.
addAllEntries(AddConstraint, Iterable<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Adds multiple entries at once to this JScrollPanels.
addAllEntriesAt(int, AddConstraint, Iterable<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Adds multiple entries at once to this JScrollPanels at a certain index.
addAnimatedPainter(AnimationStatus, UI.Layer, UI.ComponentArea, Painter) - Method in class
Use this to add a Painter based animation to the component.
addAnimatedStyler(AnimationStatus, Styler<C>) - Method in class
Use this to add a Styler based animation to the component.
addButtonClickedActionListener(ButtonClickedActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Add a ButtonClickedActionListener to the button.
addConstraint(Object) - Method in class
Defines the component constraints of this component with respect to the parent component and its layout manager, in the form of a String.
AddConstraint - Interface in swingtree.layout
addDragAwayConf(Function<Position, DragAwayComponentConf<C>>) - Method in class
addEntry(M, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
The JScrollPanels does not store components statically in the UI tree.
addEntry(AddConstraint, M, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
The JScrollPanels does not store components statically in the UI tree.
addEntryAt(int, M, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
addEntryAt(int, AddConstraint, M, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to add an entry at a certain index.
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
addSplitButtonActionListener(SplitButtonActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
addSplitButtonClickedActionListener(SplitButtonClickedActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
addStyler(Styler<C>) - Method in class
Adds a Styler to the component.
addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
addUiScaleChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Adds a property change listener to the user scale factor, so when the user scale factor changes, the property "swingtree.uiScale" is fired.
ALICEBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color alice blue with an RGB value of #F0F8FF
align(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
The UI.VerticalAlignment of a flow cell tells the ResponsiveGridFlowLayout how to place the component vertically within the cell.
So if you want the component to be aligned at the top, use UI.VerticalAlignment.TOP, if you want it to be centered, use UI.VerticalAlignment.CENTER, and if you want it to be aligned at the bottom, use UI.VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM.
ALIGN(UI.Side) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_X_CENTER - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_X_LEFT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_X_RIGHT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_Y_BOTTOM - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_Y_CENTER - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
ALIGN_Y_TOP - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
alignmentX(float) - Method in class
Defines the alignment percentage alongside the X axis for a component (see JComponent.setAlignmentX(float)).
alignmentY(float) - Method in class
Defines the alignment percentage alongside the Y axis for a component (see JComponent.setAlignmentY(float)).
ALL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
ALT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Active
and(String...) - Method in class swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint
Create a new LayoutConstraint with the provided layout constraints merged with this one.
and(String...) - Method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
Create a new MigAddConstraint with the provided layout constraints merged with this one.
and(LayoutConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint
Create a new LayoutConstraint with the provided LayoutConstraint merged with this one.
and(MigAddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
Create a new MigAddConstraint with the provided MigAddConstraint merged with this one.
andThen(AnimatedStyler<C>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.AnimatedStyler
Returns a new AnimatedStyler that applies the style of this AnimatedStyler and then applies the style of the given AnimatedStyler.
andThen(Configurator<T>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Configurator
Returns a new configurator that first configures the given configuration object and then configures the result of this configuration through the provided configurator.
andThen(FloatFunction) - Method in interface swingtree.api.FloatFunction
Allows you to compose this function with another function so that the other function is applied after this function.
andThen(FloatFunction) - Method in interface swingtree.api.NoiseFunction
Compose this noise function with another (scalar) function.
andThen(Painter) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Painter
Returns a new painter that paints this painter's style and then the given painter's style.
andThen(Styler<C>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Styler
Returns a new Styler that applies the style of this Styler and then applies the style of the given Styler.
Animatable<M> - Class in swingtree.animation
This defines what is needed for animating an immutable value type T through a transformation function AnimationTransformation and a LifeTime determining when the animation should run.
animate(Var<T>, Function<T, Animatable<T>>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to animate the contents of a property through using an Animatable instance holding a transformational function for the intended AnimationStatus based changes and a LifeTime defining the duration of the animation.
animate(Var<T>, Animatable<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to animate the contents of a property through using an Animatable instance holding a transformational function for the intended AnimationStatus based changes and a LifeTime defining the duration of the animation.
AnimatedStyler<C> - Interface in swingtree.api
An AnimatedStyler is conceptually a union of the Animation and Styler functions, which is to say that it takes both an AnimationStatus and a ComponentStyleDelegate to produce a new ComponentStyleDelegate with some style properties applied to it (usually based on the AnimationStatus).
animateFor(double, TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Exposes access the animation builder API, where you can define the conditions under which the animation should be executed and then dispatch the animation to the EDT through the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateFor(double, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes a builder API for creating and scheduling periodic animation updates.
animateFor(double, TimeUnit, Animation) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to schedule and run the provided animation to be executed on the EDT.
animateFor(double, TimeUnit, Stride) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes a builder API for creating and scheduling periodic animation updates.
animateFor(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes an API for scheduling periodic animation updates.
animateFor(LifeTime) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Exposes access the animation builder API, where you can define the conditions under which the animation should be executed and then dispatch the animation to the EDT through the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateFor(LifeTime) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Creates an AnimationDispatcher instance which allows you to define the stop condition for an animation as well as an Animation that will be executed when passed to the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateFor(LifeTime) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes an API for scheduling periodic animation updates.
animateFor(LifeTime, Component) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Creates an AnimationDispatcher instance which allows you to define the stop condition for an animation as well as an Animation that will be executed when passed to the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateFor(LifeTime, Component) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes an API for scheduling periodic animation updates for a specific component whose Component.repaint() method should be called after every animation update.
animateFor(LifeTime, Animation) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to schedule and run the provided animation to be executed on the EDT.
animateFor(LifeTime, Stride) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Creates an AnimationDispatcher instance which allows you to define the stop condition for an animation as well as an Animation that will be executed when passed to the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateFor(LifeTime, Stride, Component) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Creates an AnimationDispatcher instance which allows you to define the stop condition for an animation as well as an Animation that will be executed when passed to the AnimationDispatcher.go(Animation) method.
animateStyleFor(double, TimeUnit, AnimatedStyler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to animate the style of a component when a user event occurs.
animateStyleFor(LifeTime, AnimatedStyler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to animate the style of a component when a user event occurs.
Animation - Interface in swingtree.animation
An animation is a function which is called repeatedly during its lifetime, which is determined by a LifeTime and a RunCondition.
AnimationDispatcher - Class in swingtree.animation
An API for creating an Animation and defining how it should be executed.
AnimationStatus - Class in swingtree.animation
The state of an animation at a given point in time describing how far the animation has progressed using a number between 0 and 1 (see AnimationStatus.progress()).
AnimationTransformation<T> - Interface in swingtree.animation
Defines an animation in terms of functional transformations taking in an AnimationStatus together with a value and returning an updated value.
animator() - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns the transformation function that is called repeatedly during the lifetime of the animation to transform the item of a Var property when passed to the UIFactoryMethods.animate(Var, Animatable) method.
ANTIQUEWHITE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color antique white with an RGB value of #FAEBD7
appendToButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
A convenience method to append text to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
appendToButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Appends the supplied String to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
apply(Consumer<I>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Use this to continue building UI inside a provided lambda if you need to introduce some imperative code in between the building process.
applyAndInstallStyle(StyleConf, boolean) - Method in class
Applies the given StyleConf to the component after which a new StyleEngine is installed for the component.
applyIf(boolean, Consumer<I>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Use this to only build a certain part of the UI if the provided boolean condition is true.
applyIf(boolean, Styler<C>) - Method in class
Allows you to apply styles based on a condition.
applyIfPresent(Optional<Consumer<I>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Allows you to build declarative UI conditionally, meaning that the UI is only built if the provided Optional value is present.
applyTo(double) - Method in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
Applies this stride to the supplied progress value.
applyTo(JComponent) - Method in class
Applies the style sheet to the given component.
applyTo(JComponent, StyleConf) - Method in class
Applies the style sheet to the given component using the supplied starting StyleConf as a basis.
AQUA - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color aqua with an RGB value of #00FFFF
AQUAMARINE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color aquamarine with an RGB value of #7FFFD4
area() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
The bounds object has a location and size which form a rectangular area exposed by this method as a float value defined by the width multiplied by the height.
area(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Define the component area which should display the filtered parent.
as(Configurator<CellConf<C, T>>) - Method in class swingtree.RenderAs
Specify a lambda which receives a CellConf instance for you to customize its renderer.
AS_NEEDED - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Active
asComponent(Function<CellConf<C, T>, Component>) - Method in class swingtree.RenderAs
Specify a lambda which receives a CellConf instance and return a Component which is then used to render the cell.
ask(String, String, Icon, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a dialog where the user can select a value from a list of options based on the enum type implicitly defined by the given enum based property.
ask(String, String, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a dialog where the user can select a value from a list of options based on the enum type implicitly defined by the given enum based property.
ask(String, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a dialog where the user can select a value from a list of options based on the enum type implicitly defined by the given enum based property.
asking(String) - Static method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Creates a new ConfirmDialog instance with the specified question.
asLongAs(Predicate<AnimationStatus>) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Use this to define a running condition for the animation.
asText(Function<CellConf<C, T>, String>) - Method in class swingtree.RenderAs
Specify a lambda which receives a CellConf instance and return a String which is then used to render the cell.
attachToRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
attributeSet() - Method in class swingtree.TextInsertDelegate
Exposes the attribute set of the text to be inserted.
AUTO_SPAN(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
A factory method for creating a FlowCell instance that will span the given number of cells for each parent size category when used in a ResponsiveGridFlowLayout layout.
AUTO_SPAN(Configurator<FlowCellConf>) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
A factory method for creating an AddConstraint of the FlowCell type, that is used to define at which parent size category how many cells the component should span as part of a ResponsiveGridFlowLayout layout configuration.
autoFit(boolean) - Method in class
If this flag is set to true, then the image will be stretched or shrunk to fill the inner component area dependent on the specified width and height, meaning that if the width was not specified explicitly through ImageConf.width(Integer) then the image will be scaled to fit the inner component width, and if a height was not specified through ImageConf.height(Integer) then the image will be scaled to fit the inner component height.
AZURE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color azure with an RGB value of #F0FFFF


B - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
BACK_QUOTE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
BACK_SLASH - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
BACK_SPACE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
This layer is applied through the StylableComponent.paintBackground(Graphics, Consumer) method.
backgroundColor(double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided inner Background color defined by the supplied red, green and blue color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
backgroundColor(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided inner Background color defined by the supplied red, green, blue and alpha color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
backgroundColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided inner Background color.
backgroundColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified background color.
backgroundColor(Color) - Method in class
backgroundColor(String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided inner Background color in the form of a string.
backgroundColor(String) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified background color string used to define the background color.
backgroundGradient(Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
Configures a gradient function based Paint for the background of the font appearance, using a configurator function that takes a GradientConf instance and returns an updated GradientConf instance with the desired properties.
backgroundNoise(Configurator<NoiseConf>) - Method in class
Configures a noise function based Paint for the background of the font appearance, using a configurator function that takes a NoiseConf instance and returns an updated NoiseConf instance with the desired properties.
backgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified background paint.
BasicTableModel - Interface in swingtree.api.model
This interface defines a basic table model which can be used to create a table model using lambda expressions.
BasicTableModel.Builder<E> - Class in swingtree.api.model
The class below is a functional builder for creating a lambda based implementation of the BasicTableModel.
BasicTableModel.CellEditable - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.isCellEditable(int, int) method.
BasicTableModel.ColumnClass<E> - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.getColumnClass(int) method.
BasicTableModel.ColumnCount - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.getColumnCount() method.
BasicTableModel.ColumnName - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.getColumnName(int) method.
BasicTableModel.EntryGetter<E> - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.getValueAt(int, int) method.
BasicTableModel.EntrySetter<E> - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.setValueAt(Object, int, int) method.
BasicTableModel.RowCount - Interface in swingtree.api.model
Implementations of this functional interface translate to the TableModel.getRowCount() method.
BEIGE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color beige with an RGB value of #F5F5DC
belongsToGroup(Enum<?>) - Method in class
A style group is a tag which is used by the SwingTree style engine to apply styles to things with the same tags making it conceptually similar to CSS classes.
belongsToGroup(String) - Method in class
A style group is a tag which is used by the SwingTree style engine to apply styles to things with the same tags making it conceptually similar to CSS classes.
BISQUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color bisque with an RGB value of #FFE4C4
BLACK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color black with an RGB value of #000000
BLANCHEDALMOND - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color blanched almond with an RGB value of #FFEBCD
blockIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the specified block increment.
blockIncrement(ScrollIncrementSupplier) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the specified block increment supplier, (see ScrollIncrementSupplier) which takes the visible rectangle, orientation and direction as arguments and returns the block increment for the given context.
blue() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
The blue component of the Color, in the range 0.0-1.0.
BLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color blue with an RGB value of #0000FF
BLUEVIOLET - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color blue violet with an RGB value of #8A2BE2
blur(double) - Method in class
Supply values greater than 0 to this to apply a gaussian blur to the parent layer.
blurRadius(double) - Method in class
The blur radius of a shadow defines the gap size between the start and end of the shadow gradient.
BODY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
BOLD_ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
boldLabel(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a JLabel with bold font.
boldLabel(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a bound JLabel with bold font.
border() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the BorderLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
border(double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border widths and border color.
border(double, Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width and border color.
border(double, Color, Color, Color, Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width and border colors.
border(double, String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width and border color in the form of a string.
border(double, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width and border colors in the form of strings.
border(int, int) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the BorderLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
BORDER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
BORDER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
This layer is rendered right after the content layer through the Border of a component.
BORDER_TO_INTERIOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
The boundary located after the border but before the padding.
borderAt(UI.Edge, double, Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided width and color used to define the border for the specified edge of the component.
borderAt(UI.Edge, double, String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided width and color string used to define the border for the specified edge of the component.
borderColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border color.
borderColor(String) - Method in class
Returns an updated StyleConf with the provided border color in the form of a string.
borderColors(Color, Color, Color, Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border colors, which are stored in the order of top, right, bottom, left.
borderColors(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border colors in the form of strings.
borderIsPaintedFlatIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBox
borderIsPaintedFlatIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBox
borderIsPaintedIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
Determines if the border is painted or not.
borderIsPaintedIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
Determines if the border is painted or not based on the value of the given Val.
borderRadius(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border radius set for all 4 corners of the target component.
borderRadius(double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border arc width and arc height set for all 4 corners of the target component.
borderRadiusAt(UI.Corner, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border radius for the specified corner.
borderRadiusAt(UI.Corner, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border arc width and arc height for the specified corner.
borderWidth(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width.
borderWidthAt(UI.Edge, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided border width for the specified edge.
borderWidths(double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided top/bottom and left/right border widths.
borderWidths(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided top, right, bottom and left border widths.
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
BOTTOM - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
BOTTOM_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
BOTTOM_LEADING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
BOTTOM_LEFT_TO_TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
BOTTOM_TO_TOP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
BOTTOM_TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
boundary(UI.ComponentBoundary) - Method in class
Define the boundary at which the gradient should start in terms of its base position.
boundary(UI.ComponentBoundary) - Method in class
Define the boundary at which the noise gradient should start in terms of its base position.
Bounds - Class in swingtree.layout
An immutable value object that represents the position and size of a component in the form of an x and y coordinate modeled by a Position object and a width and height modeled by a Size object.
box() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the BoxLayout onto a component with a default axis of UI.Axis.X.
box() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox instance, which is a general purpose component wrapper type with the following properties: It is transparent, meaning that it does not paint its background.
box(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, conceptually the same as a transparent JPanel without any insets and a MigLayout constructed using the provided constraints.
box(String, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LC) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LC, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LC, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, conceptually the same as a transparent JPanel without any insets and a MigLayout constructed using the provided constraints.
box(Val<LayoutConstraint>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LayoutConstraint) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LayoutConstraint, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, a generic component wrapper type which is transparent and without any insets as well as with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
box(LayoutConstraint, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JBox, conceptually the same as a transparent JPanel without any insets and a MigLayout constructed using the provided constraints.
box(UI.Axis) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the BoxLayout onto a component based on the supplied UI.Axis parameter.
Box() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Box
brighter() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a new color that is a brighter version of this color.
brighterBy(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an updated color whose brightness is increased by the specified factor.
brightness() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Gets the brightness component of this Color.
BROWN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color brown with an RGB value of #A52A2A
build() - Method in interface swingtree.api.Buildable
Builds the object that this builder is responsible for and returns it.
build() - Method in interface swingtree.api.MenuBuilder
build() - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to build the BasicTableModel instance.
build() - Method in interface swingtree.api.SwingBuilder
Build the component.
Buildable<T> - Interface in swingtree.api
A generic interface for builder objects which is used by the SwingTree API to call the build methods of the builder objects for you and then use the built object as part of a SwingTree UI.
Builder(Class<E>) - Constructor for class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Builder(Class<E>, BasicTableModel.RowCount, BasicTableModel.ColumnCount, BasicTableModel.EntryGetter<E>, BasicTableModel.EntrySetter<E>, BasicTableModel.ColumnClass<E>, BasicTableModel.CellEditable, BasicTableModel.ColumnName, Observable) - Constructor for class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
BURLYWOOD - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color burly wood with an RGB value of #DEB887
button() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component without any text displayed on top.
button(int, int, ImageIcon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top which should be scaled to the provided dimensions.
button(int, int, ImageIcon, ImageIcon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default icon as well as a hover icon displayed on top which should both be scaled to the provided dimensions.
button(int, int, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top which should be scaled to the provided dimensions.
button(int, int, IconDeclaration, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default icon as well as a hover icon displayed on top which should both be scaled to the provided dimensions.
button(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with the provided text displayed on top.
button(Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top.
button(Icon, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default icon as well as a hover icon displayed on top.
button(Icon, Icon, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default, an on-hover and an on-press icon displayed on top.
button(ImageIcon, UI.FitComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top.
button(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Create a builder for the JButton UI component where the text of the provided property is dynamically displayed on top.
button(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top.
button(IconDeclaration, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default icon as well as a hover icon displayed on top.
button(IconDeclaration, IconDeclaration, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a default, an on-hover and an on-press icon displayed on top.
button(IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with an icon displayed on top.
Button() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Button
buttonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in interface swingtree.components.action.SplitButtonActionListener
Invoked when the button part is clicked.
ButtonClickedActionListener - Interface in swingtree.components.action
The listener interface for receiving the button clicked ActionEvent.
buttonWithIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JButton UI component with a dynamically displayed icon on top.


C - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
CADETBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color cadet blue with an RGB value of #5F9EA0
canBeCached() - Method in interface swingtree.api.Painter
If a painter implementation reports that it can be cached, SwingTree will use the painter as a cache key and the result of its painting operations will be cached and reused for equal cache keys.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
The user selected the "cancel" option in the dialog.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
cancelOption(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
This method allows you to specify some text that will be used to represent the ConfirmAnswer.CANCEL option in the dialog.
CAPS_LOCK - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
CC() - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
CellBuilder<C,E> - Class in swingtree
A builder type for creating cell renderer for a list, combo box or table using a fluent API, typically through methods like UIForList.withCells(Configurator), UIForCombo.withCells(Configurator) or UIForTable.withCells(Configurator), where the builder is exposed to the configurator lambda.
CellConf<C,V> - Class in swingtree
This class models the state of an individual table/tree/list/drop down cell alongside various properties that a cell should have, like for example the value of the cell, its position within the component as well as a CellConf.view() (renderer/editor) in the form of an AWT Component which may or may not be replaced or modified.
cellFromCellConf(Component, FlowCell, Component, AtomicInteger, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
cells(float, float) - Static method in class
CELLS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
CENTER - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
CENTER_LEADING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
CENTER_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
CENTER_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
CENTER_TO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
The center point of the component.
CENTER_TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
CHARTREUSE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color chartreuse with an RGB value of #7FFF00
checkBox(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JCheckBox instance with the provided text displayed on it.
checkBox(String, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JCheckBox instance with the provided text displayed on it and the provided selection property dynamically determining whether the checkbox is selected or not.
checkBox(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JCheckBox instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the checkbox.
checkBox(Val<String>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JCheckBox instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the checkbox and the provided selection property dynamically determines whether the checkbox is selected or not.
CheckBox() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.CheckBox
checkBoxMenuItem() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem without text displayed on top of the menu button.
checkBoxMenuItem(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem with the provided text displayed on the menu button.
checkBoxMenuItem(String, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem with the provided text displayed on the menu button and the provided icon displayed on the menu button.
checkBoxMenuItem(String, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem with some custom text and a boolean property, dynamically determining whether the menu item is selected or not.
checkBoxMenuItem(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem bound to the provided text property, whose value will be displayed on the menu button dynamically.
checkBoxMenuItem(Val<String>, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem bound to the provided text property, whose value will be displayed on the menu button dynamically and the provided icon displayed on the menu button.
checkBoxMenuItem(Val<String>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JCheckBoxMenuItem bound to the provided text property, whose value will be displayed on the menu button dynamically and the provided boolean property, dynamically determining whether the menu item is selected or not.
CheckBoxMenuItem() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.CheckBoxMenuItem
CHOCOLATE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color chocolate with an RGB value of #D2691E
choice(String, E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes the OptionsDialog API for creating a question dialog that allows the user to select a value from an array of provided enum values.
choice(String, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes the OptionsDialog API for creating a question dialog that allows the user to select and set a value from the provided enum based property.
clear() - Static method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Clears the singleton instance of the SwingTree.
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
clearAnimations() - Method in class
Removes all animations from the component.
clickCount() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the number of mouse clicks associated with the event of this delegate.
clipTo(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Define the area of the component to which the gradient is clipped to.
clipTo(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Use this to specify the clip area of the image, which determines on which part of the component the image will be drawn.
clipTo(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Define the area of the component to which the noise gradient is clipped to.
clipTo(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Returns a new TextConf object with the given clip area defined by a UI.ComponentArea enum.
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
The user closed the dialog without selecting any option.
CLOSE_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
code - Variable in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
colClass(BasicTableModel.ColumnClass<E>) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Accepts a lambda which allows the JTable to determine the class of the column at a given index.
colClasses(Class<? extends E>...) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define a fixed array of column classes.
colCount(BasicTableModel.ColumnCount) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define the lambda which dynamically determines the column count of the table model.
colName(BasicTableModel.ColumnName) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define the lambda which allows the JTable to determine the name of the column at a given index.
colNames(String...) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define a fixed array of column names.
color(double, double, double) - Method in class
Use this to define the color of the visible shadow gradient in terms of the red, green and blue components consisting of three double values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents the absence of the color component and 1.0 represents the color component at full strength.
color(double, double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new Color object from the specified red, green and blue values.
color(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Use this to define the color of the visible shadow gradient in terms of the red, green, blue and alpha components consisting of four double values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents the absence of the color component and 1.0 represents the color component at full strength.
color(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new Color object from the specified red, green, blue and alpha values.
color(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new Color object from the specified red, green and blue values.
color(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new Color object from the specified red, green, blue and alpha values.
color(Color) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified color, which will be used for the TextAttribute.FOREGROUND property of the resulting Font instance.
color(Color) - Method in class
Use this to define the color of the visible shadow gradient.
color(String) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified color string used to define the font color.
color(String) - Method in class
Updates the color of the shadow using a color string which can be specified in various formats.
color(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Tries to parse the supplied string as a color value based on various formats.
colors(Color...) - Method in class
Define a list of colors which will, as part of the gradient, transition from one to the next in the order they are specified.
colors(Color...) - Method in class
Define a list of colors which will, as part of the noise gradient, transition from one to the next in the order they are specified.
colors(String...) - Method in class
Define a list of String based colors which will, as part of the gradient, transition from one to the next in the order they are specified.
colors(String...) - Method in class
Define a list of String based colors which will, as part of the noise gradient, transition from one to the next in the order they are specified.
column() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Gives you the column index of the cell in the table, list or drop down.
COLUMN_MAJOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
COLUMN_MAJOR_EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
comboBox() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a the JComboBox component type.
comboBox(E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to declare a UI builder for the JComboBox component type with the provided array of elements as selectable items.
comboBox(E[], Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this create a UI declaration for the JComboBox component type with the provided array of elements as selectable items and a lambda function converting each item into a user-friendly String representation.
comboBox(List<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to declare a builder for a new JComboBox instance with the provided list of elements as selectable items.
comboBox(List<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to declare a builder for a new JComboBox instance with the provided list of elements as selectable items and a custom renderer function to display the items in the combo box as text.
comboBox(ComboBoxModel<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Created a combo box UI builder node with the provided ComboBoxModel.
comboBox(ComboBoxModel<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Created a combo box UI builder node with the provided ComboBoxModel and a lambda function mapping each model entry to a user-friendly human-readable String representation.
comboBox(Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JComboBox instance with the provided properties list object as selectable (and immutable) items which may not be modified by the user.
comboBox(Vals<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative UI builder for the JComboBox component type where the provided property list dynamically models the selectable items in the combo box and a renderer function determines how the items are displayed as text in the combo box dropdown list.
comboBox(Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JComboBox instance where the provided enum based property dynamically models the selected item as well as all possible options (all the enum states).
comboBox(Var<E>, E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and an array of items as a fixed-size model for the selectable items.
comboBox(Var<E>, E[], Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI declaration with a Var property as the model for the current selection and an array of items as a fixed-size model for the selectable items, as well as a lambda function which maps each combo box item to a user-friendly String representation.
comboBox(Var<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JComboBox instance where the provided enum based property dynamically models the selected item as well as all possible options (all the enum states).
comboBox(Var<E>, List<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and a list of items as a dynamically sized model for the selectable items.
comboBox(Var<E>, List<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided selection property and the list of items as well as a custom renderer function to display the items as text in the combo box.
comboBox(Var<E>, Val<E[]>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and an array property of items as a selectable items model of variable length.
comboBox(Var<E>, Val<E[]>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided selection property, a property of an array of selectable items and a custom renderer function to display the items as the desired text in the combo box.
comboBox(Var<E>, Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and a property list of items as a dynamically sized model for the selectable items which may not be modified by the user.
comboBox(Var<E>, Vals<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided selection property, a property list of selectable items as well as a custom renderer function to display the items as the desired text in the combo box.
comboBox(Var<E>, Var<E[]>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and an array property of items as a selectable items model of variable length.
comboBox(Var<E>, Var<E[]>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided selection property, a property of an array of selectable items and a custom renderer function to display the items as the desired text in the combo box.
comboBox(Var<E>, Vars<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a combo box UI builder node with a Var property as the model for the current selection and a list of items as a dynamically sized model for the selectable items.
comboBox(Var<E>, Vars<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided selection property, a property list of selectable items as well as a custom renderer function to display the items as the desired text in the combo box.
comboBox(Vars<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JComboBox instance with the provided properties list object as selectable (and mutable) items.
comboBox(Vars<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative UI builder for the JComboBox component type where the provided property list dynamically models the selectable items in the combo box and a renderer function determines how the items are displayed as text in the combo box dropdown list.
ComboBox() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ComboBox
comboBoxWithUnmodifiable(E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to declare a UI builder for the JComboBox type with the provided array of elements as selectable items which may not be modified by the user.
comboBoxWithUnmodifiable(E[], Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to declare a UI builder for the JComboBox type with the provided array of elements as selectable items which may not be modified by the user.
comboBoxWithUnmodifiable(List<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JComboBox instance with the provided UI.ListView of elements as selectable items which may not be modified by the user.
comboBoxWithUnmodifiable(List<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative combo box UI based on the provided list of items, which may not be modified by the user.
COMMA - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
component() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the component that can be dragged away by the user.
component() - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
Returns the component that this configuration is for so that it can be used in the UIForAnySwing.withDropSite(Configurator) method to configure the drop site based on the component state.
component() - Method in class
Returns the JComponent this ComponentStyleDelegate is defining a StyleConf for.
component() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Component() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Component
ComponentDelegate<C,E> - Class in swingtree
Instances of this are delegates for a specific components and events that are passed to user event action handlers (see Action), with the purpose of providing useful context information to the action handler.
ComponentDelegate(C, E) - Constructor for class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Creates a new delegate for the specified component and event.
ComponentDragEventDelegate<C> - Class in swingtree
A JComponent and MouseEvent delegate providing useful context information to various Action listeners used by UIForAnySwing.onMouseDrag(Action) like for example the ComponentMouseEventDelegate.mouseX() and ComponentMouseEventDelegate.mouseY() of the event as well as more drag specific information like ComponentDragEventDelegate.dragEvents() and ComponentDragEventDelegate.dragPositions().
ComponentExtension<C> - Class in
Is attached to UI components in the form of a client property.
componentFont(Configurator<FontConf>) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided font style applied to the font property of the component (see Component.getFont()).
ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C> - Class in swingtree
A JComponent as well as MouseEvent delegate providing useful context information to various Action listeners which are typically registered through UIForAnySwing.onMouseClick(sprouts.Action)}, UIForAnySwing.onMousePress(sprouts.Action) and UIForAnySwing.onMouseRelease(sprouts.Action), among others.
ComponentStyleDelegate<C> - Class in
A ComponentStyleDelegate is a delegate for a JComponent and its StyleConf configuration used to apply further specify the style of said JComponent.
compose(FloatFunction) - Method in interface swingtree.api.FloatFunction
Allows you to compose this function with another function so that the other function is applied before this function.
compose(FloatFunction) - Method in interface swingtree.api.NoiseFunction
Compose this noise function with another (scalar) function.
Configurator<T> - Interface in swingtree.api
A configurator is a functional interface that takes a configuration object and returns a transformed configuration object.
configure() - Method in class
Override this method to configure the style sheet by adding StyleTraits and corresponding Styler lambdas to the style sheet through the StyleSheet.add(StyleTrait, Styler) method.
configure(SwingTreeInitConfig) - Method in interface swingtree.SwingTreeConfigurator
Configures the given SwingTreeInitConfig instance and returns a new one with the desired configuration applied.
configure(T) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Configurator
Configures the given configuration object and returns the transformed configuration object.
confirm(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a conformation dialog with the given message and returns the user's answer in the form of a ConfirmAnswer enum constant.
confirm(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a conformation dialog with the given title and message and returns the user's answer in the form of a ConfirmAnswer enum constant.
ConfirmAnswer - Enum Class in swingtree.dialogs
An enum representing the possible answers to a confirmation dialog.
confirmation(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes the ConfirmDialog API, an immutable builder config type for creating a confirmation dialog designed to ask a question.
ConfirmDialog - Class in swingtree.dialogs
An immutable builder class for creating simple confirmation dialogs based on the JOptionPane class, more specifically the JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) method.
CONIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.GradientType
A conic gradient paints the color transition like the hands of a clock move around its center.
contains(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
If someone sets a new cursor to the GlassPane we expect that they know what they are doing and return the super.contains(x,y) otherwise we return false to respect the cursors for the underneath components
content() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Returns the user provided content component that is contained in the scroll pane and which is wrapped by a view component implementing the Scrollable interface configured by this ScrollableComponentDelegate.
content(String) - Method in class
Returns a new TextConf object with the given text content.
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
This layer is rendered right after the background layer through the Border of a component.
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
COPY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
An int representing a "copy" transfer action.
COPY_OR_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
An int representing a source action capability of either "copy" or "move".
CORAL - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color coral with an RGB value of #FF7F50
CORNFLOWERBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color cornflower blue with an RGB value of #6495ED
CORNSILK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color cornsilk with an RGB value of #FFF8DC
COUPLED - Static variable in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
This event processor simply runs the events immediately without caring about the thread they are executed on.
COUPLED_STRICT - Static variable in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
This event processor runs the events immediately on the GUI thread.
createTabFor(M) - Method in interface swingtree.api.mvvm.TabSupplier
Creates a tab based on the given model.
createViewFor(M) - Method in interface swingtree.api.mvvm.ViewSupplier
Creates a view representing an instance of the type M, which is a view model or a simple data model.
CRIMSON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color crimson with an RGB value of #DC143C
CROSS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
currentLookAndFeel() - Static method in class swingtree.UI
SwingTree tries to be compatible with different look and feels, which is why it maintains a set of constants for the most common look and feels through the UI.LookAndFeel enum.
cursor() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Gives you the current cursor to be used during the drag operation.
cursor(Cursor) - Method in class
Defines the cursor type for this JComponent based on the provided Cursor value.
cursor(UI.Cursor) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Configures the mouse cursor to be displayed during the drag operation.
cursor(UI.Cursor) - Method in class
Defines the cursor type for this JComponent based on the predefined UI.Cursor values.
customDragImage() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns an Optional of the current custom drag image to be used as a visual representation of the component during the drag operation.
customDragImage(Image) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Allows you to define a custom drag image to be used during the drag operation.
customDragImage(String) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Allows you to define a custom drag image to be used during the drag operation.
customDragImage(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Allows you to define a custom drag image to be used during the drag operation.
CYAN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color cyan with an RGB value of #00FFFF
cycle() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
Defines the animation progress in terms of a number oscillating between 0, 1 and 0 once per iteration, meaning that when the animation starts, the value is 0, when it is halfway through, the value is 1, and when it is finished, the value is 0 again.
cycle(UI.Cycle) - Method in class
Define the cycle of the gradient which is one of the following: UI.Cycle.NONE - The gradient is only rendered once, without repeating.
cycleMinus(double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
Defines the animation progress in terms of a number oscillating between 0, 1 and 0 once per iteration, meaning that when the animation starts, the value is 0, when it is halfway through, the value is 1, and when it is finished, the value is 0 again.
cyclePlus(double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
Defines the animation progress in terms of a number oscillating between 0, 1 and 0 once per iteration, meaning that when the animation starts, the value is 0, when it is halfway through, the value is 1, and when it is finished, the value is 0 again.


D - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
DARKBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark blue with an RGB value of #00008B
DARKCYAN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark cyan with an RGB value of #008B8B
darker() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a new color that is a darker version of this color.
darkerBy(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an updated color whose brightness is decreased by the specified percentage factor.
DARKGOLDENROD - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark goldenrod with an RGB value of #B8860B
DARKGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark gray with an RGB value of #A9A9A9
DARKGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark green with an RGB value of #006400
DARKGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark grey with an RGB value of #A9A9A9
DARKKHAKI - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark khaki with an RGB value of #BDB76B
DARKMAGENTA - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark magenta with an RGB value of #8B008B
DARKOLIVEGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark olive green with an RGB value of #556B2F
DARKORANGE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark orange with an RGB value of #FF8C00
DARKORCHID - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark orchid with an RGB value of #9932CC
DARKRED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark red with an RGB value of #8B0000
DARKSALMON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark salmon with an RGB value of #E9967A
DARKSEAGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark sea green with an RGB value of #8FBC8F
DARKSLATEBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark slate blue with an RGB value of #483D8B
DARKSLATEGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark slate gray with an RGB value of #2F4F4F
DARKSLATEGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark slate grey with an RGB value of #2F4F4F
DARKTURQUOISE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark turquoise with an RGB value of #00CED1
DARKVIOLET - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dark violet with an RGB value of #9400D3
DEBUG - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
DECOUPLED - Static variable in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
This event processor makes a distinction between application events and UI events.
DecoupledEventProcessor - Class in swingtree.threading
This is a synchronized singleton wrapping a BlockingQueue.
DecoupledEventProcessor() - Constructor for class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
DEEPPINK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color deep pink with an RGB value of #FF1493
DEEPSKYBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color deep sky blue with an RGB value of #00BFFF
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
DEFAULT_LAYER - Static variable in class
defaultAnimationInterval(long) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure the default animation interval in milliseconds, which is a property that determines the delay between two consecutive animation steps.
defaultFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure the default font, which may be used by the SwingTree to derive the UI scaling factor and or to install the font in the UIManager depending on the SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation mode (see SwingTreeInitConfig.defaultFont(Font, FontInstallation)).
defaultFont(Font, SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure both the default Font and the SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation mode.
defaultOption(E) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified default option, which will be the option with the initial focus when the dialog is shown.
defaultOption(ConfirmAnswer) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Use this to specify the default option for the dialog, which is the option which will have the initial focus when the dialog is shown.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
desaturate() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a new color that is a less saturated version of this color.
desaturateBy(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a color which is desaturated by the specified percentage factor.
detachFromRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
dialog() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JDialog.
dialog(Window) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JDialog with the supplied owner.
dialog(Window, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JDialog with the supplied owner and title.
dialog(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JDialog with the supplied title.
DIMGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dim gray with an RGB value of #696969
DIMGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dim grey with an RGB value of #696969
displayCurrentItemText() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Use this to conveniently make the JSplitButton display the text of the currently selected JMenuItem (button item).
displayCurrentItemText() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Use this to conveniently make the JSplitButton display the text of the currently selected JMenuItem (button item).
DISPOSE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
DIVIDE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
DO_NOTHING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
DOCK(UI.Side) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DOCK_EAST - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DOCK_NORTH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DOCK_SOUTH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DOCK_WEST - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
DODGERBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color dodger blue with an RGB value of #1E90FF
doUpdates(int, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register periodic update actions which should be called based on the provided delay!
The following example produces a label which will display the current date.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
dragAction() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the current drag action of this drag away operation.
dragAction(UI.DragAction) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify the type drag action of this drag away operation by passing one of the following UI.DragAction enum values: UI.DragAction.NONE UI.DragAction.COPY UI.DragAction.MOVE UI.DragAction.COPY_OR_MOVE UI.DragAction.LINK This drag action constant is used to specify the action(s) supported by the drag source.
If no drag action is set, the default drag action is UI.DragAction.NONE.
DragAwayComponentConf<C> - Class in swingtree
A value based builder object for configuring drag away events of a component using the UIForAnySwing.withDragAway(Configurator) method, where an instance of this class is passed to the Configurator lambda defining how the component should behave and look when dragged away.
DragDropComponentConf<C> - Class in swingtree
A value based builder object for configuring drop target events for a component using the UIForAnySwing.withDropSite(Configurator) method, where an instance of this class is passed to the Configurator lambda defining how the component should behave and look when something is dragged and dropped on top of it.
dragEvents() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDragEventDelegate
Provides a list of all MouseEvents of a continuous mouse drag performed on the component.
dragPositions() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDragEventDelegate
SwingTree keeps track of the most recent mouse drag events of a continuous drag.


E - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.MapData
editorPane() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JEditorPane UI component.
EditorPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.EditorPane
EIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
enabled() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the current enabled state of the drag away operation.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Enables or disables the drag away operation entirely.
END - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
endingNowWith(LifeTime) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
endOf(LifeSpan, Stride, ActionEvent, long) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
ENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
entry() - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryDelegate
Exposes the item inside the rendered list entry in the form of an Optional.
entry() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Returns the entry of this cell, which is the data that this cell represents.
entryAsString() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Returns the entry of this cell as a string.
entryToPresentation(Function<V, Object>) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
The presentation entry is the first choice of the default cell view to be used for rendering and presentation to the user.
EntryViewModel - Interface in swingtree.api.mvvm
A view model for a single entry in a JScrollPanels.
equals(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
A convent method to check if the specified x and y coordinates and width and height are equal to the location and size of this bounds object.
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForFlowLayout
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
equals(Object) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForBoxLayout
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.GridLayoutInstaller
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.None
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.Unspecific
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCell
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this OptionalUI.
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
error(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows an error dialog with the given message.
error(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows an error dialog with the given message and dialog title.
ESCAPE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
event() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
Exposes the timer event that triggered the animation.
eventDispatched(AWTEvent) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
eventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure the EventProcessor, which is used to process both UI and application events.
EventProcessor - Interface in swingtree.threading
One of Swing's biggest drawback is that it is single threaded.
EVERY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
EVERY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
EXTERIOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
EXTERIOR_TO_BORDER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
The boundary located after the margin but before the border.


F - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F1 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F10 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F11 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F12 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F13 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F14 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F15 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F16 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F17 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F18 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F19 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F2 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F20 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F21 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F22 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F23 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F24 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F3 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F4 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F5 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F6 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F7 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F8 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
F9 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
fabric(float, float) - Static method in class
FABRIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
fadeIn() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of peaking sine wave growing from 0 to 1 based on the equation 0.5 * (1 + Math.sin( Math.PI * (progress() - 0.5) ) ) Just like the value returned by Progress.progress() the Progress.fadeIn() value starts at 0 and ends at 1, however the crucial difference is that the Progress.fadeIn() value grows according to a sine wave, which makes certain animations look more natural.
fadeIn(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of peaking sine wave growing from start to end based on the equation start + (end - start) * fadeIn().
fadeOut() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of peaking sine wave growing from 1 to 0 based on the equation 1 - fadeIn().
fadeOut(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of a sine wave going from start to end based on the equation end + (start - end) * fadeOut().
family(String) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified font family name.
fill(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
This flag defines how the grid cell in the flow layout should be filled by the component to which this cell configuration belongs.
The default behavior is to not fill the cell, but rather to align the component vertically in the center of the cell and use the component's preferred height.
If this flag is set to true, the component will fill the cell vertically and use the full height of the cell, which is also the full height of the row.
Note that this will ignore the component's preferred height!
FILL - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
FILL_X - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
FILL_Y - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
filter(Predicate<? super C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, and the component matches the given predicate, returns an OptionalUI describing the component, otherwise returns an empty OptionalUI.
FilterConf - Class in
The filter configuration object defines if and how a filter should be applied on the rendering of the parent of a particular component.
find() - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
This method is used to find the icon resource and load it as an ImageIcon instance wrapped in an Optional, or return an empty Optional if the icon resource could not be found.
find(Class<T>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
This method is used to find an ImageIcon of a specific type and load and return it wrapped in an Optional, or return an empty Optional if the icon resource could not be found.
find(Class<T>, Enum<?>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find any JComponent of a particular type and id (the name of the component).
find(Class<T>, String) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find any JComponent of a particular type and id (the name of the component).
find(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find any JComponent based on a specific type and a predicate which is used to test if a particular component in the tree is the one you are looking for.
findAll(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find all JComponents based on a specific type and a predicate which is used to test if a particular component in the tree is the one you are looking for.
findAllByGroup(Class<T>, Enum<?>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find all JComponents of a particular type and also that belong to a particular style group.
findAllByGroup(Class<T>, String) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find all JComponents of a particular type and also that belong to a particular style group.
findAllByGroup(Enum<?>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find all JComponents that belong to a particular style group.
findAllByGroup(String) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this to query the UI tree and find all JComponents that belong to a particular style group.
findIcon(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Loads an ImageIcon from the resource folder, the classpath, a local file or from cache if it has already been loaded.
findIcon(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Loads an ImageIcon from the resource folder, the classpath, a local file or from cache if it has already been loaded.
findSvgIcon(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Loads an SvgIcon from the resource folder, the classpath, a local file or from cache if it has already been loaded.
findSvgIcon(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Loads an SvgIcon from the resource folder, the classpath, a local file or from cache if it has already been loaded.
finish(AnimationStatus) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Animation
This method is called after the animation has finished.
finish(AnimationStatus, T) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.AnimationTransformation
This method is called after the animation has finished.
FIREBRICK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color firebrick with an RGB value of #B22222
fitHeight(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Set this to true if a viewport should always force the height of this Scrollable to match the height of the viewport.
fitMode(UI.FitComponent) - Method in class
There are different kinds of strategies to fit the image onto the component.
fitWidth(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Set this to true if a viewport should always force the width of this Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
FIVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
FLAT_LAF - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
FloatFunction - Interface in swingtree.api
Used by NoiseFunction.andThen(FloatFunction) to apply a scalar function to the result of a noise function or to the input of a noise function using NoiseFunction.compose(FloatFunction).
FLORALWHITE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color floral white with an RGB value of #FFFAF0
flow() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
Creates a layout that installs the FlowLayout with a default alignment of UI.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER and a default gap of 5 pixels.
flow(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the FlowLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
flow(UI.HorizontalAlignment, int, int) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the FlowLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
FLOW_X - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
FLOW_Y - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
FlowCell - Class in swingtree.layout
This class is an AddConstraint designed as a component constraint for the ResponsiveGridFlowLayout layout manager, allowing you to dynamically adjust the number of grid layout cells a particular component can span based on the current parent container's size.
FlowCell(Configurator<FlowCellConf>) - Constructor for class swingtree.layout.FlowCell
FlowCellConf - Class in swingtree.layout
An immutable configuration object used to define how a FlowCell should place its associated component within a ResponsiveGridFlowLayout.
Instances of this are passed to the Configurator of a FlowCell so that you can dynamically assign the number of cells a component should span, based on the size category of the parent container.

Use UILayoutConstants.AUTO_SPAN(Configurator) to create a FlowCell from a Configurator and pass it to the UIForAnySwing.add(AddConstraint, UIForAnySwing[]) of a SwingTree UI declaration.
Here an example demonstrating how this might be used:
focus(double, double) - Method in class
Define the focus offset of a radial gradient as a second position relative to the main position of the gradient (see GradientConf.offset(double, double) and GradientConf.boundary(UI.ComponentBoundary) which is used to define the direction of the gradient.
font() - Method in class
font(Font) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided Font.
font(Font) - Method in class
Returns a new TextConf object with the given font.
font(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Returns the Font that the fontString argument describes.
font(String, int) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided font name and size.
Note that the font styles will only apply if the component that is being rendered also supports displaying text, or has a custom text style (see TextConf).
font(Configurator<FontConf>) - Method in class
Returns a new TextConf object with the given font configuration defined by a configurator function which takes a FontConf object and returns an updated FontConf object with the desired font properties.
fontAlignment(UI.Alignment) - Method in class
Use this to define the horizontal and vertical alignment of the default font of the component.
fontAlignment(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class
Use this to define the horizontal alignment of the default font of the component.
fontAlignment(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class
Use this to define the vertical alignment of the default font of the component.
fontBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font background color is set to the provided Color.
fontBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font color is set to a color parsed from the provided string.
fontBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class
Updates this style delegate with the supplied Paint object used for the background of the font, which translates to the TextAttribute.BACKGROUND attribute.
fontBold(boolean) - Method in class
Makes the font bold or not bold depending on the value of the isBold parameter.
fontColor(Color) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font color is set to the provided Color.
fontColor(String) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font color is set to a color parsed from the provided string.
FontConf - Class in
An immutable, wither-like method based config API for font styles that is part of the full StyleConf configuration object.
fontFamily(String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided font family name.
fontItalic(boolean) - Method in class
Makes the font italic or not italic depending on the value of the italic parameter.
fontPaint(Paint) - Method in class
Creates an updated style config with the provided font paint applied to all font configurations of the component.
fontSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font selection color is set to the provided Color.
fontSelectionColor(String) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf where the font selection color is set to a color parsed from the provided string.
fontSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided font size.
fontSpacing(float) - Method in class
The font spacing, which is also known as tracking, is the space between characters in a font.
fontStrikeThrough(boolean) - Method in class
Makes the font struck through or not struck through depending on the value of the strikeThrough parameter.
fontStyle(UI.FontStyle) - Method in class
Determines if the font should be plain, bold, italic or bold and italic based on the provided UI.FontStyle parameter, which may be UI.FontStyle.PLAIN, UI.FontStyle.BOLD, UI.FontStyle.ITALIC or UI.FontStyle.BOLD_ITALIC.
Note that this will override any previous bold or italic settings.
fontTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class
The AffineTransform property of a font defines how the font is rotated, scaled, skewed or translated.
fontUnderline(boolean) - Method in class
Makes the font underlined or not underlined depending on the value of the underline parameter.
fontWeight(float) - Method in class
Use this to define the weight of the default font of the component.
forBoxLayout() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
forComponent(Consumer<C>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Use this to access the component of this delegate in the swing thread.
forEachEntry(Class<T>, Consumer<JScrollPanels.EntryPanel>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to iterate over all panel list entries of a certain type by supplying a type class and a consumer action.
forEachEntry(Consumer<JScrollPanels.EntryPanel>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to iterate over all panel list entries.
FOREGROUND - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
The foreground is painted through the StylableComponent.paintForeground(Graphics, Consumer) method.
foregroundColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided foreground color.
foregroundColor(String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided foreground color in the form of a string.
FORESTGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color forest green with an RGB value of #228B22
forFlowLayout() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
formattedTextField() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JFormattedTextField UI component.
formattedTextField(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JFormattedTextField instance with the provided text displayed on it.
formattedTextField(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JFormattedTextField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the text field.
formattedTextField(Var<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JFormattedTextField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the formatted text field.
FormattedTextField() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.FormattedTextField
forSiblinghood(Consumer<List<JComponent>>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Use this to access the sibling components of this delegate in the swing thread.
forSiblinghoodOfType(Class<T>, Consumer<List<T>>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Use this to access all sibling components (including the one represented by this delegate) of the specified type in the swing thread.
forSiblings(Consumer<List<JComponent>>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Use this to access the sibling components of this delegate in the swing thread.
forSiblingsOfType(Class<T>, Consumer<List<T>>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Use this to access the sibling components of this delegate of the specified type in the swing thread.
forSwing() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
forSwing() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
forSwing() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
foundationColor(double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided background foundation color defined by the supplied red, green and blue color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
foundationColor(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided background foundation color defined by the supplied red, green, blue and alpha color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
foundationColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided background foundation color.
foundationColor(Color) - Method in class
foundationColor(String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided background foundation color in the form of a string.
FOUR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
fractions(double...) - Method in class
Define the fractions of the gradient in the dorm of an array of values between 0 and 1 that each the relative position of each color in the gradient transition.
fractions(double...) - Method in class
Define the fractions of the noise gradient which is an array of values between 0 and 1 that defines the relative position of each color in the noise gradient.
frame() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JFrame.
frame(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the supplied JFrame with the supplied title.
from(float) - Method in interface swingtree.api.FloatFunction
Applies this function to the given float value and returns the result.
from(C) - Static method in class
Returns the ComponentExtension associated with the given component.
FROM_DEFAULT_FONT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
The scaling will be derived from the default font size, if a default font was specified.
FROM_SCALING_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
The scaling will be derived from the supplied scaling factor.
FROM_SYSTEM_FONT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
The scaling will be derived from the system font size.
FUCHSIA - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color fuchsia with an RGB value of #FF00FF
function(NoiseFunction) - Method in class
Accepts the NoiseFunction, which takes a coordinate and returns a value between 0 and 1.


G - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
GAINSBORO - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color gainsboro with an RGB value of #DCDCDC
GAP_BOTTOM(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_BOTTOM_PUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_LEFT(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_LEFT_PUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_REL(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_RIGHT(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_RIGHT_PUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_TOP(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GAP_TOP_PUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
gatherApplyAndInstallStyle(boolean) - Method in class
Calculates a new StyleConf object based on the Styler lambdas associated with the component and then applies it to the component after which a new StyleEngine is installed for the component.
gatherStyle() - Method in class
Calculates a new StyleConf object based on the Styler lambdas associated with the component...
GEM_STONES - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
get() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
This is a delegate to the underlying component, but not every method of the component is delegated.
get() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.ColumnCount
get() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.RowCount
get() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.TableListDataSource
When passed to UIForTable.withModel(UI.ListData, TableListDataSource), this method is called continuously by you table to fetch the current List based table data.
get() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.TableMapDataSource
Supplies a map of columns forming a matrix which will be used to render a table.
get() - Static method in class swingtree.input.Keyboard
Exposes the singleton instance of the Keyboard class.
get() - Static method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns the singleton instance of the SwingTree.
get() - Method in interface swingtree.WindowDelegate
This method allows you to access the underlying window instance of this delegate.
get(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.ColumnClass
get(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.ColumnName
get(int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.EntryGetter
get(Class<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This method completes the building process for the wrapped JComponent type by returning it.
get(Bounds, UI.Align, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.ScrollIncrementSupplier
Returns the scroll increment for the given view rectangle, orientation and direction.
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JBox.
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox.AccessibleJBox
Get the role of this object.
getAlignment() - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Gets the alignment for this layout.
getAlignOnBaseline() - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Returns true if components are to be vertically aligned along their baseline.
getArrowColor() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Gets the color of the arrow.
getArrowSize() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Gets the size of the arrow.
getAttributeSet() - Method in class swingtree.TextReplaceDelegate
Exposes the attribute set of the text to be replaced.
getBackground() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the background color of the component.
getBaseHeight() - Method in class
Returns the unscaled height of the icon.
getBaseHeight() - Method in class
Exposes the fixed height defined for the icon, which is the height that was set when the icon was created or updated using the SvgIcon.withIconHeight(int) method.
Note that this height is not scaled according to the current UI.scale() value.
getBaseWidth() - Method in class
Returns the unscaled width of the icon.
getBaseWidth() - Method in class
Exposes the fixed width defined for the icon, which is the width that was set when the icon was created or updated using the SvgIcon.withIconWidth(int) method.
Note that this width is not scaled according to the current UI.scale() value.
getBorder() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the border of the component.
getBounds() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the bounds of the component in the form of an immutable Bounds value object.
getButtonText() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
A convenient getter method for accessing the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
getButtonText() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Allows you to retrieve the text currently displayed on the JSplitButton.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
getComboBox() - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Builds and returns the configured JComboBox instance.
getComponent() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractTextComponentDelegate
getComponent() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Exposes the underlying component from which this delegate and user event actions originate.
getComponent() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
getComponentArea(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
Allows for the retrieval of a specific Shape which represents a specific area of the component identified by the given UI.ComponentArea.
getContentPanel() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Exposes the content panel that contains the actual entry components.
getCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Exposes the JMenuItem which is currently selected.
getCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Exposes the JMenuItem which is currently selected by the user and displayed as the button item of the JSplitButton.
getCursor() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the Cursor of the component.
getDefaultAnimationInterval() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns the default animation interval in milliseconds which is a property that determines the delay between two consecutive animation steps.
getDelayIn(TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Returns the delay after which the animation should start in the given time unit.
getDisabledArrowColor() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Gets the disabled arrow color.
getDisabledImage() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Gets the disabled image to be drawn in the split part.
getDragAwayConf(Position) - Method in class
If it exists, this method invokes the user internal configurator function previously set by the ComponentExtension.addDragAwayConf(Function) method and returns an optional of the resulting DragAwayComponentConf object, which holds the configuration for starting a drag away operation using the AWT native DragSource.
getDurationIn(TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Returns the duration of the animation in the given time unit.
getEndTimeIn(TimeUnit, long) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
Returns the end time of the specified iteration in the given time unit.
getEvent() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Exposes the event that represents the action that was triggered either by the user or by the system.
getEvent() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
getEvent() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Exposes the underlying ActionEvent that is being handled by this delegate.
getEvent() - Method in interface swingtree.WindowDelegate
Allows you to access the delegated event instance.
getEventProcessor() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
The EventProcessor is a simple interface whose implementations delegate tasks to threads that are capable of processing GUI or application events.
getFilterBypass() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractTextComponentDelegate
The filter bypass type is used as a way to circumvent calling back into the Document to change it.
getFitComponent() - Method in class
Allows you to access the UI.FitComponent policy, which determines if and how the icon should be fitted onto a component when rendered through the SvgIcon.paintIcon(Component, java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int) method.
The following fit modes are available: UI.FitComponent.NO - The image will not be scaled to fit the inner component area.
getFont() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the font of the component.
getForeground() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the foreground color of the component.
getFractionAt(float, float) - Method in interface swingtree.api.NoiseFunction
Get the noise value at the given coordinate.
getFractionAt(float, float) - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
getHeight() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the height of the component.
getHorizontal() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
getHost() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Returns the parent/host of this cell, i.e.
getIconCache() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
The icon cash is a hash map that uses an IconDeclaration as a key and an ImageIcon as a value.
getIconHeight() - Method in class
Exposes the height of the icon, or -1 if the icon does not have a fixed height.
Note that the returned height is dynamically scaled according to the current UI.scale() value.
getIconHeight() - Method in class
Exposes the height of the icon, or -1 if the icon should be rendered according to the height of a given component or the height of the SVG document itself.
getIconWidth() - Method in class
Exposes the width of the icon, or -1 if the icon does not have a fixed width.
Note that the returned width is dynamically scaled according to the current UI.scale() value.
getIconWidth() - Method in class
Exposes the width of the icon, or -1 if the icon should be rendered according to the width of a given component or the width of the SVG document itself.
getImage() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Gets the image to be drawn in the split part.
getImage() - Method in class
getImage() - Method in class
Creates a new Image from the SVG document.
getIntervalIn(TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Returns the interval in the given time unit, which is a number that determines the delay between two consecutive animation steps.
getLastState() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels.EntryPanel
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
getLength() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractTextComponentDelegate
The length of the text change.
getListView() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Some host components (see CellConf.getHost(), use a JList in their look and feel to render cells.
getLocation() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently access the location of the component relative to its parent in the form of an immutable Position value object.
getMaxSize() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the maximum size of the component.
getMinSize() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the minimum size of the component.
getMouseListeners() - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
getMouseMotionListeners() - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
getMouseWheelListeners() - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
getNumberOfEntries() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Allows you to get the number of entries which are currently managed by this JScrollPanels.
getOffset() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractTextComponentDelegate
The offset at which the text change occurred.
getOrSet(Class<P>, Supplier<P>) - Method in class
Allows for extra state to be attached to the component extension.
getParent() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
This is class a delegate API, which means that it represents the API of a wrapped component.
getPopupMenu() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Returns the JPopupMenu if set, null otherwise.
getPreferredPlacement() - Method in class
The preferred placement policy determines where the icon should be placed within a component when rendered through the SvgIcon.paintIcon(Component, java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int) method.
getPrefSize() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the preferred size of the component.
getReplacementText() - Method in class swingtree.TextReplaceDelegate
Exposes the text to be replaced or an empty String indicating that no text is to be replaced.
getRowCount() - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
getScale() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
The number returned by this method is used to scale the UI to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
getScale() - Method in class
A convenient delegate method to UI.scale() which exposes the current UI scale factor that is used to scale the UI for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
getSelected(Class<T>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to find an entry component.
getsEntryAt(BasicTableModel.EntryGetter<E>) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Accepts a lambda allowing the JTable to dynamically determines the value at a given row and column.
getSeparatorSpacing() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Returns the separatorSpacing.
getSiblinghood() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
This method provides a convenient way to access all the children of the parent component of the component this delegate is for.
getSiblinghood() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
The "siblinghood" of a component refers to all children of its parent component, including itself.
getSiblinghood() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
This method provides a convenient way to access all the children of the parent component of the split item this delegate is for.
getSiblinghoodOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Allows you to query the sibling components of the delegated component of the specified type.
getSiblings() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Exposes the "siblings", which consist of all the child components of the parent of the delegated component except the for the delegated component itself.
getSiblings() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
The "siblings" of a component refer to all children of its parent component, except itself.
getSiblings() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Exposes the "siblings" of the delegated component, which refers to all children of its parent component, except for itself.
getSiblingsOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class swingtree.ComponentDelegate
Allows you to query the sibling components of the delegated component of the specified type.
getSize() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the size of the component.
getSplitButton() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Exposes the underlying SplitItemDelegate instance.
getSplitButton() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Returns the underlying JSplitButton instance or throws an exception if the current thread is not the Swing thread.
getSplitWidth() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Splitwidth is the width of the split part of the button.
getStartTimeIn(TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
Returns the time when the animation should start in the given time unit.
getStyle() - Method in class
Exposes the current StyleConf configuration of the component, which holds all the SwingTree style information needed to render the component.
getStyleGroups() - Method in class
A component can have multiple group tags, which are used by the SwingTree style engine to apply styles with the same tags, which is conceptually similar to CSS classes.
getStyleSheet() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
The StyleSheet is an abstract class whose extensions are used to declare component styles through a CSS like DSL API.
getSvgDocument() - Method in class
Allows you to access the underlying SVGDocument that is used to render the icon.
getSvgSize() - Method in class
The underlying SVG document contains a size object, which is the width and height of the root SVG element inside the document.
getSystemInfo() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Exposes a set of system properties in the form of a nicely formatted string.
getSystemScaleFactor() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns the system scale factor.
getSystemScaleFactorOf(Graphics2D) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns the system scale factor for the given graphics context.
getText() - Method in class swingtree.TextReplaceDelegate
Exposes the text to insert where an empty string indicates no text is to be inserted.
getTextToBeInserted() - Method in class swingtree.TextInsertDelegate
Exposes the text that is being inserted.
getTextToBeRemoved() - Method in class swingtree.TextRemoveDelegate
This method exposes the actual text that is being removed from the document as part of the current text removal event.
getTooltip() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the tooltip of the component.
getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
getType() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
The type class of the component managed by this builder.
getUI() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Returns the look and feel (L&amp;F) object that renders this component.
getUIClassID() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component.
getUiScaleFactor() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns the user scale factor is a scaling factor is used by SwingTree's style engine to scale the UI during painting.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
getVertical() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
getWidth() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently get the width of the component.
getX() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently access the x-coordinate of the component relative to its parent.
getY() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently access the y-coordinate of the component relative to its parent.
GHOSTWHITE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color ghost white with an RGB value of #F8F8FF
go(Animation) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Runs the given animation based on the stop condition defined by AnimationDispatcher.until(Predicate) or AnimationDispatcher.asLongAs(Predicate).
GOLD - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color gold with an RGB value of #FFD700
GOLDENROD - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color goldenrod with an RGB value of #DAA520
goWithOffset(long, TimeUnit, Animation) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Runs the given animation based on a time offset in the given time unit and the stop condition defined by AnimationDispatcher.until(Predicate) or AnimationDispatcher.asLongAs(Predicate).
gradient(String, Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple background gradient for a single component on the UI.Layer.BACKGROUND layer, by giving the gradient config a unique name.
gradient(Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define a background shade for your components.
gradient(Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
Configures a gradient function based Paint for the font appearance, using a configurator function that takes a GradientConf instance and returns an updated GradientConf instance with the desired properties.
gradient(UI.Layer, String, Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple background gradient for a single component on a particular layer, by giving the gradient config a unique name.
gradient(UI.Layer, Configurator<GradientConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define a gradient effect on a particular layer for your components.
GradientConf - Class in
An immutable config API for specifying a gradient style.
grainy(float, float) - Static method in class
GRAINY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
GRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color gray with an RGB value of #808080
grayscale() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an updated color that is grayscale equivalent of this color.
green() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
The green component of the Color, in the range 0.0-1.0.
GREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color green with an RGB value of #008000
GREENYELLOW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color green yellow with an RGB value of #ADFF2F
GREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color grey with an RGB value of #808080
grid(int, int) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the GridLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
grid(int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the GridLayout onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
group(E) - Method in class
A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given enum group (see
group(E) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with the given group in terms of an Enum.
group(E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method is part of the SwingTree style API, and it allows you to add this component to an enum based style group.
group(String) - Method in class
A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given string group (see
group(String) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with the given group name.
group(String...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method is part of the SwingTree style API, and it allows you to add this component to a style group.
GROW - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GROW(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GROW_X - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GROW_X(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GROW_Y - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
GROW_Y(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants


H - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
HAND - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
HARD - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation
A hard installation will install the font as the "defaultFont" property of the UIManager and as the default font of all UIManager components.
HARD_SPOTS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
HARD_TOPOLOGY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
hardSpots(float, float) - Static method in class
hardTopology(float, float) - Static method in class
hasFocus() - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryDelegate
A convenience method to check if the entry has focus, which is usually noticeable by a distinct background color.
hasFocus() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Just like any other component, a cell may have focus or not.
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForBoxLayout
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForFlowLayout
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.GridLayoutInstaller
hashCode() - Method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.None
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.Unspecific
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCell
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
Returns the hash code of the component, if present, otherwise 0 (zero) if no component is present.
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
hasHeight() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to check weather the bounds object has a height that is greater than zero.
hasHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to check weather the bounds object has the specified height, which is true if the height is equal to the height of the Size of this bounds object (see Bounds.size()).
hasId(Enum<?>) - Method in class
Checks if the component has the given id.
hasId(String) - Method in class
Checks if the component has the given id.
hasPositiveHeight() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Allows you to check if the height value of this Size instance is both specified (non-negative) and also positive.
hasPositiveWidth() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Allows you to check if the width value of this Size instance is both specified (non-negative) and also positive.
hasSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to check weather the bounds object has the specified width and height, which is true if the width and height are equal to the width and height of the Size of this bounds object (see Bounds.size()).
hasWidth() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to check weather the bounds object has a width that is greater than zero.
hasWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to check weather the bounds object has the specified width, which is true if the width is equal to the width of the Size of this bounds object (see Bounds.size()).
haze(float, float) - Static method in class
HAZE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
height() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
The height of this Size instance may not be specified, in which case this method returns Optional.empty() and the thing that this configuration is applied to should resort to its default height.
height(double) - Method in class
Defines the height of this JComponent.
height(Integer) - Method in class
Ensures that the image has the specified height.
HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Fit the image or icon to the height of the component.
HEIGHT(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
HELP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
HIDE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
HOME - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
HONEYDEW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color honeydew with an RGB value of #F0FFF0
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Align
horizontalGapSize() - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Gets the horizontal gap between components and between the components and the borders of the Container
horizontalOffset(double) - Method in class
Use this to offset the shadow position along the X axis.
horizontalOffset(int) - Method in class
Use this to specify the horizontal offset by which the image will be moved and drawn onto the component.
HOTPINK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color hot pink with an RGB value of #FF69B4
html(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JLabel displaying HTML.
html(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JLabel displaying HTML.
hue() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Gets the hue component of this Color.


I - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
icon(int, int, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the icon found at the provided path displayed on it and scaled to the provided width and height.
icon(int, int, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the provided icon scaled to the provided width and height.
icon(int, int, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the icon found at the path defined by the supplied IconDeclaration displayed on it and scaled to the provided width and height.
icon(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Use this to display a custom icon in the dialog by providing the path to the icon resource.
icon(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Set the icon of the dialog as a path to the icon resource.
icon(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified icon path leading to the icon that will be displayed in the dialog window.
icon(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the icon found at the provided path displayed on it.
icon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Defines the icon for the dialog, whose appearance and position may vary depending on the look and feel of the current system.
icon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Set the icon of the dialog as an Icon.
icon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified icon, which will be displayed in the dialog window.
icon(Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the provided icon displayed on it.
icon(ImageIcon) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided ImageIcon as the icon for the current component (see ComponentStyleDelegate.component()).
icon(ImageIcon, UI.FitComponent) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided ImageIcon as the icon for the current component (see ComponentStyleDelegate.component()) and the provided fit mode determining how the icon should be fitted to the component.
icon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a UI declaration for a JIcon which is dynamically bound to the provided Val property containing an IconDeclaration.
icon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Use this to specify the icon for the confirm dialog through an IconDeclaration, which is a constant that represents the icon resource with a preferred size.
icon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Defines the icon which should be displayed alongside the message in terms of an IconDeclaration, which is a constant object holding the path to the icon resource and the preferred size of the icon.
icon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Allows you to specify an icon declaration for an icon that will be displayed in the dialog window.
icon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided IconDeclaration as the source for the icon of the current component (see ComponentStyleDelegate.component()).
icon(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JIcon instance with the icon found at the path provided by the supplied IconDeclaration displayed on it.
icon(IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided IconDeclaration as the source for the icon of the current component (see ComponentStyleDelegate.component()) and the provided fit mode determining how the icon should be fitted to the component.
icon(Size, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative builder for the JIcon component with the icon found at the path defined by the supplied IconDeclaration displayed on it and scaled to fit the provided Size, consisting of a width and height.
icon(Size, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative builder for the JIcon component with the supplied icon scaled to fit the specified Size, which consists of a width and height.
icon(Size, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative builder for the JIcon component with the icon found at the path defined by the supplied IconDeclaration displayed on it and scaled to fit the provided Size, consisting of a width and height.
IconDeclaration - Interface in swingtree.api
Primarily designed to be implemented by an Enum type that declares a set of icon paths so that the enum instances can be used to identify and load (cached) icons across your application.
id(E) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with the given id in terms of an Enum.
id(E) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method exposes a concise way to set an enum based identifier for the component represented by this builder chain.
id(String) - Method in class
A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components with the given id/name (see Component.setName(String)).
id(String) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with the given id.
id(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method exposes a concise way to set an identifier for the component represented by this builder chain.
ifPresent(Consumer<? super C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, performs the given action with the component, otherwise does nothing.
ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<? super C>, Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, performs the given action with the component, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.
image(Image) - Method in class
Here you can specify the image which will be drawn onto the component.
image(String) - Method in class
Here you can specify the path to the image for which the icon will be loaded, cached and drawn onto the component.
image(String, Configurator<ImageConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple background styles for a single component rendered on the UI.Layer.BACKGROUND layer, by giving the background config a unique name.
image(ImageIcon) - Method in class
Here you can specify the image icon which will be drawn onto the component.
image(Configurator<ImageConf>) - Method in class
Allows for the rendering of a background image on your components.
image(IconDeclaration) - Method in class
Here you can specify the path to the image in the form of an IconDeclaration for which the icon will be loaded and drawn onto the component.
image(UI.Layer, String, Configurator<ImageConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple background styles for a single component rendered on a particular layer, by giving the background config a unique name.
image(UI.Layer, Configurator<ImageConf>) - Method in class
Allows for the rendering of an image on a particular component layer.
ImageConf - Class in
This class represents the style of an image which can be drawn onto the inner area of a component.
index() - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryDelegate
Exposes the position of the rendered list entry in the form of an integer based index number.
INDIANRED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color indian red with an RGB value of #CD5C5C
INDIGO - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color indigo with an RGB value of #4B0082
info(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows an info dialog with the given message.
info(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows an info dialog with the given message and dialog title.
inherits(E...) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with an array of groups to inherit from in terms of Enums.
inherits(String...) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with an array of groups to inherit from.
initialiseUsing(SwingTreeConfigurator) - Static method in class swingtree.SwingTree
A lazy initialization of the singleton instance of the SwingTree class causing it to be recreated the next time it is requested through SwingTree.get(),
but with a SwingTreeConfigurator that is used to configure the SwingTree instance.
This is useful for testing purposes, but also in cases where the UI scale must be initialized or changed manually (through the reference font).
Also see SwingTree.initialize().
initialize() - Static method in class swingtree.SwingTree
A lazy initialization of the singleton instance of the SwingTree class causing it to be recreated the next time it is requested through SwingTree.get().
This is useful for testing purposes, also in cases where the UI scale changes (through the reference font).
Also see SwingTree.initialiseUsing(SwingTreeConfigurator).
initializeFor(JComponent) - Static method in class
Initializes the given component with a new ComponentExtension.
initialState() - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns the initial value of the animation or an empty Optional if no initial value is set.
INS(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
INS(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
INSERT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
INSETS(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
INSETS(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
installCustomUIIfPossible() - Method in class
SwingTree overrides the default Swing look and feel to enable custom styling and animation capabilities.
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForBoxLayout
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForFlowLayout
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.GridLayoutInstaller
installFor(JComponent) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
Installs this layout for the supplied component.
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.None
installFor(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.Unspecific
Does nothing.
INTERIOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
INTERIOR_TO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
The boundary located after the padding.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
inverse() - Method in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
There are only two possible values for this enum, which are Stride.PROGRESSIVE and Stride.REGRESSIVE.
invert() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a new color that is inversion of this color.
is(int) - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
Use this to check if this enum action is a particular DnDConstants action.
is(int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.CellEditable
isAltDown() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns whether the Alt modifier is down on the event of this delegate.
isAlwaysDropDown() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
isAlwaysPopup() - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Show the popup menu, if attached, even if the button part is clicked.
isBoldIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Makes the wrapped JLabel font bold if the provided flag is true, and plain if the flag is false.
isBoldIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
When the flag wrapped by the provided property changes, then the font of this label will switch between being bold and plain.
isBorderPaintedIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Sets the AbstractButton.setBorderPainted(boolean) flag of the wrapped button type.
isBorderPaintedIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Binds the provided Val property to the AbstractButton.setBorderPainted(boolean) method., which means that whenever the value of the property changes, the border of the button will be painted or not.
isCancel() - Method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
A convenience method equivalent to myEnum == ConfirmAnswer.CANCEL.
isCancelOrClose() - Method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
A convenience method to check if the user selected the "cancel" option, or closed the dialog.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
isClose() - Method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
A convenience method equivalent to myEnum == ConfirmAnswer.CLOSE.
isCtrlDown() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns whether the Control modifier is down on the event of this delegate.
isDiagonal() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
Use this to check if the alignment is diagonal and not horizontal or vertical.
isEditableIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Use this to modify the components' modifiability.
isEditableIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this to enable or disable editing for the wrapped UI component.
isEditableIf(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this to enable or disable editing of the wrapped UI component through property binding dynamically.
isEditableIf(BasicTableModel.CellEditable) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Accepts a lambda allowing the JTable to determine if the cell at a given row and column is editable.
isEditing() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
This method returns true if the cell is currently being edited.
isEmpty() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is not present, returns true, otherwise false.
isEnabled() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently check if the component is enabled.
isEnabledIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
A tab may be enabled or disabled, which you can specify with this method.
isEnabledIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to enable or disable the wrapped UI component.
isEnabledIf(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Binds the boolean enabled state of the tab to a specific enum value and a corresponding enum property.
isEnabledIf(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to make the wrapped UI component dynamically enabled or disabled, based on the equality between the supplied enum value and enum property.
isEnabledIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Binds the boolean property passed to this method to the enabled state of the tab, which means that when the state of the property changes, the enabled state of the tab will change accordingly.
isEnabledIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically enable or disable the wrapped UI component.
isEnabledIf(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItem
Dynamically determines whether this SplitItem is enabled or not based on the value of the provided observable boolean property.
isEnabledIfNot(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isEnabledIf(boolean).
isEnabledIfNot(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isEnabledIf(Enum, Val).
isEnabledIfNot(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isEnabledIf(Val).
isEntrySelected() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels.EntryPanel
isExpanded() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
This method returns true if the cell is expanded, i.e.
isExpired() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
Allows you to check whether the animation is expired or not.
isFocusableIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to make the wrapped UI component focusable.
isFocusableIf(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to make the wrapped UI component dynamically focusable or non-focusable based on the equality between the supplied enum value and enum property.
isFocusableIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically make the wrapped UI component focusable.
isFocusableIfNot(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to make the wrapped UI component focusable if a certain condition is not met.
isFocusableIfNot(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
isFocusableIfNot(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically make the wrapped UI component focusable.
isInset(boolean) - Method in class
The isInset parameter determines whether the shadow is inset or outset, in terms of the direction of the shadow gradient either going inward or outward.
isLeaf() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
This method returns true if the cell is a leaf, i.e.
isLeftMouseButton() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns true if the mouse event of this delegate is the left mouse button.
isMetaDown() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns whether the Meta modifier is down on the event of this delegate.
isMiddleMouseButton() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns true if the mouse event of this delegate is the middle mouse button.
isNo() - Method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
A convenience method equivalent to myEnum == ConfirmAnswer.NO.
isNoneOf(E, E) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is none of the 2 given values.
isNoneOf(E, E...) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is none of the given values.
isNoneOf(Iterable<E>) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is none of the given iterable values.
isOneOf(E, E) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is one of the 2 given values.
isOneOf(E, E...) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is one of the given values.
isOneOf(Iterable<E>) - Method in interface swingtree.UIEnum
Checks if this enum value is one of the given iterable values.
isOpaque() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently check if the component is opaque.
isOutset(boolean) - Method in class
Use this to define whether the shadow is outset or inset, which will determine the direction of the shadow gradient.
isPresent() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns true, otherwise false.
isPressed() - Method in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
This method checks if this key is currently pressed on the keyboard by checking if it is in a list of currently pressed keys.
isPressed(Keyboard.Key) - Method in class swingtree.input.Keyboard
This method checks if the supplied Keyboard.Key is currently pressed on the keyboard.
isPressedIf(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically bind to a Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the pressed state of the wrapped AbstractButton type.
isRightMouseButton() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns true if the mouse event of this delegate is the right mouse button.
isSelected() - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryDelegate
A convenience method to check if the entry is selected, which is usually noticeable by a distinct background color.
isSelected() - Method in interface swingtree.api.mvvm.EntryViewModel
This method implies the existence of a boolean property in this view model determining whether the entry is currently selected or not.
isSelected() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
The flag returned by this method indicates whether this cell is selected or not.
isSelectedIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to make the tab selected by default.
isSelectedIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the selection state of the wrapped button type.
isSelectedIf(E, Var<E>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Binds the boolean selection state of the tab to a specific enum value of a corresponding enum property.
isSelectedIf(E, Var<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyToggleButton
Use this to dynamically bind the selection flag of the button to a Var property which will determine the selection state of the button based on the equality of the property value and the provided reference value.
isSelectedIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Binds the boolean property passed to this method to the selected state of the tab, which means that when the state of the property changes, the selected state of the tab will change accordingly.
isSelectedIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to bind to a Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the selection state of the wrapped AbstractButton type.
isSelectedIf(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Binds the boolean property passed to this method to the selected state of the tab, which means that when the state of the property changes, the selected state of the tab will change accordingly.
isSelectedIf(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to bind to a Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the selection state of the wrapped AbstractButton type.
isSelectedIf(T, Val<T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically bind the selection flag of the button to a Val property which will determine the selection state of the button based on the equality of the property value and the provided reference value.
isSelectedIfNot(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to bind to a Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the inverse selection state of the wrapped AbstractButton type.
isSelectedIfNot(Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically bind to a Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the inverse selection state of the wrapped AbstractButton type.
isSelectedIfNot(T, Val<T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
isShiftDown() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns whether the Shift modifier is down on the event of this delegate.
isSystemScalingEnabled() - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Returns whether system scaling is enabled.
isUiScaleDownAllowed(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure whether values smaller than 100% are allowed for the user scale factor as is specified by the system property swingtree.uiScale.allowScaleDown.
isUiScaleFactorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure whether the UI scaling mode is enabled as is specified by the system property swingtree.uiScale.enabled.
isValid(ComponentDelegate<C, ComponentEvent>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.UIVerifier
This method is invoked by a UI component to check if its view model is in a valid state and then update the component accordingly.
isValidIf(UIVerifier<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This allows you to register validation logic for the wrapped UI component.
isVisible() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently check if the component is visible.
isVisibleIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Make the underlying JComponent type visible or invisible depending on the supplied boolean value.
isVisibleIf(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Make the underlying JComponent type dynamically visible or invisible based on the equality between the supplied enum value and enum property.
isVisibleIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Make the underlying JComponent type dynamically visible or invisible through the supplied Val property, which is automatically bound to the JComponent.setVisible(boolean) method of the underlying JComponent type.
isVisibleIfNot(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isVisibleIf(boolean), and it is used to make the underlying JComponent type visible or invisible.
isVisibleIfNot(E, Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isVisibleIf(Enum, Val), and it is used to make the underlying JComponent type dynamically visible or invisible.
isVisibleIfNot(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is the inverse of UIForAnySwing.isVisibleIf(Val), and it is used to make the underlying JComponent type dynamically visible or invisible.
isYes() - Method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
A convenience method equivalent to myEnum == ConfirmAnswer.YES.
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
IVORY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color ivory with an RGB value of #FFFFF0


J - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
JBox - Class in swingtree.components
JBox is a generic lightweight container similar to javax.swing.JPanel, but with 2 important differences: The JBox is transparent by default, meaning that it does not paint its background if it is not explicitly set through the style API.
JBox() - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JBox
Creates a new JBox with a double buffer and a flow layout.
JBox(boolean) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JBox
Creates a new JBox with the specified buffering strategy qnd a default MigLayout instance configured to be without insets and gaps between components.
JBox(LayoutManager) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JBox
Create a new buffered JBox with the specified layout manager
JBox(LayoutManager, boolean) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JBox
Creates a new JBox with the specified layout manager and buffering strategy.
JBox.AccessibleJBox - Class in swingtree.components
This class implements accessibility support for the JBox class.
JGlassPane - Class in swingtree.components
A more advanced glass pane implementation than the default Swing glass pane of a JRootPane object (A regular JPanel.
JGlassPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
JGlassPane(JRootPane) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
JIcon - Class in swingtree.components
A JLabel subclass specifically designed to display icons only.
JIcon() - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(String) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(String, int) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(String, String) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(Icon, String, int) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(IconDeclaration) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
JIcon(Size, Icon) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JIcon
join() - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
A fully blocking call to the decoupled thread event processor causing this thread to join its event queue so that it can continuously process events produced by the UI.
joinFor(long) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
A fully blocking call to the decoupled thread event processor causing this thread to join its event queue so that it can process the given number of events produced by the UI.
joinUntilDoneOrException() - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
A temporarily blocking call to the decoupled thread event processor causing this thread to join its event queue so that it can continuously process events produced by the UI until all events have been processed or an exception is thrown by the event processor.
joinUntilException() - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
A fully blocking call to the decoupled thread event processor causing this thread to join its event queue so that it can continuously process events produced by the UI.
joinUntilExceptionFor(long) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
A temporarily blocking call to the decoupled thread event processor causing this thread to join its event queue so that it can process the given number of events produced by the UI.
JScrollPanels - Class in swingtree.components
The JScrollPanels class is a container for a list of scrollable UI components representing view models or simple data models which are dynamically turned into views by a ViewSupplier.
JScrollPanels.EntryPanel - Class in swingtree.components
Instances of this are entries of this JScrollPanels.
JSplitButton - Class in swingtree.components
An implementation of a "split button" where the left (larger) side acts like a normal button and the right side down arrow based button opens an attached JPopupMenu.
JSplitButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Creates a button with no set text or icon.
JSplitButton(String) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Creates a button with text.
JSplitButton(String, Icon) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Creates a button with initial text and an icon.
JSplitButton(Icon) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Creates a button with an icon.
jumpIn() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of quickly growing sine wave front going from 0 to 1 based on the equation sin(PI * progress() / 2).
jumpIn(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of peaking sine wave growing from start to end based on the equation start + (end - start) * jumpIn().
jumpOut() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of peaking sine wave growing from 1 to 0 based on the equation sin(PI * (1 - progress()) / 2).
jumpOut(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of a initially quickly changing sine wave going from start to end based on the equation end + (start - end) * jumpOut().


K - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
kernel(Size, double...) - Method in class
Use this to configure a custom convolution kernel based on a row major matrix represented by a width, height and an array of values whose length is the product of the supplied width and height.
Note that this operation will be applied after the parent layer was translated and scaled and blurred.
Keyboard - Class in swingtree.input
This is a simple Singleton class representing the current state of the keyboard.
Keyboard() - Constructor for class swingtree.input.Keyboard
Keyboard.Key - Enum Class in swingtree.input
This enum represents all the keys on the keyboard which can be queried for their current state.
KHAKI - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color khaki with an RGB value of #F0E68C


L - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
label(int, int, ImageIcon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a text-less label containing and displaying an icon.
label(int, int, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a text-less label containing and displaying an icon.
label(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JLabel UI component.
label(String, UI.Alignment) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JLabel UI component.
label(String, UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JLabel UI component.
label(Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a text-less label containing and displaying an icon.
label(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JLabel UI component.
label(Val<String>, UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JLabel UI component.
label(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a text-less label containing and displaying an icon.
Label() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Label
labelWithIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a UI builder for a text-less label containing and displaying an icon dynamically.
large(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.LARGE.
A parent container is considered "large" if its width is between 3/5 and 4/5 of its preferred width.
LARGE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be large, meaning that the dimension is greater than or equal to 3/5 of its preferred size and less than 4/5 of its preferred size.
LAVENDER - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lavender with an RGB value of #E6E6FA
LAVENDERBLUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lavender blush with an RGB value of #FFF0F5
LAWNGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lawn green with an RGB value of #7CFC00
layout() - Method in class
layout(String) - Method in class
Defines the layout MigLayout constraints for this JComponent in the form of a String.
layout(String, String) - Method in class
Defines the MigLayout based layout constraints and column layout constraints of this JComponent in the form of a String.
layout(String, String, String) - Method in class
Defines the MigLayout based layout constraints column layout constraints and row layout constraints of this JComponent in the form of a String.
layout(Layout) - Method in class
Use this to define the layout manager for this JComponent using a Layout object.
layout(LayoutConstraint) - Method in class
Defines the layout MigLayout constraints for this JComponent in the form of a LayoutConstraint (see UILayoutConstants.FILL, UILayoutConstants.FILL_X, UILayoutConstants.FILL_Y...).
Layout - Interface in swingtree.api
An abstract representation of an immutable layout configuration for a specific component, for which layout manager specific implementations can be instantiated through various factory methods like Layout.border(), Layout.flow(), Layout.grid(int, int)...
Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller layout is a layout that represents a BorderLayout layout configuration for a component, which consists of the horizontal gap and vertical gap.
Layout.ForBoxLayout - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.ForBoxLayout layout is a layout that represents a BoxLayout layout configuration for a component, which consists of the axis.
Layout.ForFlowLayout - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.ForFlowLayout layout is a layout that represents a FlowLayout layout configuration for a component.
Layout.ForMigLayout - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.ForMigLayout layout is a layout that represents a MigLayout layout configuration for a component.
Layout.GridLayoutInstaller - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.GridLayoutInstaller layout is a layout that represents a GridLayout layout configuration for a component, which consists of the number of rows, number of columns, horizontal gap and vertical gap.
Layout.None - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.None layout is a layout that represents the absence of a LayoutManager for a component.
Layout.Unspecific - Class in swingtree.api
The Layout.Unspecific layout is a layout that represents the lack of a specific layout being set for a component.
layoutConstraint() - Method in class
LayoutConstraint - Class in swingtree.layout
A wrapper for mig layout constraint string to avoid the inherent brittleness of strings...
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Lays out the container.
LC() - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
A factory method for creating a LC instance.
LEADING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
LEFT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentOrientation
LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
LEMONCHIFFON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lemon chiffon with an RGB value of #FFFACD
lifeSpan() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
Exposes the LifeSpan of the animation, which defines when the animation starts, for how long it should run, how is should progress and the refresh rate of the animation.
LifeSpan - Class in swingtree.animation
The lifespan defines when an Animation starts and for how long it should run.
lifeTime() - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns the LifeTime of the animation, which is used by UIFactoryMethods.animate(Var, Animatable) to determine for how long the animation should run.
lifeTime() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
lifeTime(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a LifeTime instance with the given duration and time unit.
LifeTime - Class in swingtree.animation
The lifetime is an immutable and thread safe value based object consisting of a delay, interval and duration which are used to determine the start, end and refresh rate of an Animation as part of a LifeSpan.
LIGHTBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light blue with an RGB value of #ADD8E6
LIGHTCORAL - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light coral with an RGB value of #F08080
LIGHTCYAN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light cyan with an RGB value of #E0FFFF
LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light goldenrod yellow with an RGB value of #FAFAD2
LIGHTGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light gray with an RGB value of #D3D3D3
LIGHTGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light green with an RGB value of #90EE90
LIGHTGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light grey with an RGB value of #D3D3D3
LIGHTPINK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light pink with an RGB value of #FFB6C1
LIGHTSALMON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light salmon with an RGB value of #FFA07A
LIGHTSEAGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light sea green with an RGB value of #20B2AA
LIGHTSKYBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEFA
LIGHTSLATEGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light slate gray with an RGB value of #778899
LIGHTSLATEGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light slate grey with an RGB value of #778899
LIGHTSTEELBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light steel blue with an RGB value of #B0C4DE
LIGHTYELLOW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color light yellow with an RGB value of #FFFFE0
LIME - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lime with an RGB value of #00FF00
LIMEGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color lime green with an RGB value of #32CD32
LINE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Specifies that something is laid out in the direction of a line of text as determined by the target container's ComponentOrientation property.
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.GradientType
A linear gradient is a gradient that follows a straight line.
LINEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color linen with an RGB value of #FAF0E6
LINK - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
An int representing a "link" transfer action.
list() - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryDelegate
Exposes the JList that is being rendered.
list() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows for the creation of a declarative UI for the JList component type.
list(E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JList instance builder with the provided array as data model.
list(List<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JList instance with the provided UI.ListView as data model.
list(ListModel<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows for the creation of a declarative UI for a new JList instance with a custom list model.
list(Val<E>, Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows for the creation of a new JList instance with 2 observable collections as data model, a Val property for the selection and a Vals property list for the elements.
list(Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows for the creation of a new JList instance with the provided observable property list (a Vals object) as data model.
list(Var<E>, Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows for the creation of a new JList instance with 2 observable collections as data model, a Var property for the selection and a Vals property list for the elements.
ListEntryDelegate<E,L> - Interface in swingtree.api
A context object providing JList entry specific context information for the functional ListEntryRenderer interface, which is used to render list entries.
ListEntryRenderer<E,L> - Interface in swingtree.api
A functional interface allowing you to define how a JList entry should be rendered in a declarative manner through method UIForList.withRenderComponent(ListEntryRenderer).
listOf(E...) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JList instance with the provided array as data model.
listOf(List<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JList instance with the provided UI.ListView as data model.
listOf(Vals<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A functionally identical alias method for UIFactoryMethods.list(Vals), which allows for the creation of a new JList instance with the provided observable property list (a Vals object) as data model.
ListView() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ListView
location() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
If you think of the bounds object as a rectangle, then the Position defines the top left corner and the Size defines the width and height of the rectangle.
log - Variable in class


M - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
MAGENTA - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color magenta with an RGB value of #FF00FF
makeBold() - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Makes the wrapped JLabel font bold (!plain).
makeDefaultButton() - Method in class swingtree.UIForButton
Make this button the default button for the root pane it is in.
makeFocused() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to make the wrapped UI component grab the input focus.
makeLinkTo(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to make the underlying JLabel into a clickable link.
makeLinkTo(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to make the underlying JLabel into a clickable link based on the string provided property defining the link address.
makeNonOpaque() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use UIForAnySwing.withBackground(Color) instead, by passing it the UI.Color.TRANSPARENT constant.
Alternatively, you may use the UIForAnything.peek(Peeker) method to peek into the builder's component and set the flag directly.
makeOpaque() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
SwingTree considers the opaqueness a property which emerges from the style configuration of the component. Therefore, it is not recommended to set the opaqueness directly. Instead, use the UIForAnySwing.withBackground(Color) method to set the style of the component so that it becomes opaque.
makePlain() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Effectively removes the native style of this button.
makePlain() - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Makes the wrapped JLabel font plain (!bold).
makeSelected() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItem
Sets the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) flag of the underlying JMenuItem to true.
mandelbrot(float, float) - Static method in class
MANDELBROT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
map(Function<? super C, ? extends U>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns an OptionalUI describing (as if by OptionalUI.ofNullable(T)) the result of applying the given mapping function to the component, otherwise returns an empty OptionalUI.
margin(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for all sides of the component.
margin(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided top, right, left and bottom margin distances.
marginBottom(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the bottom side of the component.
marginHorizontal(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the left and right sides of the component.
marginLeft(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the left side of the component.
marginRight(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the right side of the component.
marginTop(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the top side of the component.
marginVertical(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided margin distance for the top and bottom sides of the component.
MAROON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color maroon with an RGB value of #800000
MAX_DIM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Fit the image to the largest dimension of the component.
maxCellsToFill() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns the maximum number of cells that a component can span in a grid layout managed by a ResponsiveGridFlowLayout.
The default value is 12, which is the maximum number of cells in a row of the ResponsiveGridFlowLayout.
maxHeight(double) - Method in class
Defines the maximum height for this JComponent.
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
maxSize(double, double) - Method in class
Defines the maximum Dimension for this JComponent.
maxSize(Size) - Method in class
Defines the maximum Size for this JComponent.
maxWidth(double) - Method in class
Defines the maximum width for this JComponent.
medium(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.MEDIUM.
A parent container is considered "medium" if its width is between 2/5 and 3/5 of its preferred width.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be medium, meaning that the dimension is greater than or equal to 2/5 of its preferred size and less than 3/5 of its preferred size.
MEDIUMAQUAMARINE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium aquamarine with an RGB value of #66CDAA
MEDIUMBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium blue with an RGB value of #0000CD
MEDIUMORCHID - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium orchid with an RGB value of #BA55D3
MEDIUMPURPLE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium purple with an RGB value of #9370DB
MEDIUMSEAGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium sea green with an RGB value of #3CB371
MEDIUMSLATEBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium slate blue with an RGB value of #7B68EE
MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium spring green with an RGB value of #00FA9A
MEDIUMTURQUOISE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium turquoise with an RGB value of #48D1CC
MEDIUMVIOLETRED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color medium violet red with an RGB value of #C71585
menu() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenient factory method for creating a declarative builder object for a plain JMenu component.
menu(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenient factory method for creating a declarative builder object for a JMenu component initialized with the provided text.
menu(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenient factory method for creating a declarative builder object for a JMenu component bound to the supplied text property.
Menu() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Menu
MenuBar() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.MenuBar
MenuBuilder<M> - Interface in swingtree.api
If you are using builders for your custom Swing components, implement this to allow the UI builder to call the method for you!
menuItem() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenient factory method for creating a declarative builder object for a the JMenuItem component type.
Menu items are usually passed to JMenus or JPopupMenus like so:
menuItem(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This factory method creates a JMenu with the provided text displayed on the menu button.
menuItem(String, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this factory method to create a JMenuItem with the provided text and default icon.
menuItem(String, Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows you to create a menu item with an icon property bound to it.
menuItem(String, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this factory method to create a JMenuItem with the provided text and default icon based on the provided IconDeclaration.
menuItem(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This factory method creates a JMenuItem with the provided text property bound to the menu item.
menuItem(Val<String>, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a JMenuItem with an icon and the supplied text property uni-directionally bound to the menu item.
menuItem(Val<String>, Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows you to create a menu item with a text property and an icon property bound to it.
menuItem(Val<String>, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a JMenuItem with an icon and the supplied text property uni-directionally bound to the menu item.
MenuItem() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.MenuItem
merge(Bounds) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Creates a new bounds object which tightly fits around this bounds object and the specified bounds object, effectively merging the two bounds objects.
message(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Exposes the MessageDialog API, an immutable builder config for creating a message dialog with a given message text.
MessageDialog - Class in swingtree.dialogs
An immutable builder class for creating simple message dialogs (errors, warnings, infos...) based on the JOptionPane class, more specifically the JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) method.
META - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
METAL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
MIDNIGHTBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color midnight blue with an RGB value of #191970
mig(String) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the MigLayout manager onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
mig(String, String) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that installs the MigLayout manager onto a component based on the supplied parameters.
mig(String, String, String) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
This leads to the installation of the MigLayout layout manager, which is a powerful general purpose layout manager for Swing.
MigAddConstraint - Class in swingtree.layout
A wrapper for mig layout constraint string to avoid the inherent brittleness of strings...
MIN_DIM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Fit the image to the smallest dimension of the component.
minHeight(double) - Method in class
Defines the minimum height for this JComponent.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the visible components contained in the specified target container.
minSize(double, double) - Method in class
Defines the minimum Dimension for this JComponent.
minSize(Size) - Method in class
Defines the minimum size for this JComponent in the form of a Size object.
MINTCREAM - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color mint cream with an RGB value of #F5FFFA
minus(float, float) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Creates a new location where the specified dx and dy values are subtracted from the x- and y-coordinates of this location.
minus(Position) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Creates a new location where the x- and y-coordinates of the specified Position are subtracted from the x- and y-coordinates of this location.
MINUS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
minWidth(double) - Method in class
Defines the minimum width for this JComponent.
MISTYROSE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color misty rose with an RGB value of #FFE4E1
MOCCASIN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color moccasin with an RGB value of #FFE4B5
MOSAIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
mousePosition() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the position of the mouse event of this delegate in the form of an immutable Position value object.
mousePosition() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the current mouse position of the drag operation.
mousePositionOnScreen() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the absolute x and y position of the event of this delegate in the form of an immutable Position value object.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class swingtree.components.listener.NestedJScrollPanelScrollCorrection
mouseX() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the x coordinate of the mouse event of this delegate.
mouseX() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the current x-coordinate of the mouse position of the drag operation.
mouseXOnScreen() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the absolute horizontal x position of the event of this delegate.
mouseY() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the y coordinate of the mouse event of this delegate.
mouseY() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the current y-coordinate of the mouse position of the drag operation.
mouseYOnScreen() - Method in class swingtree.ComponentMouseEventDelegate
Returns the absolute vertical y position of the event of this delegate.
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
An int representing a "move" transfer action.
MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key


N - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NAVAJOWHITE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color navajo white with an RGB value of #FFDEAD
NAVY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color navy with an RGB value of #000080
NestedJScrollPanelScrollCorrection - Class in swingtree.components.listener
This MouseWheelListener exists to make JScrollPane scroll behavior the same as one is used to from a browser, where the mouse over a scrollable control will scroll that control until the control bottoms out, and then continues to scroll the parent JScrollPane, usually the JScrollPane for the whole page.
NestedJScrollPanelScrollCorrection(JScrollPane) - Constructor for class swingtree.components.listener.NestedJScrollPanelScrollCorrection
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Active
NIMBUS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
NINE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NO - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
The user selected the "no" option in the dialog.
NO - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Do not fit the image to the component.
NO_CACHE - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
NO_GRID - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
noise(String, Configurator<NoiseConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define a background noise for your components.
noise(Configurator<NoiseConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define a background noise for your components.
noise(Configurator<NoiseConf>) - Method in class
Configures a noise function based Paint for the font appearance, using a configurator function that takes a NoiseConf instance and returns an updated NoiseConf instance with the desired properties.
noise(UI.Layer, String, Configurator<NoiseConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define a background noise for your components.
NoiseConf - Class in
A noise gradient configuration which is used to define a noise gradient style for a component based on a NoiseFunction which is a function that takes a coordinate and returns a value between 0 and 1.
NoiseFunction - Interface in swingtree.api
A noise function is used to render NoiseConf styles by taking a float based coordinate and returning a gradient value between 0 and 1.
NoiseFunctions - Class in
A collection of noise functions that can be used to generate procedural textures.
none() - Static method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns an Animatable instance that does nothing when run due to a LifeTime of LifeTime.none().
none() - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Returns a lifetime that does nothing when run due to it having a duration, delay and interval of zero.
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.AnimatedStyler
A AnimatedStyler that does nothing, meaning it simply returns the given ComponentStyleDelegate without applying any style to it.
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Configurator
Returns a configurator that does nothing, i.e.
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
If you don't want to assign any layout to a component style, but you also don't want to pass null to the ComponentStyleDelegate.layout(Layout) method, you can use the no-op instance returned by this method.
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Painter
Exposes a constant painter that paints nothing.
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.ScrollIncrementSupplier
none() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Styler
A Styler that does nothing, meaning it simply returns the given ComponentStyleDelegate without applying any style to it.
none() - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Returns an empty bounds object, which is the null object for this class.
none() - Static method in class
none() - Static method in class
Use the returned instance as a representation of the absence of a gradient.
none() - Static method in class
Use the returned instance as a representation of the absence of a noise gradient.
none() - Static method in class
none() - Static method in class
Exposes the "null object" pattern for StyleConf instances.
none() - Static method in class
A factory method for getting the empty style sheet representing no style whatsoever.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation
No installation will be performed.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
No scaling will be performed.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cycle
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
An int representing no transfer action.
noOption(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
This method allows you to specify some text that will be used to represent the ConfirmAnswer.NO option in the dialog.
NUM_LOCK - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
numericTextField(Var<N>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided number property dynamically displaying its value on the text field.
numericTextField(Var<N>, Function<N, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided number property dynamically displaying its value on the text field and a function which will be used to format the number as a string.
numericTextField(Var<N>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided number property dynamically displaying its value on the text field and a boolean property which will be set to true if the text field contains a valid number, and false otherwise.
numericTextField(Var<N>, Var<Boolean>, Function<N, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided number property dynamically displaying its value on the text field and a boolean property which will be set to true if the text field contains a valid number, and false otherwise.
NUMPAD_0 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_1 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_2 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_3 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_4 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_5 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_6 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_7 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_8 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
NUMPAD_9 - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key


O - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
OAK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color "oak".
of(double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Size
A factory method that creates a Size instance from a width and height.
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified red, green and blue values in the range 0.0-1.0.
of(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255, and a given opacity.
of(double, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Creates a new lifetime that will run for the given duration in the given time unit and without any start delay.
of(double, TimeUnit, double, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Creates a new lifetime that will start after the given delay and run for the given duration.
of(float, float) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Position
A factory method that creates a new location with the specified x- and y-coordinates or returns the Position.origin() constant if both coordinates are zero.
of(float, float) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Size
A factory method that creates a Size instance from a width and height.
of(float, float, float) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified red, green and blue values in the range 0.0-1.0.
of(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Returns a bounds object with the specified location and size in the form of x and y coordinates, width and height.
of(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255, and a given opacity.
of(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Returns a bounds object with the specified location and size in the form of x and y coordinates, width and height.
of(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Creates a new lifetime that will run for the given duration and without any start delay.
of(long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Creates a new lifetime that will start after the given delay and run for the given duration.
of(A) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JTextArea instance.
of(B) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JBox instance, which is a general purpose component wrapper type with the following properties: It is transparent, meaning that it does not paint its background.
of(C) - Static method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
of(C) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JComboBox instance.
This is useful when you want to write declarative UI with a custom JComboBox type.
of(C, Position) - Static method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
of(D) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This returns an instance of a SwingTree builder for a JDialog type.
of(D, Painter) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Painter
Allows you to create a cacheable painter that uses the given data object as a cache key.
of(F) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JTextField instance.
of(H) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows you to wrap a custom JTableHeader type in a declarative SwingTree UI builder.
of(I) - Static method in class swingtree.SplitItem
A factory method to create a SplitItem for a JSplitButton from a JMenuItem subtype.
of(I) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JIcon instance.
of(Dimension) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Size
A factory method that creates a Size instance from a Dimension.
of(Color) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a UI.Color object from a Color object.
of(ColorSpace, float[], float) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a color in the specified ColorSpace with the color components specified in the float array and the specified alpha.
of(Font) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Font
Creates a new UI.Font object from a Font object.
of(Point) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Position
A factory method that creates a new location from the supplied AWT Point.
of(Rectangle) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Creates a bounds object from an AWT Rectangle object.
of(String) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
A factory method for creating an IconDeclaration instance from the provided path to the icon resource.
of(String) - Static method in class swingtree.SplitItem
A factory method to create a SplitItem for a JSplitButton from a simple text string which will be displayed on the SplitItem when it is part of a clicked JSplitButton.
of(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
of(String...) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint
Create a new LayoutConstraint with the given layout constraints
of(String...) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
Create a new CompAttr with the given layout constraints
of(String, UI.FontStyle, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Font
A factory method that creates a new Font object with the specified font name UI.FontStyle and size.
of(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, ?>) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Font
Creates a new Font object from a map of attributes where the key is an attribute and the value is the value of the attribute.
of(JFormattedTextField) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JFormattedTextField instance.
of(JList<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a concrete JList component type instance.
of(L) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JLabel instance.
of(M) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JMenu instance.
of(P) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JPanel type.
of(R) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JRadioButton instance.
of(S) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This returns an instance of a UIForSeparator builder responsible for building a JSeparator by exposing helpful utility methods for it.
of(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.SplitItem
A factory method to create a SplitItem for a JSplitButton from a Val property which will be used to dynamically determine the text displayed on the SplitItem.
of(Var<T>, AnimationTransformation<T>) - Static method in interface swingtree.animation.Animation
Creates an Animation that animates the item of the supplied Var property in a transformative way, instead of producing side effects on the property item itself.
of(LifeSpan, Stride, ActionEvent, long) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
of(LifeTime, AnimationTransformation<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns an Animatable instance that is used to transform T values using the supplied AnimationTransformation function during the specified LifeTime.
of(LifeTime, T, AnimationTransformation<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns an Animatable instance that animates the supplied value through the provided AnimationTransformation function during the specified LifeTime starting with the supplied initial value as initial application/animation state.
of(MenuBuilder<M>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
If you are using builders for custom JMenuItem components, implement this to allow the UI API to call the method for you.
of(SwingBuilder<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
If you are using builders for your custom JComponent, implement this to allow the UI API to call the method for you.
of(Position, Size) - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Returns a bounds object with the specified location and size.
of(Size, String) - Static method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
A factory method for creating an IconDeclaration instance from the provided path to the icon resource and the preferred size.
of(Size, ImageIcon) - Static method in class
A factory method that creates a new ScalableImageIcon that will render the supplied ImageIcon using the given base size scaled according to the current DPI settings.
of(UI.Align, Dimension) - Static method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Constructs a new JScrollPanels instance with the provided alignment and size.
of(UIForMenuItem<M>) - Static method in class swingtree.SplitItem
Use this to create a SplitItem for a JSplitButton from a UIForMenuItem UI declaration.
of(T) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
Returns an Animatable instance that merely holds the supplied value and does nothing when run due to a no-op transformation function and a LifeTime of LifeTime.none().
of(T) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This returns an instance of a generic swing tree builder for anything extending the JComponent class.
offering(String, E...) - Static method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates a new OptionsDialog instance with the specified message and options.
offering(String, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates a new OptionsDialog instance with the specified message and enum property from which the options, default option and selected option will be derived.
offset(double) - Method in class
Use this to offset the shadow diagonally between the top left corner and the bottom right corner.
offset(double, double) - Method in class
Uses the given x and y offset values to translate the parent layer before applying other filtering operations.
offset(double, double) - Method in class
Define the offset of the gradient which is the start position of the gradient on the x and y-axis.
offset(double, double) - Method in class
Define the offset of the noise gradient which is the start position of the noise gradient on the x and y-axis.
offset(double, double) - Method in class
Use this to offset the shadow position along the X or Y axis using the two supplied horizontalShadowOffset and verticalShadowOffset doubles.
offset(int, int) - Method in class
Use this to specify the vertical and horizontal offset by which the image will be moved and drawn onto the component.
offset(int, int) - Method in class
Returns a TextConf object updated with an x and y placement offset.
ofGray(double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an opaque grey color.
ofGray(double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a grey color.
ofGrayRgb(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
This is a shortcut for rgb(gray, gray, gray).
ofGrayRgb(int, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
This is a shortcut for rgb(gray, gray, gray, opacity).
ofHsb(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a Color based on the specified values in the HSB color model, and a given opacity.
ofRgb(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified combined RGB value consisting of the red component in bits 16-23, the green component in bits 8-15, and the blue component in bits 0-7.
ofRgb(int, boolean) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an sRGB color with the specified combined RGBA value consisting of the alpha component in bits 24-31, the red component in bits 16-23, the green component in bits 8-15, and the blue component in bits 0-7.
ofRgb(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255.
ofRgb(int, int, int, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an sRGB color with the specified RGB values in the range 0-255, and a given opacity.
ofRgba(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates an sRGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range (0 - 255).
OLDLACE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color old lace with an RGB value of #FDF5E6
OLIVE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color olive with an RGB value of #808000
OLIVEDRAB - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color olive drab with an RGB value of #6B8E23
on(E, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, E>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a component Action event handler to a functionally supplied Observable event in order to implement a custom user event system.
on(Function<C, E>, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, E>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This is a logical extension of the UIForAnySwing.on(Observable, Action) method.
onActivated(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowActivated(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when the Window is set to be the active Window.
onButtonClick(Action<SplitItemDelegate<I>>) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItem
Use this to register an action which will be called when the JSplitButton is being pressed and this SplitItem was selected to be the primary button.
onButtonClick(Action<SplitItemDelegate<JMenuItem>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this as an alternative to UIForSplitButton.onClick(Action) to register a button click action with an action lambda having access to a delegate with more context information including not only the current JSplitButton instance, but also the currently selected JMenuItem and a list of all other items.
onCancel(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Registers a listener to be notified when the split button options drop down popup is canceled, which typically happens when the user clicks outside the popup menu.
onCancel(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Registers a listener to be notified when the combo box is canceled, meaning its popup menu is hidden which typically happens when the user clicks outside the combo box.
onCancel(Action<ComponentDelegate<P, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
Registers a listener to be notified when the popup is canceled.
onChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, ItemEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
This method adds the provided ItemListener instance to the wrapped button component.
onChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<JSlider, ChangeEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Adds an Action to the underlying JSlider through an ChangeListener, which will be called when the state of the slider changes.
onChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<JSpinner, ChangeEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Adds an Action to the underlying JSpinner through an ChangeListener, Use this to register an action to be performed when the spinner's value changes.
onChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<P, ChangeEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an Action to the underlying JTabbedPane through an ChangeListener, which will be called when the state of the tabbed pane changes.
onCharTyped(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided character.
onClick(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
This method enables a more readable way of adding ActionListener instances to button types.
onClick(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to register a basic action for when the JSplitButton button is being clicked (not the split part).
onClose(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Registers a listener to be notified when the split button is closed, meaning its popup menu is hidden after the user clicks on the split button drop down button.
onClose(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Registers a listener to be notified when the combo box is closed, meaning its popup menu is hidden after the user clicks on the combo box.
onClose(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowClosing(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window is in the process of being closed.
onClosed(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowClosed(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window has been closed.
onContentChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<JTextComponent, DocumentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Use this to register any change in the contents of the text component including both the displayed text and its attributes.
onDeactivated(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a Window is no longer the active Window.
onDeiconified(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window is changed from a minimized to a normal state, usually by the user restoring it from the task bar.
onDragDropEnd() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked to signify that the Drag and Drop operation is complete.
onDragDropEnd(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceDropEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked to signify that the Drag and Drop operation is complete.
onDragEnter() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked when the cursor's hotspot enters a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked when the cursor's hotspot enters a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DropTargetDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
The supplied action is called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer enters the operable part of the drop site for the DropTarget registered with this listener.
onDragExit() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked as the cursor's hotspot exits a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragExit(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked as the cursor's hotspot exits a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragExit(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DropTargetEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
The supplied action is called while a drag operation is ongoing, when the mouse pointer has exited the operable part of the drop site for the DropTarget registered with this listener.
onDragMove() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked whenever the mouse is moved during a drag operation.
onDragMove(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked whenever the mouse is moved during a drag operation.
onDragOver() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked as the cursor's hotspot moves over a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragOver(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked as the cursor's hotspot moves over a platform-dependent drop site.
onDragOver(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DropTargetDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
The supplied action is called when a drag operation is ongoing, while the mouse pointer is still over the operable part of the drop site for the DropTarget registered with this listener.
onDragStart() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked when the drag operation is initiated.
This event handler is invoked by the DragGestureRecognizer when the DragGestureRecognizer detects a platform-dependent drag initiating gesture.
onDragStart(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragGestureEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked when the drag operation is initiated.
onDrop(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DropTargetDropEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
The supplied Action is called when the drag operation has terminated with a drop on the operable part of the drop site for the DropTarget registered with this listener.
onDropActionChanged() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns the Action that is invoked when the user has modified the drop gesture.
onDropActionChanged(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DragSourceDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify an Action that is invoked when the user has modified the drop gesture.
onDropActionChanged(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, DropTargetDragEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.DragDropComponentConf
The supplied action is called if the user has modified the current drop gesture.
ONE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
onEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Adds an ActionListener to the editor component of the underlying JComboBox which will be called when a selection has been made.
onEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<F, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Allows you to register an action to be performed when the user presses the enter key.
onEnter(Action<ComponentDelegate<JFormattedTextField, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForFormattedTextField
onFocusGain(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ComponentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a FocusListener to the component, to receive those focus events where the wrapped component gains input focus.
onFocusGain(Action<WindowDelegate<W, FocusEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a FocusListener to the component, to receive those focus events where the wrapped component gains input focus.
onFocusLoss(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ComponentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a focus listener to receive those focus events where the wrapped component loses input focus.
onFocusLoss(Action<WindowDelegate<W, FocusEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a focus listener to receive those focus events where the wrapped component loses input focus.
onHidden(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, AncestorEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a AncestorListener to the component, to receive calls when the wrapped component becomes invisible on the users screen.
onIconified(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowIconified(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window is changed from a normal to a minimized state.
onInputFocusGained(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowFocusListener.windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when the window is set to be gaining input focus, which means that the Window, or one of its subcomponents, will receive keyboard events.
onInputFocusLost(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowFocusListener.windowLostFocus(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when the window is set to be losing input focus, which means that input focus is being transferred to another Window or no Window at all and that keyboard events will no longer be delivered to the Window or any of its subcomponents.
onInvisible(Action<ComponentDelegate<P, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
Registers a listener to be notified when the popup becomes invisible, meaning its popup menu is hidden.
onKeyPress(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives keyboard input.
onKeyRelease(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives keyboard input.
onKeyTyped(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives keyboard input.
onMouseClick(Action<ComponentDelegate<JTabbedPane, MouseEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse click events for this tab.
onMouseClick(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Calls the provided action event handler when the mouse gets pressed and then released.
onMouseDrag(Action<ComponentDragEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse drag events on this UI component.
onMouseEnter(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse enter events on the UI.ComponentArea.BODY of this UI component,
which consists of the full component boundaries except for the surrounding margins and corner rounding areas.
onMouseEnter(UI.ComponentArea, Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse enter events on a specific area of this UI component, defined by the first argument, a UI.ComponentArea enum value, and the second argument, a lambda instance which will be invoked when the mouse enters the specified area.
onMouseEnterGreedy(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch simple MouseListener based mouse enter events on this UI component.
onMouseExit(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse exit events on the UI.ComponentArea.BODY of this UI component,
which consists of the full component boundaries except for the surrounding margins and corner rounding areas.
onMouseExit(UI.ComponentArea, Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse exit events on a specific area of this UI component, by supplying a UI.ComponentArea enum value to define the area, and a Action lambda which will be invoked when the mouse exits the specified area, so that you can react to the event accordingly.
onMouseExitGreedy(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch simple MouseListener based mouse exit events on this UI component.
onMouseMove(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse move events on this UI component.
onMousePress(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse press events on this UI component.
onMouseRelease(Action<ComponentMouseEventDelegate<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse release events on this UI component.
onMouseWheelDown(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, MouseWheelEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse wheel down movement events on this UI component.
onMouseWheelMove(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, MouseWheelEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch generic MouseListener based mouse wheel events on this UI component.
onMouseWheelUp(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, MouseWheelEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to register and catch mouse wheel up movement events on this UI component.
onMoved(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ComponentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
The provided lambda will be invoked when the component was moved.
onOpen(Action<ComponentDelegate<B, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Registers a listener to be notified when the split button is opened, meaning its popup menu is shown after the user clicks on the split button drop down button.
onOpen(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Registers a listener to be notified when the combo box is opened, meaning its popup menu is shown after the user clicks on the combo box.
onOpened(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowListener.windowOpened(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window has been opened.
onPressed(Keyboard.Key, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided Keyboard.Key.
onPressed(Keyboard.Key, Action<WindowDelegate<W, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided Keyboard.Key.
onRelease(Keyboard.Key, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the built component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided Keyboard.Key.
onResize(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, ComponentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
The provided lambda will be invoked when the component's size changes.
onSelection(Action<ComponentDelegate<JComboBox<E>, ActionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Adds an Action to the underlying JComboBox through an ActionListener, which will be called when a selection has been made.
onSelection(Action<ComponentDelegate<JList<E>, ListSelectionEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Adds an Action event handler to the underlying JList through a ListSelectionListener, which will be called when a list selection has been made.
onSelection(Action<ComponentDelegate<JTabbedPane, ChangeEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to register and catch generic ChangeEvent based selection events for this tab and perform some action when the tab is selected.
onSelection(Action<SplitButtonDelegate<JMenuItem>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Actions registered here will be called when the user selects a JMenuItem from the popup menu of this JSplitButton.
onSelection(Action<SplitItemDelegate<I>>) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItem
Use this to perform some action when the user selects a SplitItem among all other split button items.
onShown(Action<ComponentDelegate<C, AncestorEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a AncestorListener to the component, to receive calls when the wrapped component becomes visible on the screen.
onSplitClick(Action<SplitButtonDelegate<JMenuItem>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Actions registered here will be called when the split part of the JSplitButton was clicked.
onStateChanged(Action<WindowDelegate<W, WindowEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a WindowListener to the component, to receive WindowStateListener.windowStateChanged(WindowEvent) events which are invoked when a window has been changed.
onTabMouseClick(Action<TabDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an action to be performed when a mouse click is detected on a tab.
onTabMouseEnter(Action<TabDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an action to be performed when a mouse enter is detected on a tab.
onTabMouseExit(Action<TabDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an action to be performed when a mouse exit is detected on a tab.
onTabMousePress(Action<TabDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an action to be performed when a mouse press is detected on a tab.
onTabMouseRelease(Action<TabDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Adds an action to be performed when a mouse release is detected on a tab.
onTextChange(Action<ComponentDelegate<JTextComponent, DocumentEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Use this to register if the text in this text component changes.
onTextInsert(Action<TextInsertDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Allows you to register a user action listener which will be called whenever new text gets inserted into the underlying text component.
onTextRemove(Action<TextRemoveDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Allows you to register a user action listener which will be called whenever parts (or all) of the text in the underlying text component gets removed.
onTextReplace(Action<TextReplaceDelegate>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
This method allows you to register a user action which will be called whenever the text in the underlying text component gets replaced.
onTyped(char, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided character.
onTyped(Keyboard.Key, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, KeyEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds the supplied Action wrapped in a KeyListener to the component, to receive key events triggered when the wrapped component receives a particular keyboard input matching the provided Keyboard.Key.
onView(E, Action<ComponentDelegate<C, E>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to cause an effect inside your UI when an observable event is fired.
onVisible(Action<ComponentDelegate<P, PopupMenuEvent>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
Registers a listener to be notified when the popup is shown.
opacity() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Exposes the current opacity of the drag image.
opacity() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
The opacity of the Color, in the range 0.0-1.0.
opacity(double) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Allows you to define the opacity of the drag image.
opacity(float) - Method in class
This method allows you to specify the opacity of the image.
OPEN_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
OptionalUI<C> - Class in swingtree
A container object for AWT Component types which may or may not contain a non-null value.
OptionsDialog<E> - Class in swingtree.dialogs
An immutable builder class for creating simple enum based option dialogs where the user can select one of the enum options.
OptionsDialogSummoner - Interface in swingtree.dialogs
or(Supplier<? extends OptionalUI<? extends C>>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns an OptionalUI describing the component, otherwise returns an OptionalUI produced by the supplying function.
ORANGE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color orange with an RGB value of #FFA500
ORANGERED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color orange red with an RGB value of #FF4500
ORCHID - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color orchid with an RGB value of #DA70D6
orElse(C) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise returns other.
orElseGet(Supplier<? extends C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise returns the result produced by the supplying function.
orElseNullable(C) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise returns other or throws a null pointer exception if other is null.
orElseThrow() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise throws NoSuchElementException.
orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise throws an exception produced by the exception supplying function.
orGet(Supplier<? extends C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If no component is present, the supplying function is called to provide an alternative UI component to be used in place of the missing component.
orGetIf(boolean, Supplier<? extends C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If no component is present and the supplied boolean is true, the supplying function is called to provide an alternative UI component to be used in place of the missing component.
orGetUi(Supplier<UIForAnything<?, A, B>>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns an OptionalUI describing the component, otherwise returns a OptionalUI containing the component built by the UI declaration inside the supplying function.
orGetUiIf(boolean, Supplier<UIForAnything<?, A, B>>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If no component is present and the supplied boolean is true, the supplying function is called to provide an alternative UI declaration to be used to build the missing component.
orientation(UI.ComponentOrientation) - Method in class
Determines how the component is oriented, typically with respect to the text direction and where content originates.
origin() - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Position
orNull() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
If a component is present, returns the component, otherwise returns null.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
OUTER_TO_EXTERIOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
The outermost boundary of the component, including any margin that might be applied.
oversize(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.OVERSIZE.
A parent container is considered "oversize" if its width is greater than its preferred width.
OVERSIZE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be oversize, meaning that the dimension is greater than or equal to 5/5 of its preferred size.


P - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
PAD(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PAD(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
padding(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for all sides of the component.
padding(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided top, right, left and bottom pad distances.
padding(int) - Method in class
This method allows you to specify the padding for all sides of the image.
padding(int, int) - Method in class
This method allows you to specify the padding of the image.
padding(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
This method allows you to specify the padding of the image.
paddingBottom(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the bottom side of the component.
paddingHorizontal(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the left and right sides of the component.
paddingLeft(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the left side of the component.
paddingRight(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the right side of the component.
paddingTop(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the top side of the component.
paddingVertical(double) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleConf with the provided padding distance for the top and bottom sides of the component.
PAGE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Specifies that something is laid out in the direction that lines flow across a page as determined by the target container's ComponentOrientation property.
PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
paint(Paint) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified paint.
paint(Graphics) - Method in interface
This method is expected to be implemented as follows within a component extension which ought to be made compatible with SwingTree.
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Painter
Paints a custom style on a component using the given graphics context.
paint(AnimationStatus, Painter) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to render something on top of the UI.ComponentArea.BODY of the component using the Graphics2D instance of the component.
paint(UI.ComponentArea, AnimationStatus, Painter) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to render something on top of the component using the Graphics2D instance of the component.
paint(UI.ComponentArea, UI.Layer, AnimationStatus, Painter) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to render something on top of the component using the Graphics2D instance used by the component to render itself.
paint(UI.Layer, AnimationStatus, Painter) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to render something on top of the UI.ComponentArea.BODY of the component using the Graphics2D instance of the component.
paintBackground(Graphics, Consumer<Graphics>) - Method in interface
This default method is not intended to be overridden by client code! It delegates the painting to the library internal ComponentExtension.
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JIcon
This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in interface
This method is expected to be implemented as follows:
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Button
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBox
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBoxMenuItem
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ComboBox
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Component
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.EditorPane
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.FormattedTextField
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Label
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ListView
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Menu
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuBar
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuItem
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Panel
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PasswordField
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PopupMenu
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ProgressBar
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButton
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButtonMenuItem
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ScrollPane
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Separator
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Slider
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Spinner
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.SplitPane
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TabbedPane
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Table
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextArea
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextField
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextPane
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToggleButton
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolBar
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolTip
paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Tree
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JIcon
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Button
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBox
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBoxMenuItem
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ComboBox
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Component
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.EditorPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.FormattedTextField
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Label
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ListView
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Menu
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuBar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuItem
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Panel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PasswordField
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PopupMenu
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ProgressBar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButton
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButtonMenuItem
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ScrollPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Separator
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Slider
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Spinner
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.SplitPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TabbedPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Table
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextArea
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextField
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextPane
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToggleButton
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolBar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolTip
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Tree
painter(UI.Layer, String, Painter) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided named Painter, which will be called using the Graphics2D instance of the current component.
painter(UI.Layer, Painter) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided custom Painter, which will be called using the Graphics2D of the current component.
painter(UI.Layer, UI.ComponentArea, String, Painter) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided named Painter, which will be called using the Graphics2D instance of the current component.
painter(UI.Layer, UI.ComponentArea, Painter) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided custom Painter, which will be called using the Graphics2D of the current component.
Painter - Interface in swingtree.api
A functional interface for doing custom painting on a component using the Graphics2D API.
paintForeground(Graphics, Consumer<Graphics>) - Method in interface
This default method is not intended to be overridden by client code! It delegates the painting to the library internal ComponentExtension.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class
PALEGOLDENROD - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color pale goldenrod with an RGB value of #EEE8AA
PALEGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color pale green with an RGB value of #98FB98
PALETURQUOISE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color pale turquoise with an RGB value of #AFEEEE
PALEVIOLETRED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color pale violet red with an RGB value of #DB7093
panel() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPanel UI component with a MigLayout as its layout manager.
panel(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component.
panel(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component.
panel(String, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPanel UI component with a MigLayout as its layout manager and the provided constraints.
panel(LC) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component.
panel(LC, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPanel UI component with a MigLayout as its layout manager and the provided constraints.
panel(LC, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPanel UI component with a MigLayout as its layout manager and the provided constraints.
panel(Val<LayoutConstraint>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component with a dynamically updated set of MigLayout constraints/attributes.
panel(LayoutConstraint) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component.
panel(LayoutConstraint, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JPanel UI component.
panel(LayoutConstraint, String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPanel UI component with a MigLayout as its layout manager and the provided constraints.
Panel() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Panel
PAPAYAWHIP - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color papaya whip with an RGB value of #FFEFD5
paramString() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Returns a string representation of this JBox.
parent() - Method in class
Exposes the parent Container of the JComponent delegated by this ComponentStyleDelegate through an Optional in case the parent is null.
parent(Component) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Allows you to specify the parent component of the dialog, which is the component that the dialog will be centered on top of.
parent(Component) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Set the parent of the dialog.
parent(Component) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
You may specify a reference to a parent component for the dialog, which will be used to center the dialog on the parent component.
parentDelegate(Action<AbstractDelegate<JComponent>>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this method to delegate to the parent of the component.
parentFilter(Configurator<FilterConf>) - Method in class
parentSize() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns the Size object that represents the parent container's size.
parentSizeCategory() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns the ParentSizeClass category that represents the parent container's width relative to its preferred width.
The cell exposes this information so that you can use for a more informed decision on how many cells a component should span.
ParentSizeClass - Enum Class in swingtree.layout
Represents a classification of the size of a parent component in a ResponsiveGridFlowLayout that serves as a sort of layout mode for the child components.
passwordField() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPasswordField UI component.
passwordField(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPasswordField instance with the provided text as the initial password.
passwordField(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPasswordField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the password field.
passwordField(Var<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JPasswordField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the password field.
PasswordField() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.PasswordField
path() - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
The most important part of the identity of an icon declaration is the path to the icon resource.
PAUSE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
payload() - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Returns an Optional of the current Transferable object that is used to transfer the data during the drag operation.
payload(Transferable) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Use this to specify the payload of this drag away operation in the form of a Transferable object.
payload(String) - Method in class swingtree.DragAwayComponentConf
Allows you to specify the payload of this drag away operation in the form of a String object to be transferred during the drag away operation.
PEACHPUFF - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color peach puff with an RGB value of #FFDAB9
peek(Peeker<C>) - Method in class
Use this to peek at the JComponent of this ComponentStyleDelegate to perform some style-related component specific actions on it which are otherwise not found in the ComponentStyleDelegate API.
peek(Peeker<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Use this if you wish to access the component wrapped by this builder directly.
Peeker<C> - Interface in swingtree.api
Applies an action to the current component typically as part of UIForAnySwing through method UIForAnything.peek(Peeker) with the purpose of expose the underlying component to the user while preserving a declarative method chaining based builder API usage pattern.
PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
PERU - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color peru with an RGB value of #CD853F
PINK - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color pink with an RGB value of #FFC0CB
placement(UI.Placement) - Method in class
Here you can specify the placement of the image onto the component.
placement(UI.Placement) - Method in class
Returns an updated TextConf object with the given placement, defined by a UI.Placement enum.
placementBoundary(UI.ComponentBoundary) - Method in class
Returns a new TextConf object with the given placement boundary defined by a UI.ComponentBoundary enum.
PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
PLUM - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color plum with an RGB value of #DDA0DD
plus(float, float) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Creates a new location where the specified dx and dy values are added to the x- and y-coordinates of this location.
plus(Position) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Creates a new location where the x- and y-coordinates of the specified Position are added to the x- and y-coordinates of this location.
POND_IN_DRIZZLE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
POND_IN_RAIN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
POND_OF_STRINGS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
POND_OF_TANGLED_STRINGS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
popupMenu() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a swing tree builder node for the JPopupMenu UI component.
PopupMenu() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.PopupMenu
popupMenuIsVisibleIf(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenu
Sets the popup menu visibility for this JMenu through the JMenu.setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) method.
popupMenuIsVisibleIf(Val<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenu
Binds to a popup menu visibility property for this JMenu through the JMenu.setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) method.
position() - Method in interface swingtree.api.mvvm.EntryViewModel
This method implies the existence of an integer property in this view model determining the position of the entry in the list of all entries.
Position - Class in swingtree.layout
An immutable value based class that represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system specified in float precision and specifically designed for Swing components.
posture(float) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified posture, defining the tilt of the font.
POWDERBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color powder blue with an RGB value of #B0E0E6
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the visible components in the specified target container.
prefHeight(double) - Method in class
Defines the preferred height for this JComponent.
prefSize(double, double) - Method in class
Defines the preferred Dimension for this JComponent.
prefSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
prefSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
prefSize(Size) - Method in class
Defines the preferred Size for this JComponent.
prefWidth(double) - Method in class
Defines the preferred width for this JComponent.
prependToButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
A convenience method to prepend text to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
prependToButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
A convenience method which takes the supplied String and prepends it to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
presentationEntry() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
The presentation entry is the first choice of the default cell view to be used for rendering and presentation to the user.
presentationEntry(Object) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
The presentation entry is the first choice of the default cell view to be used for rendering and presentation to the user.
primer(Color) - Method in class
Here you can specify the primer color of the image style which will be used as a filler color for the image background.
PRINTSCREEN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
progress() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
Exposes the progress of the animation state, which is a number between 0 and 1 that represents how far the animation has progressed between its start and end.
progress() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
Exposes the progress of the animation state, which is a number between 0 and 1 that represents how far the animation has progressed between its start and end.
progress(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of a value linearly growing from start to end based on the equation start + (end - start) * progress().
Progress - Interface in swingtree.animation
Represents the progress snapshot of an animation in terms of numbers between 0 and 1 that describe how far the animation has progressed between its start and end.
progressBar() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a progress bar builder with a default JProgressBar implementation.
progressBar(int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided minimum and maximum values.
progressBar(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided minimum, maximum and current value.
progressBar(int, int, Val<Integer>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided minimum, maximum and current value property dynamically bound to the progress bar.
progressBar(Val<UI.Align>, Val<Double>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with a default minimum and maximum value of 0 and 100 and the provided alignment property and double based progress property (a property wrapping a double value between 0 and 1) dynamically bound to the progress bar.
progressBar(UI.Align, double) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with a default minimum and maximum value of 0 and 100 and the provided alignment and double based progress property (a property wrapping a double value between 0 and 1) dynamically bound to the progress bar.
progressBar(UI.Align, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided alignment, minimum and maximum values.
progressBar(UI.Align, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided alignment, minimum, maximum and current value.
progressBar(UI.Align, int, int, Val<Integer>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with the provided alignment, minimum, maximum and current value property dynamically bound to the progress bar.
progressBar(UI.Align, Val<Double>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JProgressBar instance with a default minimum and maximum value of 0 and 100 and the provided alignment and double based progress property (a property wrapping a double value between 0 and 1) dynamically bound to the progress bar.
ProgressBar() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ProgressBar
PROGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
The animation progress defined by AnimationStatus.progress() will start at 0 and end at 1.
projectPointOntoLine(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class
property(String, String) - Method in class
Allow for the specification of client properties on the styled component.
pulse() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
A sine wave oscillating between 0 and 1 and back to 0 once per iteration.
pulse(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
A sine wave oscillating between start and peak and back to start once per iteration.
PURPLE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color purple with an RGB value of #800080
PUSH - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PUSH(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PUSH_X - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PUSH_X(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PUSH_Y - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
PUSH_Y(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants


Q - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
QUOTE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key


R - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
RADIAL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.GradientType
A radial gradient is a gradient that follows a circular pattern by growing from a central point outwards.
radioButton(E, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JRadioButton instance dynamically bound to an enum based Var instance which will be used to dynamically model the selection state of the wrapped JToggleButton type by checking weather the property matches the provided enum or not.
radioButton(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JRadioButton instance with the provided text displayed on it.
radioButton(String, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JRadioButton instance with the provided text displayed on it and the provided selection property dynamically determining whether the radio button is selected or not.
radioButton(String, T, Var<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative UI builder for the JRadioButton component type which is dynamically bound to the equality of the provided state and the provided selection property.
radioButton(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JRadioButton instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the radio button.
radioButton(Val<String>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a builder node wrapping a new JRadioButton instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the radio button and the provided selection property dynamically determines whether the radio button is selected or not.
RadioButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.RadioButton
radioButtonMenuItem() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a plain JRadioButtonMenuItem instance.
radioButtonMenuItem(E, Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem bound to a fixed enum value and a variable enum property which will dynamically select the menu item based on the equality of the fixed enum value and the variable enum property value.
radioButtonMenuItem(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem with the provided text displayed on the menu button.
radioButtonMenuItem(String, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem with the provided text displayed on the menu button and the provided icon displayed on the menu button.
radioButtonMenuItem(String, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem with some custom text and a boolean property, dynamically determining whether the radio button based menu item is selected or not.
radioButtonMenuItem(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem bound to the provided text property, whose value will be displayed on the menu button dynamically.
radioButtonMenuItem(Val<String>, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem bound to the provided text property, whose value will be displayed on the menu button dynamically and the provided icon displayed on the menu button.
radioButtonMenuItem(Val<String>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method to create a JRadioButtonMenuItem with some custom text and a boolean property, dynamically determining whether the radio button based menu item is selected or not.
RadioButtonMenuItem() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.RadioButtonMenuItem
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.MapData
reconfigure() - Method in class
Essentially (re)initiates the style sheet by clearing all the traits and then calling the StyleSheet.configure() method to add new traits to the style sheet.
red() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
The red component of the Color, in the range 0.0-1.0.
RED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color red with an RGB value of #FF0000
REFLECT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cycle
registerAndRunAppEventNow(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
registerAndRunAppEventNow(Runnable) - Method in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
Adds the supplied task to an event queue for processing application events and then waits for the task to be processed on the application thread.
registerAndRunUIEventNow(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
registerAndRunUIEventNow(Runnable) - Method in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
Adds the supplied task to an event queue for processing UI events and then waits for the task to be processed on the GUI thread.
registerAppEvent(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
registerAppEvent(Runnable) - Method in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
Adds the supplied task to an event queue for processing application events.
registerUIEvent(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.threading.DecoupledEventProcessor
registerUIEvent(Runnable) - Method in interface swingtree.threading.EventProcessor
Adds the supplied task to an event queue for processing UI events.
regress() - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation progress in the form of a value linearly growing from 1 to 0 based on the equation 1 - progress().
regress(double, double) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Progress
The animation regression in the form of a value linearly growing from start to end.
REGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
The animation progress defined by AnimationStatus.progress() will start at 1 and end at 0.
removeAllEntries() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to remove all entries.
removeButtonClickedActionListener(ButtonClickedActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Remove a ButtonClickedActionListener from the button.
removeEntriesAt(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to remove a certain number of entries starting at a certain index.
removeEntryAt(int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to remove an entry at a certain index.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
removeMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
removeSplitButtonActionListener(SplitButtonActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
removeSplitButtonClickedActionListener(SplitButtonClickedActionListener) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Remove a SplitButtonClickedActionListener from the button.
removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
removeUiScaleChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Removes the provided property change listener from the user scale factor property with the name "swingtree.uiScale".
render(BiConsumer<CellConf<C, T>, Graphics2D>) - Method in class swingtree.RenderAs
Specify a lambda which receives a CellConf instance as well as a Graphics instance and then renders the cell.
render(ListEntryDelegate<E, L>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.ListEntryRenderer
RenderAs<C,E,T> - Class in swingtree
This class models the API of the CellBuilder which allows you to specify how a cell should be rendered.
renderer(Size, Consumer<Graphics2D>) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Creates an updated cell delegate object with the supplied cell size and painter as the view (renderer/editor) of the cell.
repeat(boolean) - Method in class
If this flag is set to true, then the image may be painted multiple times so that it fills up the entire inner component area.
REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cycle
repeats() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
A single iteration of an animation consists of its progress going from 0 to 1 in case of it being progressive, or from 1 to 0 in case of it being regressive (see Stride).
RESIZE_EAST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
RESIZE_WEST - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
ResponsiveGridFlowLayout - Class in swingtree.layout
A flow layout arranges components in a directional flow, much like lines of text in a paragraph.
ResponsiveGridFlowLayout() - Constructor for class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Constructs a new FlowLayout with a centered alignment and a default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap.
ResponsiveGridFlowLayout(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Constructor for class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Constructs a new FlowLayout with the specified alignment and a default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap.
ResponsiveGridFlowLayout(UI.HorizontalAlignment, int, int) - Constructor for class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Creates a new flow layout manager with the indicated alignment and the indicated horizontal and vertical gaps.
retro(float, float) - Static method in class
RETRO - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
RIGHT - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentOrientation
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
rootPane - Variable in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
ROSYBROWN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color rosy brown with an RGB value of #BC8F8F
rotation(float) - Method in class
Define the rotation of the gradient in degrees.
rotation(float) - Method in class
Define the rotation of the noise gradient in degrees.
round() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Rounds the float based width and height of this Size to the nearest integer value and returns these as a new Size.
row() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Gives you the row index of the cell in the table, list or drop down.
ROW_MAJOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
ROW_MAJOR_EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
rowCount(BasicTableModel.RowCount) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define the lambda which dynamically determines the row count of the table model.
ROYALBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color royal blue with an RGB value of #4169E1
run(Runnable) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for
run(AnimationStatus) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.Animation
This method is called repeatedly during the lifetime of the animation.
run(AnimationStatus, T) - Method in interface swingtree.animation.AnimationTransformation
This takes in the current AnimationStatus and an immutable value of type T and returns a new updated value of type T.
runAndGet(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(Runnable), where the runnable is a lambda expression that has a return value.
runLater(double, TimeUnit, Runnable) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for SwingUtilities.invokeLater(Runnable), which causes Runnable to be executed asynchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread after the specified delay has passed in the given time unit.
runLater(int, Runnable) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for SwingUtilities.invokeLater(Runnable), which causes Runnable to be executed asynchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread after the specified delay.
runLater(Runnable) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for SwingUtilities.invokeLater(Runnable), which causes a provided Runnable to be executed asynchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread.
runNow(Runnable) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
A convenience method for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(Runnable), causes to be executed synchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread.


S - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
SADDLEBROWN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color saddle brown with an RGB value of #8B4513
SALMON - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color salmon with an RGB value of #FA8072
SANDYBROWN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color sandy brown with an RGB value of #F4A460
saturate() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Provides an updated color that is a more saturated version of this color.
saturateBy(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates a color which is saturated by the specified percentage factor.
saturation() - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Gets the saturation component of this Color.
saying(String) - Static method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
ScalableImageIcon - Class in
A wrapper for ImageIcon that automatically scales the image to the current UI.scale() value defined in the current SwingTree library context singleton.
scale() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
The number returned by this method is used to scale the UI to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale() - Method in class
A convenient delegate method to UI.scale() which exposes the current UI scale factor that is used to scale the UI for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale() - Static method in class swingtree.UI
There are two types of strategies for achieving high DPI scaling in Swing.
scale(double) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see AbstractDelegate.paint(AnimationStatus, Painter)) to scale a double value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(double) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Scales the width and height of this Size instance by the given factor.
scale(double) - Method in class
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see ComponentStyleDelegate.painter(UI.Layer, Painter)) to scale a double value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(double) - Method in class
Define the scale of the noise gradient in terms of its size / granularity.
scale(double) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Multiplies the given double value by the user scale factor.
scale(double, double) - Method in class
Scales the parent layer by the given x and y factors before applying other filtering operations.
scale(double, double) - Method in class
Define the x and y scale of the noise gradient in terms of its size / granularity.
scale(float) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see AbstractDelegate.paint(AnimationStatus, Painter)) to scale a float value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(float) - Method in class
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see ComponentStyleDelegate.painter(UI.Layer, swingtree.api.Painter)) to scale a float value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(float) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Multiplies the given float value by the user scale factor.
scale(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see AbstractDelegate.paint(AnimationStatus, Painter)) to scale an int value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(int) - Method in class
Use this method inside custom Painter implementations (see ComponentStyleDelegate.painter(UI.Layer, swingtree.api.Painter)) to scale an int value by the current UI scale factor to ensure that the UI is scaled properly for high resolution displays (high dots-per-inch, or DPI).
scale(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Multiplies the given int value by the user scale factor and rounds the result.
scale(Dimension) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Scales the given dimension with the user scale factor.
scale(Ellipse2D) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Takes an ellipse and scales it with the user scale factor or returns the provided ellipse if the user scale factor is 1.
scale(RoundRectangle2D) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Returns a rectangle from the given rectangle with the user scale factor applied.
scale(Graphics2D) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
If user scale factor is not 1, scale the given graphics context by invoking Graphics2D.scale(double, double) with user scale factor.
scale(Insets) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Scales the given insets with the user scale factor.
scale(Rectangle) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Returns a rectangle from the given rectangle with the user scale factor applied.
scaleIconTo(Size, Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
scaleRoundedDown(int) - Method in class swingtree.UI
Similar as UI.scale(int) but always "rounds down".
SCROLL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy
SCROLL_LOCK - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
ScrollableComponentDelegate - Class in swingtree
This class is an immutable builder which defines the Scrollable behavior of a component within a JScrollPane.
ScrollIncrementSupplier - Interface in swingtree.api
A supplier of scrollable increments for a JScrollPane.
scrollPane() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Returns the scroll pane that contains the scrollable component this configuration is for.
scrollPane() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JScrollPane UI component.
scrollPane(Configurator<ScrollableComponentDelegate>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows you to create a declarative builder for the JScrollPane component type, where you can also configure how the contained component should behave in the scroll pane viewport through a Configurator lambda.
ScrollPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ScrollPane
ScrollPane(Component) - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ScrollPane
scrollPanels() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JScrollPanels UI component.
scrollPanels(UI.Align) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JScrollPanels UI component.
scrollPanels(UI.Align, Dimension) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JScrollPanels UI component.
SEAGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color sea green with an RGB value of #2E8B57
SEASHELL - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color sea shell with an RGB value of #FFF5EE
selectAllItems() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Selects all JMenuItems by passing true to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
selectAllItems() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Selects all JMenuItems by passing true to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
selectCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Selects the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
selectCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Selects the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
selectedTabIndex() - Method in class swingtree.TabDelegate
Exposes the index of the currently selected tab.
selectionColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified selection color.
selectionColor(String) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified selection color string used to define the selection color.
selectItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
selectItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
selectOnlyCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Selects only the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
selectOnlyCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Selects only the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
selectOnlyItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem) and unselects all other items.
selectOnlyItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem) and unselects all other items.
SEMICOLON - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
separator() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This returns an instance of a UIForSeparator builder responsible for building a JSeparator by exposing helpful utility methods for it.
separator(Val<UI.Align>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a swing tree builder node for the JSeparator whose alignment is dynamically determined based on a provided property.
separator(UI.Align) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
This returns an instance of a UIForSeparator builder responsible for building a JSeparator by exposing helpful utility methods for it.
Separator() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Separator
SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
set(int, int, E) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.EntrySetter
setAlignment(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Sets the alignment for this layout.
setAlignOnBaseline(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Sets whether or not components should be vertically aligned along their baseline.
setAllEntriesAt(int, AddConstraint, Iterable<M>, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to set all entries at a certain index to effectively replace the old entries with the new ones.
setAlwaysDropDown(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
setAlwaysPopup(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Show the popup menu, if attached, even if the button part is clicked.
setArrowColor(Color) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Set the arrow color.
setArrowSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the size of the arrow.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the background color of the component.
setBackgroundColor(double, double, double) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the background color of the component.
setBackgroundColor(double, double, double, double) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the background color of the component.
setBackgroundColor(int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the background color of the component.
setBackgroundColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the background color of the component.
setBorder(Border) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the border of the component.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the bounds of the component.
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the bounds of the component.
setBounds(Bounds) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Delegates to the Component.setBounds(int, int, int, int) method of the underlying component.
setButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Allows you to set the text displayed on the JSplitButton inside of your user Action implementation.
setButtonText(String) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Takes the supplied String and passes it to the AbstractButton.setText(String) while running on the UI thread.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the Cursor of the component.
setCursor(UI.Cursor) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the UI.Cursor of the component.
setDefaultAnimationInterval(long) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Sets the default animation interval in milliseconds which is a property that determines the delay between two consecutive animation steps.
setDisabledArrowColor(Color) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the disabled arrow color.
setDisabledImage(Image) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the disabled image to draw instead of the triangle.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently enable or disable the component.
setEntryAt(int, AddConstraint, M, ViewSupplier<M>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to replace an entry at a certain index.
setEntrySelected(Boolean) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels.EntryPanel
setEventProcessor(EventProcessor) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Sets the EventProcessor that is used to process GUI and application events.
setFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the font of the component.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the foreground color of the component.
setForegroundColor(double, double, double) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the foreground color of the component.
setForegroundColor(double, double, double, double) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the foreground color of the component.
setForegroundColor(int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the foreground color of the component.
setForegroundColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the foreground color of the component.
setHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the height of the component.
setHorizontalGapSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components and between the components and the borders of the Container.
setId(E) - Method in class
Sets the id of the component based on an enum.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the id of the component.
setImage(Image) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the image to draw instead of the triangle.
setImage(Image) - Method in class
setImage(Image) - Method in class
We don't support this.
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the maximum height of the component.
setMaxSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the maximum size of the component.
setMaxSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the maximum size of the component.
setMaxSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the maximum size of the component.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the maximum width of the component.
setMinHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the minimum height of the component.
setMinSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the minimum size of the component.
setMinSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the minimum size of the component.
setMinSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the minimum size of the component.
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the minimum width of the component.
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently make the component opaque or transparent.
setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the JPopupMenu to be displayed, when the split part of the button is clicked.
setPrefHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the preferred height of the component.
setPrefSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the preferred size of the component.
setPrefSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the preferred size of the component.
setPrefSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the preferred size of the component.
setPrefWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the preferred width of the component.
setSelectedFor(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels
Use this to set entries as selected based on a condition lambda (predicate).
setsEntryAt(BasicTableModel.EntrySetter<E>) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Accepts a lambda allowing lambda which allows the user of the JTable to set the value at a given row and column.
setSeparatorSpacing(int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Sets the separatorSpacing.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the size of the component.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the size of the component.
setSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the size of the component.
setSplitWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Splitwidth is the width of the split part of the button.
setStyleGroups(E...) - Method in class
This method is used by to attach so called group tags to a component.
setStyleGroups(String...) - Method in class
This method is used by to attach so called group tags to a component.
setStyleSheet(StyleSheet) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Sets the StyleSheet that is used to style components.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the tooltip of the component.
setToolTips(String...) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
Use this for defining a fixed set of tool tip texts for the columns.
setToolTipsSupplier(Function<Integer, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
Use this for defining the header cell tool tips.
setUI(PanelUI) - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
setUiScaleFactor(float) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTree
Sets the user scale factor is a scaling factor that is used by SwingTree's style engine to scale the UI during painting.
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.components.JIcon
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.components.JSplitButton
Certain style configurations require SwingTree to install a custom UI delegate.
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in interface
Certain style configurations require SwingTree to install a custom UI delegate.
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Button
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBox
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.CheckBoxMenuItem
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ComboBox
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Component
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.EditorPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.FormattedTextField
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Label
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ListView
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Menu
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuBar
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.MenuItem
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Panel
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PasswordField
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.PopupMenu
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ProgressBar
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButton
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.RadioButtonMenuItem
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ScrollPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Separator
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Slider
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Spinner
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.SplitPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TabbedPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Table
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextArea
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextField
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.TextPane
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToggleButton
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolBar
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.ToolTip
setUISilently(ComponentUI) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Tree
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel
setVerticalGapSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components and between the components and the borders of the Container.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently enable or disable the component.
setWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to conveniently set the width of the component.
SEVEN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
shadow() - Method in class
Exposes the default shadow style configuration object.
shadow(String, Configurator<ShadowConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple shadows for a single component on the UI.Layer.CONTENT layer, by giving the shadow config a unique name.
shadow(UI.Layer, String) - Method in class
Internally, a style configuration consists of a set of layers defined by the UI.Layer enum.
shadow(UI.Layer, String, Configurator<ShadowConf>) - Method in class
This method makes it possible to define multiple shadows for a single component on a custom layer, by giving the shadow config a unique name.
shadowBlurRadius(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow blur radius applied to all shadow configs.
shadowColor(double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow color defined by the supplied red, green and blue color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
shadowColor(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow color defined by the supplied red, green, blue and alpha color channels in the form of doubles expected to be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
shadowColor(Color) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow color applied to the default shadow.
shadowColor(String) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow color in the form of a string.
ShadowConf - Class in
An immutable config API designed for defining shadow styles as part of the full StyleConf configuration object.
shadowHorizontalOffset(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided horizontal shadow offset applied to all shadow configs.
shadowIsInset(boolean) - Method in class
Use this to control whether your shadows should be rendered inwards or outwards.
shadowOffset(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided horizontal and vertical shadow offset.
shadowOffset(double, double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow offset applied to all shadow configs.
shadowSpreadRadius(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided shadow spread radius applied to all shadow configs.
shadowVerticalOffset(double) - Method in class
Returns a new StyleConf with the provided vertical shadow offset applied to all shadow configs.
shapeOf(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to access a specific UI.ComponentArea of the component.
shapeOf(UI.ComponentArea) - Method in class
As a delegate to the underlying component, you can use this method to access a specific UI.ComponentArea of the component.
SHIFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
show() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Use this to summon the dialog with the current settings and wait for the user to select an option.
show() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Show the dialog with the specified configuration.
show() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Calling this method causes the dialog to be shown to the user.
show() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Makes the window visible in the center of the screen.
show() - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
show() - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
show(Component) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a JFrame window at the center of the screen.
Warning: This method should only be invoked from the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT).
show(String, Component) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a titled JFrame window at the center of the screen.
Warning: This method should only be invoked from the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT).
show(String, Function<JFrame, Component>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a titled JFrame window at the center of the screen using a function receiving the JFrame and returning the component to be shown.
show(String, UIForAnySwing<?, C>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a titled JFrame window at the center of the screen.
show(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Calling this method causes the dialog to be shown to the user.
show(Function<JFrame, Component>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a JFrame window at the center of the screen using a function receiving the JFrame and returning the component to be shown.
show(UIForAnySwing<?, C>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component in a JFrame window at the center of the screen.
showAsError() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Shows the confirmation dialog as an error dialog (see JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE) and returns the ConfirmAnswer that the user selected in the dialog.
showAsError() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Show the dialog with the specified configuration as an error dialog.
showAsError() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as an error dialog (see JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsError(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as an error dialog (see JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsInfo() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Shows the confirmation dialog as an info dialog (see JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) and returns the ConfirmAnswer that the user selected in the dialog.
showAsInfo() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Show the dialog with the specified configuration as an info dialog.
showAsInfo() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as an information dialog (see JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsInfo(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as an information dialog (see JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsPlain() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a plain dialog (see JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsPlain(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a plain dialog (see JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsQuestion() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Shows the confirmation dialog as a question dialog (see JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) and returns the ConfirmAnswer that the user selected in the dialog.
showAsQuestion() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a question dialog (see JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsQuestion(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a question dialog (see JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsWarning() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Shows the confirmation dialog as a warning dialog (see JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) and returns the ConfirmAnswer that the user selected in the dialog.
showAsWarning() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Show the dialog with the specified configuration as a warning dialog.
showAsWarning() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a warning dialog (see JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showAsWarning(Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Shows the options dialog as a warning dialog (see JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) and returns the Enum answer that the user selected from the existing options.
showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) - Method in interface swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialogSummoner
showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) - Method in interface swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialogSummoner
showPlain() - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
Shows the confirmation dialog as a plain dialog (see JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE) and returns the ConfirmAnswer that the user selected in the dialog.
showUsing(EventProcessor, String, Function<JFrame, Component>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component with a custom event processor in a titled JFrame window at the center of the screen.
showUsing(EventProcessor, Function<JFrame, Component>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to quickly launch a UI component with a custom event processor in JFrame window at the center of the screen.
SHRINK - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK_PRIO(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK_X - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK_X(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK_Y - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SHRINK_Y(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SIENNA - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color sienna with an RGB value of #A0522D
SILVER - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color silver with an RGB value of #C0C0C0
simplified() - Method in class
simplified() - Method in class
simplified() - Method in class
simplified() - Method in class
simplified() - Method in class
SIX - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
size() - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
The preferred size of the icon, which is not necessarily the actual size of the icon that is being loaded but rather the size that the icon should be scaled to when it is being loaded.
size() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
The Size of define the width and height of the bounds starting from the x and y coordinates of the Position.
size(double) - Method in class
Define the size of the gradient which is the size of the gradient in terms of the distance from the start position of the gradient to the end position of the gradient.
size(double, double) - Method in class
Defines the size of this JComponent.
size(int) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified font size, which will translate to a Font instance with the specified size (see Font.getSize()).
size(int, int) - Method in class
Ensures that the image has the specified width and height.
size(Size) - Method in class
Defines the size of this JComponent.
size(Size) - Method in class
Ensures that the image has the specified width and height.
Size - Class in swingtree.layout
An immutable value object that represents a size in the form of a width and height or lack thereof.
SKIP(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SKYBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEEB
SLASH - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
SLATEBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color slate blue with an RGB value of #6A5ACD
SLATEGRAY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color slate gray with an RGB value of #708090
SLATEGREY - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color slate grey with an RGB value of #708090
slice(double, double) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
Slices the progress value of this animation state into a sub-Progress of the animation which starts with a value of 0.0 when the animation reaches the progress value from and ends with a value of 1.0 when the animation reaches the progress value to.
slider(Val<UI.Align>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSlider instance based on the provided alignment property which dynamically determines if the property is aligned vertically or horizontally.
slider(UI.Align) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSlider instance based on tbe provided alignment type determining if the slider will be aligned vertically or horizontally.
slider(UI.Align, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSlider instance based on tbe provided alignment type, min slider value and max slider value.
slider(UI.Align, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a slider with the specified alignment and the specified minimum, maximum, and initial values.
slider(UI.Align, N, N, Val<N>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a slider with the specified alignment and the specified minimum, maximum, and dynamic value.
slider(UI.Align, N, N, Var<N>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a slider with the specified alignment and the specified minimum, maximum, and dynamic value property.
slider(UI.Align, Val<N>, Val<N>, Val<N>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a slider with the specified alignment and the specified minimum, maximum, and value property views.
slider(UI.Align, Val<N>, Val<N>, Var<N>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a slider with the specified alignment and the specified minimum, maximum, and value property views.
Slider() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Slider
small(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.SMALL.
A parent container is considered "small" if its width is between 1/5 and 2/5 of its preferred width.
SMALL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be small, meaning that the dimension is greater than or equal to 1/5 of its preferred size and less than 2/5 of its preferred size.
SMOOTH_SPOTS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
SMOOTH_TOPOLOGY - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
smoothSpots(float, float) - Static method in class
smoothTopology(float, float) - Static method in class
SNOW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color snow with an RGB value of #FFFAFA
SOFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation
A soft installation will only install the font as the "defaultFont" property of the UIManager.
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
spacing(float) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified spacing, defining the tracking of the font.
span(UI.Span) - Method in class
Define from where and to where the gradient should transition to within the UI.ComponentBoundary of the component.
SPAN - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SPAN(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SPAN(int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SPAN_X(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
SPAN_Y(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
spinner() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSpinner UI component.
spinner(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JSpinner instance with the provided min, max and default value as the model.
spinner(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JSpinner instance with the provided min, max, default value and step as the model.
spinner(SpinnerModel) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the provided JSpinner instance with the provided SpinnerModel as the model.
spinner(Var<?>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this factory method to create a JSpinner bound to a property of any type.
Spinner() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Spinner
spirals(float, float) - Static method in class
SPIRALS - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
SPLIT(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
splitButton(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to build JSplitButtons with custom text displayed ont top.
splitButton(Var<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type.
splitButton(Var<E>, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type.
splitButton(Var<E>, Event) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type, and the click event is handles by an Event instance.
splitButton(Var<E>, Event, Function<E, String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type, and the click event is handles by an Event instance.
SplitButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.SplitButton
SplitButtonActionListener - Interface in swingtree.components.action
The listener interface for receiving action events.
splitButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in interface swingtree.components.action.SplitButtonActionListener
Invoked when split part is clicked.
SplitButtonClickedActionListener - Interface in swingtree.components.action
The listener interface for receiving the split clicked ActionEvent.
SplitButtonDelegate<I> - Class in swingtree
This class is a delegate for events of the JSplitButton component.
splitItem(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add entries to the JSplitButton by passing SplitItem instances to UIForSplitButton builder like so:
splitItem(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add property bound entries to the JSplitButton by passing SplitItem instances to UIForSplitButton builder like so:
SplitItem<I> - Class in swingtree
An immutable data carrier exposing everything needed to configure an item of a JSplitButton.
SplitItemDelegate<I> - Class in swingtree
Instances of this are delegated to the individual JSplitButton items and their ActionEvents exposed to you inside your Action handlers, like for example one you would supply to SplitItem.onSelection(Action).
splitPane(Val<UI.Align>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSplitPane instance based on the provided alignment property determining how the split itself should be aligned.
splitPane(UI.Align) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JSplitPane instance based on the provided alignment enum determining how the split itself should be aligned.
splitRadioItem(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add radio item entries to the JSplitButton by passing SplitItem instances to UIForSplitButton builder like so:
spreadRadius() - Method in class
spreadRadius(double) - Method in class
The spread radius of a shadow is a sort of scale for the shadow box.
SPRINGGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color spring green with an RGB value of #00FF7F
standard() - Static method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
startingIn(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Creates a new lifetime that will start after the given delay in the given time unit.
startingNowWith(LifeTime) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
startingNowWithOffset(long, TimeUnit, LifeTime) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
startOf(LifeSpan, Stride, ActionEvent) - Static method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
startTime() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
STEELBLUE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color steel blue with an RGB value of #4682B4
stochastic(float, float) - Static method in class
STOCHASTIC - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
Stride - Enum Class in swingtree.animation
Defines either an animation progresses from 0 to 1 or regresses from 1 to 0.
strikeThrough(boolean) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified strike through property.
StylableComponent - Interface in
Implementations of this interface are SwingTree native components which enjoy the full support of the style API.
style(AnimationStatus, Styler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A common use case is to style the component based on the current animation state.
style(AnimationStatus, ComponentStyleDelegate<C>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.AnimatedStyler
Applies some style to the given ComponentStyleDelegate and returns a new ComponentStyleDelegate that has the style applied (if any).
style(ComponentStyleDelegate<C>) - Method in interface swingtree.api.Styler
Applies some style to the given ComponentStyleDelegate and returns a new ComponentStyleDelegate that has the style applied (if any).
style(UI.FontStyle) - Method in class
Determines if the font should be plain, bold, italic or bold and italic based on the provided UI.FontStyle parameter, which may be UI.FontStyle.PLAIN, UI.FontStyle.BOLD, UI.FontStyle.ITALIC or UI.FontStyle.BOLD_ITALIC.
Note that this will override any previous bold or italic settings.
StyleConf - Class in
An immutable config container with cloning based update methods designed for functional JComponent styling.
Styler<C> - Interface in swingtree.api
A Styler is a function that takes a ComponentStyleDelegate and then transforms and returns it with some new style properties (see UIForAnySwing.withStyle(Styler)).
styleSheet(StyleSheet) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Used to configure a global StyleSheet serving as a base for all StyleSheets used inside your application (see UIFactoryMethods.use(, Supplier)).
StyleSheet - Class in
An abstract class intended to be extended to create custom CSS look-alike source code based style sheets for your Swing application.
StyleSheet() - Constructor for class
StyleSheet(StyleSheet) - Constructor for class
StyleTrait<C> - Class in
A StyleTrait contains a set of properties that will be used to target specific JComponents matching said properties, so that you can associate custom Styler lambdas with them which are using the ComponentStyleDelegate API to configure the style of the component.
SUBTRACT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
SvgIcon - Class in
A specialized ImageIcon subclass that allows you to use SVG based icon images in your GUI.
SvgIcon(SVGDocument) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(SVGDocument, Dimension) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(InputStream) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(InputStream, Dimension) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(String) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(String, Dimension) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(URL) - Constructor for class
SvgIcon(URL, Dimension) - Constructor for class
SwingBuilder<C> - Interface in swingtree.api
If you are using builders for your custom Swing components, implement this to allow the UI builder to call the method for you!
swingtree - package swingtree
SwingTree - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree is a singleton that holds global configuration context for the SwingTree library.
swingtree.animation - package swingtree.animation
swingtree.api - package swingtree.api
swingtree.api.model - package swingtree.api.model
swingtree.api.mvvm - package swingtree.api.mvvm
swingtree.components - package swingtree.components
swingtree.components.action - package swingtree.components.action
swingtree.components.listener - package swingtree.components.listener
swingtree.dialogs - package swingtree.dialogs
swingtree.input - package swingtree.input
swingtree.layout - package swingtree.layout - package
swingtree.threading - package swingtree.threading
SwingTreeConfigurator - Interface in swingtree
A functional interface for configuring a SwingTree instance through SwingTree.initialiseUsing(SwingTreeConfigurator).
SwingTreeInitConfig - Class in swingtree
An immutable configuration object for the SwingTree library, which can be configured using a functional SwingTreeConfigurator lambda passed to SwingTree.initialiseUsing(SwingTreeConfigurator).
SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines how the Font, specified through SwingTreeInitConfig.defaultFont(Font), is installed in the UIManager.
SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines how the scaling factor for the UI should be determined.
sync() - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Use this to synchronize with the UI thread from a non-UI thread.


T - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
tab(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add tabs to a JTabbedPane by passing Tab instances to UIForTabbedPane builder like so:
tab(JComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add tabs to a JTabbedPane by passing Tab instances to UIForTabbedPane builder like so:
tab(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method producing a Tab instance with the provided title property which can dynamically change the title of the tab button.
tab(UIForAnySwing<?, ?>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to add tabs to a JTabbedPane by passing Tab instances to UIForTabbedPane builder like so:
Tab - Class in swingtree
An immutable data carrier exposing everything needed to configure a tab of a JTabbedPane.
TAB - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
tabbedPane() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component.
tabbedPane(Val<Integer>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component with the provided selectedIndex property which should be determined the tab selection of the JTabbedPane dynamically.
tabbedPane(Var<Integer>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component with the provided selectedIndex property which should determine the tab selection of the JTabbedPane dynamically.
tabbedPane(UI.OverflowPolicy) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component with the provided UI.OverflowPolicy applied to the tab buttons (see JTabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(int)).
tabbedPane(UI.Side) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component with the provided UI.Side applied to the tab buttons (see JTabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(int)).
tabbedPane(UI.Side, UI.OverflowPolicy) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTabbedPane UI component with the provided UI.OverflowPolicy and UI.Side applied to the tab buttons (see JTabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(int) and JTabbedPane.setTabPlacement(int)).
TabbedPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TabbedPane
tabComponent() - Method in class swingtree.TabDelegate
Use this to access the tab component of the delegated tab.
TabDelegate - Class in swingtree
A JTabbedPane delegate providing useful context information to various Action listeners used by UIForTabbedPane.onTabMouseClick(Action), UIForTabbedPane.onTabMousePress(Action) and UIForTabbedPane.onTabMouseRelease(Action), for example.
TabDelegate(JTabbedPane, MouseEvent) - Constructor for class swingtree.TabDelegate
tabIndex() - Method in class swingtree.TabDelegate
Exposes the index of the currently delegated tab, in the form of an integer starting at 0.
tabIsSelected() - Method in class swingtree.TabDelegate
Reports whether the clicked tab is the currently selected tab, which is determined by comparing the index of the clicked tab with the index of the currently selected tab.
table() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative UI builder for the JTable component type.
table(Class<T>, Configurator<BasicTableModel.Builder<T>>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JTable instance builder with the provided table model configuration as a basis for creating the table model in a declarative fashion.
table(Configurator<BasicTableModel.Builder<Object>>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a new JTable instance builder with the provided table model configuration as a basis for creating the table model in a declarative fashion.
table(UI.ListData, TableListDataSource<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a new JTable with a table model whose data can be represented based on a list of lists of entries.
table(UI.MapData, TableMapDataSource<E>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a new JTable with a table model whose data can be represented based on a map of column names to lists of table entries (basically a column major matrix).
Table() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Table
tableHeader() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Allows you to create a declarative builder for the JTableHeader UI component.
TableHeader() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
TableHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TableHeader
TableListDataSource<E> - Interface in swingtree.api.model
A simple functional interface whose implementations are used to form simple TableModel implementations based on lists of lists.
TableMapDataSource<E> - Interface in swingtree.api.model
A simple functional interface whose implementations are used to form simple TableModel implementations based on a mapping of column names to columns.
TabSupplier<M> - Interface in swingtree.api.mvvm
Functional interface for dynamically creating tabs based on a provided model.
TAN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color tan with an RGB value of #D2B48C
TEAL - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color teal with an RGB value of #008080
text(String, Configurator<TextConf>) - Method in class
Returns an updated StyleConf with a named text style configurator for the default TextConf of the component.
text(Configurator<TextConf>) - Method in class
Returns an updated StyleConf with the provided text style configurator for the default TextConf of the component.
text(UI.Layer, String, Configurator<TextConf>) - Method in class
Returns an updated StyleConf with the provided named text style configurator for the default TextConf of the component.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
textArea(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextArea instance with the provided text as the initial text.
textArea(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextArea instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the text area.
textArea(Var<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextArea instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value in the text area.
TextArea() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TextArea
TextConf - Class in
An immutable configuration type which holds custom text as well as placement and font properties used for rendering text onto a Swing component.
textField() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField UI component.
textField(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided text displayed on it.
textField(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value on the text field.
textField(Var<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextField instance with the provided text property dynamically displaying its value on the text field.
textField(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenience method for creating a builder for a JTextField with the specified UI.HorizontalAlignment constant as the text orientation.
textField(UI.HorizontalAlignment, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A convenience method for creating a builder for a JTextField with the specified text and text orientation.
textField(UI.HorizontalAlignment, Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a UI builder for a text field where the text is aligned according to the provided UI.HorizontalAlignment constant, and the text of the text field is uni-directionally bound to a string property.
textField(UI.HorizontalAlignment, Var<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a UI builder for a text field where the text is aligned according to the provided UI.HorizontalAlignment constant, and the text of the text field is bound to a string property.
TextField() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TextField
TextInsertDelegate - Class in swingtree
A delegate object for the Action lambda passed to the UIForAnyTextComponent.onTextInsert(Action) method, which is used to register a listener for text insertion events.
textPane() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JTextPane UI component.
TextPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.TextPane
TextRemoveDelegate - Class in swingtree
A delegate object for the Action lambda passed to the UIForAnyTextComponent.onTextRemove(Action) method, which is used to register a listener for text removal events.
TextReplaceDelegate - Class in swingtree
A delegate object for the Action lambda passed to the UIForAnyTextComponent.onTextReplace(Action) method, which is used to register a listener for text replacement events.
thisIsUIThread() - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Returns true if the current thread is an AWT event dispatching thread.
THISTLE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color thistle with an RGB value of #D8BFD8
THREE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
tiles(float, float) - Static method in class
TILES - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
TISSUE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
titled(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
This method allows you to specify the title of the dialog, which is the text that will be displayed in the title bar of the dialog window.
titled(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.MessageDialog
Set the title of the dialog.
titled(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.OptionsDialog
Creates an updated options dialog config with the specified title which will used as the window title of the dialog when it is shown to the user.
toAWTCursor() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
toConstraintForLayoutManager() - Method in interface swingtree.layout.AddConstraint
toConstraintForLayoutManager() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCell
toConstraintForLayoutManager() - Method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
toDimension() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
toggleBold() - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Makes the wrapped JLabel font bold if it is plain and plain if it is bold...
toggleButton() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a JToggleButton instance.
toggleButton(int, int, ImageIcon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JToggleButton UI component with an icon displayed on it scaled according to the provided width and height.
toggleButton(int, int, IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for the JToggleButton UI component with an icon displayed on it scaled according to the provided width and height.
toggleButton(int, int, IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Creates a declarative toggle button builder for a JToggleButton displaying the provided icon scaled to fit the desired size and UI.FitComponent policy.
toggleButton(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance with the provided text displayed on it.
toggleButton(String, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance with the provided text displayed on it and the provided boolean property dynamically determining whether the toggle button is selected or not.
toggleButton(Icon) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance with the provided Icon displayed on it.
toggleButton(Icon, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance with the provided Icon displayed on it and the provided boolean property dynamically determining whether the toggle button is selected or not.
toggleButton(ImageIcon, UI.FitComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
toggleButton(Val<String>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the toggle button.
toggleButton(Val<String>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance where the provided text property dynamically displays its value on the toggle button and the provided boolean property dynamically determines whether the toggle button is selected or not.
toggleButton(Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance where the provided boolean property dynamically determines whether the toggle button is selected or not.
toggleButton(IconDeclaration) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance with the icon found at the path provided by the supplied IconDeclaration displayed on top of it.
toggleButton(IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
ToggleButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ToggleButton
toggleButtonWithIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance where the provided IconDeclaration based property dynamically displays the targeted image on the toggle button.
toggleButtonWithIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>, Var<Boolean>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToggleButton instance where the provided IconDeclaration property dynamically displays its targeted icon on the toggle button and the provided boolean property dynamically determines whether the toggle button is selected or not.
toIntCode() - Method in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
TOMATO - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color tomato with an RGB value of #FF6347
toolBar() - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Use this to create a builder for a new JToolBar instance.
toolBar(Val<UI.Align>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a JToolBar instance where the provided Val property dynamically defines the orientation of the JToolBar
toolBar(UI.Align) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
A factory method for creating a JToolBar instance where the provided UI.Align enum defines the orientation of the JToolBar.
ToolBar() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ToolBar
toolTip(String) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Creates a cell with an additional tool tip to be shown when the user hovers over the cell.
ToolTip() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.ToolTip
toolTips() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Exposes a list of tool tips that should be shown when the user hovers over the cell.
TOP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
TOP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
TOP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
TOP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
TOP - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
TOP_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
TOP_LEADING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
TOP_LEFT_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
TOP_RIGHT_TO_BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
TOP_TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
toPoint() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
A Position consists of two x and y coordinates in 2D space, which is why this convenience method allows you to transform this Position object to an AWT Point.
toRectangle() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
The bounds object has a location and size which form a rectangular area which can easily be converted to a Rectangle object using this method.
toRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
Marries this glass pane to a JRootPane object.
toString() - Method in class swingtree.animation.Animatable
toString() - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationStatus
toString() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeSpan
toString() - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.BorderLayoutInstaller
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForBoxLayout
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForFlowLayout
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.GridLayoutInstaller
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.None
toString() - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.Unspecific
toString() - Method in class swingtree.components.JScrollPanels.EntryPanel
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCell
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Returns a string representation of this FlowLayout object and its values.
toString() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
toString() - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
Returns a non-empty string representation of this OptionalUI suitable for debugging.
toString() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified transform.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
A fully transparent color with an ARGB value of #00000000.
Tree() - Constructor for class swingtree.UI.Tree
TURQUOISE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color turquoise with an RGB value of #40E0D0
TWO - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
type(Class<C>) - Method in class
A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components which are of a given type (see Object.getClass().
type(Class<T>) - Method in class
Creates a new StyleTrait with the same properties as this one, but with the given component type to which a style should be applied.
type(UI.GradientType) - Method in class
Define the type of the gradient which is one of the following: UI.GradientType.LINEAR UI.GradientType.RADIAL UI.GradientType.CONIC


U - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
UI - Class in swingtree
This class is a static API for exposing swing tree builder types for wrapping and assembling various JComponent types to form a UI tree.
UI.Active - Enum Class in swingtree
A general purpose enum describing if something is never, always or sometimes active.
UI.Align - Enum Class in swingtree
Vertical or horizontal alignment.
UI.Alignment - Enum Class in swingtree
The logical combination of a vertical and horizontal alignment.
UI.Axis - Enum Class in swingtree
Used to define how a layout manager (typically the BoxLayout) will lay out components along the given axis.
UI.Box - Class in swingtree
UI.Button - Class in swingtree
UI.CheckBox - Class in swingtree
UI.CheckBoxMenuItem - Class in swingtree
UI.Color - Class in swingtree
This Color class is a refined and more complete/modernized implementation of the Color class which models colors in the default sRGB color space or colors in arbitrary color spaces identified by a ColorSpace.
UI.ComboBox<E> - Class in swingtree
UI.Component - Class in swingtree
UI.ComponentArea - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines the areas of a component, which is used to by the ImageConf to determine if and how an image should be clipped.
UI.ComponentBoundary - Enum Class in swingtree
Enum representing the different boundaries of a UI component.
UI.ComponentOrientation - Enum Class in swingtree
Use this to specify the orientation of a component.
UI.Corner - Enum Class in swingtree
Use this in the style API (see UIForAnySwing.withStyle(Styler)) to target specific corners of a JComponent and apply custom StyleConf properties to them.
UI.Cursor - Enum Class in swingtree
An enum set of all the available swing cursors which map to the cursor type id.
UI.Cycle - Enum Class in swingtree
Used to specify the cycle method for a gradient conf in the style API.
UI.DragAction - Enum Class in swingtree
This enum contains constant values representing the type of action(s) to be performed by a Drag and Drop operation.
UI.Edge - Enum Class in swingtree
Use this to target specific edges of a JComponent and apply custom StyleConf properties to them.
UI.EditorPane - Class in swingtree
UI.FitComponent - Enum Class in swingtree
This enum is used to specify how an image or icon (usually a SvgIcon) should be scaled to fit the dimensions of the component that it is being rendered into, like for example through the SvgIcon.paintIcon(java.awt.Component, Graphics, int, int) method.
UI.Font - Class in swingtree
This class represents a SwingTree font and is used to specify the font of a component.
UI.FontStyle - Enum Class in swingtree
Use this to specify the font style of a component.
UI.FormattedTextField - Class in swingtree
UI.GradientType - Enum Class in swingtree
Use these enum instances to specify the gradient type for various sub styles, like for example the gradient style API exposed by ComponentStyleDelegate.gradient(Layer, String, Configurator) or ComponentStyleDelegate.gradient(Configurator) methods (see UIForAnySwing.withStyle(Styler)).
UI.HorizontalAlignment - Enum Class in swingtree
Different positions along a horizontally aligned UI component.
UI.Label - Class in swingtree
UI.Layer - Enum Class in swingtree
Instances of this enum are used to configure onto which layer a particular style configuration should be applied.
UI.ListData - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines whether the list based data model of a JTable is row or column major and whether it is editable or not.
UI.ListView<E> - Class in swingtree
UI.LookAndFeel - Enum Class in swingtree
Set of enum instances defining common types of Swing look and feels.
UI.MapData - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines whether the data model of a JTable should be editable or not.
UI.Menu - Class in swingtree
UI.MenuBar - Class in swingtree
UI.MenuItem - Class in swingtree
UI.NoiseType - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines the different types of noise functions that can be used to render a NoiseConf style.
UI.OnWindowClose - Enum Class in swingtree
Defines a set of close operations for a JDialog or JFrame windows.
UI.OverflowPolicy - Enum Class in swingtree
Overflow policy of UI components.
UI.Panel - Class in swingtree
UI.PasswordField - Class in swingtree
UI.Placement - Enum Class in swingtree
Use this to specify the placement of an image as part of the ImageConf through the ImageConf.placement(Placement) method exposed by the style API (see UIForAnySwing.withStyle(Styler)).
UI.PopupMenu - Class in swingtree
UI.ProgressBar - Class in swingtree
UI.RadioButton - Class in swingtree
UI.RadioButtonMenuItem - Class in swingtree
UI.ScrollPane - Class in swingtree
UI.Separator - Class in swingtree
UI.Side - Enum Class in swingtree
All UI components are at their core rectangular, meaning they always have exactly 4 uniquely identifiable sides.
UI.Slider - Class in swingtree
UI.Span - Enum Class in swingtree
Use these enum instances to specify the gradient alignment for various sub styles, like for example the gradient style API exposed by ComponentStyleDelegate.gradient(Configurator) or ComponentStyleDelegate.gradient(Configurator) methods (see UIForAnySwing.withStyle(Styler)).
UI.Spinner - Class in swingtree
UI.SplitButton - Class in swingtree
UI.SplitPane - Class in swingtree
UI.TabbedPane - Class in swingtree
UI.Table - Class in swingtree
UI.TableHeader - Class in swingtree
UI.TextArea - Class in swingtree
UI.TextField - Class in swingtree
UI.TextPane - Class in swingtree
UI.ToggleButton - Class in swingtree
UI.ToolBar - Class in swingtree
UI.ToolTip - Class in swingtree
UI.Tree - Class in swingtree
UI.VerticalAlignment - Enum Class in swingtree
Different positions along a vertically aligned UI component.
UIEnum<E> - Interface in swingtree
A set of extension methods for various SwingTree enums.
UIFactoryMethods - Class in swingtree
A namespace for useful factory methods like UIFactoryMethods.color(String) and UIFactoryMethods.font(String), and layout constants (see UILayoutConstants).
UIFactoryMethods() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
UIForAnyButton<I,B> - Class in swingtree
The following is a more specialized type of builder node based on the UIForAnySwing builder type, and provides additional features associated with the more specialized AbstractButton" Swing component type.
UIForAnyButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
UIForAnyEditorPane<I,C> - Class in swingtree
UIForAnyEditorPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyEditorPane
UIForAnyMenuItem<I,M> - Class in swingtree
A builder for JMenuItems.
UIForAnyMenuItem() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyMenuItem
UIForAnyScrollPane<I,P> - Class in swingtree
Defines an abstract builder for constructing a scroll pane or any subclass of JScrollPane.
UIForAnyScrollPane() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
UIForAnySwing<I,C> - Class in swingtree
A generic SwingTree builder node designed as a basis for configuring any kind of JComponent instance.
UIForAnySwing() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
UIForAnyTextComponent<I,C> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder designed for configuring various kinds of JTextComponent instances in a fluent and declarative way.
UIForAnyTextComponent() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
UIForAnything<I,C,E> - Class in swingtree
This is the root builder type for all other SwingTree builder subtypes.
UIForAnything() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnything
UIForAnyToggleButton<I,B> - Class in swingtree
An abstract precursor for swing tree builder nodes for JToggleButton instances.
UIForAnyToggleButton() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyToggleButton
UIForAnyWindow<I,W> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node for configuring any kind of Window type.
UIForAnyWindow() - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
UIForBox<B> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JBox instances.
UIForBox(BuilderState<B>) - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForBox
UIForAnySwing (sub)types always wrap a builder state which defines how a component is created.
UIForButton<B> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring AbstractButton sub-type instances, usually the JButton type.
UIForCheckBox<B> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JCheckBox instances.
UIForCheckBoxMenuItem<M> - Class in swingtree
UIForCombo<E,C> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JComboBox instances.
UIForEditorPane<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JEditorPane instances.
UIForFormattedTextField - Class in swingtree
UIForIcon<I> - Class in swingtree
A UIForAnySwing subclass specifically designed for adding icons to your SwingTree.
UIForJDialog<D> - Class in swingtree
UIForJFrame<F> - Class in swingtree
A declarative builder for JFrame components.
UIForLabel<L> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JLabel instances.
UIForList<E,L> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JList instances.
UIForMenu<M> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JMenu instances.
UIForMenuItem<M> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JMenuItem instances.
UIForPanel<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JPanel instances.
UIForPasswordField<F> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JPasswordField instances.
UIForPopup<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JPopupMenu instances.
UIForProgressBar<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JProgressBar instances.
UIForRadioButton<R> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JRadioButton instances.
UIForRadioButtonMenuItem<M> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JRadioButtonMenuItem instances.
UIForScrollPane<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JScrollPane instances.
UIForScrollPanels<P> - Class in swingtree
A builder node for JScrollPanels, a custom SwingTree component, which is similar to a JList but with the ability to interact with the individual components in the list.
UIForScrollPanels(BuilderState<P>) - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
Extensions of the UIForAnySwing always wrap a single component for which they are responsible.
UIForSeparator<S> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JSeparator instances.
UIForSlider<S> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JSlider instances.
UIForSpinner<S> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JSpinner instances.
UIForSplitButton<B> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JSplitButton instances.
UIForSplitPane<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JSplitPane instances.
UIForSwing<C> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JComponent types.
UIForSwing(BuilderState<C>) - Constructor for class swingtree.UIForSwing
UIForAnySwing (sub)types always wrap a single component for which they are responsible.
UIForTabbedPane<P> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JTabbedPane instances.
UIForTable<T> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree declarative builder designed for configuring JTable instances allowing for a fluent API to build tables in a declarative way.
UIForTableHeader<H> - Class in swingtree
A declarative builder node for the UI.TableHeader component.
UIForTextArea<A> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JTextArea instances.
UIForTextField<F> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JTextField instances.
UIForTextPane<P> - Class in swingtree
A declarative SwingTree builder designed for configuring UIForTextPane instances.
UIForToggleButton<B> - Class in swingtree
A SwingTree builder node designed for configuring JToggleButton instances.
UIForToolBar<T> - Class in swingtree
UILayoutConstants - Class in swingtree
Essentially just a namespace for static layout constants for the MigLayout LayoutManager type.
uiScaleFactor(float) - Method in class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig
Use this to configure the UI scaling factor.
UIVerifier<C> - Interface in swingtree.api
A functional interface for doing swing component validity verification.
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
This constant is a UI.Color object with all of its rgba values set to 0.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Font
This constant is a Font object with a font name of "" (empty string), a font style of -1 (undefined) and a font size of 0.
underlined(boolean) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified underlined property.
unitIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the specified unit increment.
unitIncrement(ScrollIncrementSupplier) - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Creates an updated scrollable config with the specified unit increment supplier, (see ScrollIncrementSupplier) which takes the visible rectangle, orientation and direction as arguments and returns the unit increment for the given context.
unknown() - Static method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Exposes the Size.UNKNOWN size instance, which is a null object that represents an unknown size.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentOrientation
unscale(float) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Divides the given float value by the user scale factor.
unscale(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UI
Divides the given int value by the user scale factor and rounds the result.
unselectAllItems() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Unselects all JMenuItems by passing false to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
unselectAllItems() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Unselects all JMenuItems by passing false to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
unselectCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Unselects the current JMenuItem by passing false to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
unselectCurrentItem() - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Unselects the current JMenuItem by passing false to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
unselectItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitButtonDelegate
Unselects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
unselectItem(int) - Method in class swingtree.SplitItemDelegate
Unselects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
unspecific() - Static method in interface swingtree.api.Layout
A factory method for creating a layout that does nothing (i.e.
until(Predicate<AnimationStatus>) - Method in class swingtree.animation.AnimationDispatcher
Use this to define a stop condition for the animation.
UP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
update(Function<C, C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
An alternative to that maps to the same type in yet another OptionalUI instance.
updateIf(boolean, Function<C, C>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
An alternative to OptionalUI.update(Function) and that maps to the same type in yet another OptionalUI instance but with the difference that the mapping function is only applied if the component is present and the supplied boolean is true.
updateIf(Class<U>, Function<U, U>) - Method in class swingtree.OptionalUI
An alternative to OptionalUI.update(Function) and that maps to the same type in yet another OptionalUI instance but with the difference that the mapping function is only applied if the component is present and assignable to the given type.
updateOn(Observable) - Method in class swingtree.api.model.BasicTableModel.Builder
Use this to define the event which will be fired when the table model is updated.
updateTableOn(Event) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to bind an Event to the TableModel of this table which will trigger the AbstractTableModel.fireTableDataChanged() method.
updateUI() - Method in class swingtree.components.JBox
Resets the UI property with a value from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - Method in class swingtree.components.JGlassPane
Resets the UI property with a value from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - Method in class swingtree.components.JIcon
updateView(Configurator<OptionalUI<Component>>) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Allows you to configure the view of this cell by providing a configurator lambda, which takes an OptionalUI of the current renderer and returns a (potentially updated) OptionalUI of the new renderer.
use(StyleSheet, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Sets a StyleSheet which will be applied to all SwingTree UIs defined in the subsequent lambda scope.
use(EventProcessor, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Sets the EventProcessor to be used for all subsequent UI building operations.


V - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Active
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Align
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Cycle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.GradientType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.MapData
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.animation.Stride
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.FontInstallation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.SwingTreeInitConfig.Scaling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Active
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Align
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentArea
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentBoundary
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ComponentOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Corner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Cycle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.DragAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Edge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.FontStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.GradientType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.HorizontalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Layer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.ListData
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.LookAndFeel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.MapData
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.NoiseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.OnWindowClose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Placement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Side
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.Span
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swingtree.UI.VerticalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Align
verticalGapSize() - Method in class swingtree.layout.ResponsiveGridFlowLayout
Gets the vertical gap between components and between the components and the borders of the Container.
verticalOffset(double) - Method in class
Defines the shadow position along the Y axis in terms of the "vertical shadow offset".
verticalOffset(int) - Method in class
Use this to specify the vertical offset by which the image will be moved and drawn onto the component.
VERY_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be very large, meaning that the dimension is greater than or equal to 4/5 of its preferred size and less than 5/5 of its preferred size.
VERY_SMALL - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be very small, meaning that the dimension is greater than 0 and less than 1/5 of its preferred size.
veryLarge(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.VERY_LARGE.
A parent container is considered "very large" if its width is between 4/5 and 5/5 of its preferred width.
verySmall(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill when the parent container is categorized as ParentSizeClass.VERY_SMALL.
A parent container is considered "very small" if its width is between 0/5 and 1/5 of its preferred width.
view() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Returns the renderer/editor of this cell, which is the component that is used to display the cell to the user.
view() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Returns the view component implementing the Scrollable interface and which is placed directly in the scroll panes ScrollableComponentDelegate.viewport() through JViewport.setView(Component).
This is the main UI component that is configured by this ScrollableComponentDelegate.
view(Component) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Creates an updated cell delegate object with the given component as the view (renderer/editor) of the cell.
viewDefault() - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
Creates an updated cell delegate object with the default cell view / renderer component based on the DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultTableCellRenderer and DefaultTreeCellRenderer classes.
viewport() - Method in class swingtree.ScrollableComponentDelegate
Returns the viewport of the scroll pane that contains the Scrollable component this configuration is for.
viewStateHashCode() - Method in class
This method tries to hash everything relevant in the visual appearance of the component and it subcomponents into a single integer value.
ViewSupplier<M> - Interface in swingtree.api.mvvm
A provider of a view, usually a view model or a simple data model with the purpose of making it possible to dynamically creating sub-views for inside a view for a given sub-view model.
VIOLET - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color violet with an RGB value of #EE82EE
VOID - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.layout.ParentSizeClass
The size is considered to be void, meaning that the dimension smaller or equal to 0.
voronoiBasedCellMosaic(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedCellTissue(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedPolygonCell(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedPondInDrizzle(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedPondInRain(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedPondOfStrings(float, float) - Static method in class
voronoiBasedPondOfTangledStrings(float, float) - Static method in class


W - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
WAIT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Cursor
warn(String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a warning dialog with the given message.
warn(String, String) - Static method in class swingtree.UIFactoryMethods
Shows a warning dialog with the given message and dialog title.
weight(double) - Method in class
Returns an updated font config with the specified weight, defining the boldness of the font.
WHEAT - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color wheat with an RGB value of #F5DEB3
when(Class<T>) - Method in class swingtree.CellBuilder
Use this to specify for which type of cell value you want custom rendering next.
when(Class<T>, Predicate<CellConf<C, T>>) - Method in class swingtree.CellBuilder
Use this to specify a specific type for which you want custom rendering as well as a predicate which tests if a cell value should be rendered.
WHITE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color white with an RGB value of #FFFFFF
WHITESMOKE - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color white smoke with an RGB value of #F5F5F5
width() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
The width of this Size instance may not be specified, in which case this method returns Optional.empty() and the thing that this configuration is applied to should resort to its default width.
width(double) - Method in class
Defines the width of this JComponent.
width(Integer) - Method in class
Ensures that the image has the specified width.
WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Fit the image or icon to the width of the component.
WIDTH(int, int, int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.FitComponent
Fit the image or icon to the width and height of the component.
WindowDelegate<W,E> - Interface in swingtree
A delegate for any kind of Swing window, usually a JFrame or a JDialog, which is passed to the event handlers in the SwingTree API.
with(ParentSizeClass, int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.FlowCellConf
Returns a new and updated FlowCellConf instance with an additional FlowCellSpanPolicy that specifies the number of cells to fill for a given ParentSizeClass category.
withAlignment(Val<UI.Alignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
This binds to a property defining the horizontal and vertical alignment of the label's content (icon and text).
withAlignment(UI.Alignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of the label's content (icon and text).
withAlpha(int) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Creates and returns an updated version of this color with the alpha component changed to the specified value in the range 0-255.
withBackground(Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the background color of the UI component wrapped by this builder.
This is in essence a convenience method, which avoid having to expose the underlying component through the UIForAnything.peek(Peeker) method like so:
withBackground(Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a Val containing a background color.
withBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the background color of the UI component of this declarative builder using a color String.
withBackgroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a background color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withBackgroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Color, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to 2 colors to the background of the component which sre set based on the value of a boolean property.
withBackgroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically bind to a background color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withBackgroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Val<Color>, Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to 2 color properties to the background of the component which sre set based on the value of a boolean property.
withBlockScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set both the vertical and horizontal scroll block increment.
withBlue(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the blue component changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withBorder(Border) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a border to the wrapped component.
withBorder(Val<Border>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Because changing the Border of a component dynamically after the component was initialized through the declarative SwingTree API, causes issues with the style engine of a component. (Which itself is based on using a custom border for style rendering)
withBorderTitled(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a TitledBorder with the provided title.
withBorderTitled(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a TitledBorder with the provided title property dynamically setting the title String.
withBoxLayout(UI.Axis) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a BoxLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withBrightness(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the brightness changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withButtonGroup(ButtonGroup) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to attach this button type to a button group.
withCell(Configurator<CellConf<C, V>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this method to configure how the combo box views should be rendered for a specific type of item.
withCell(Configurator<CellConf<L, V>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Allows for the configuration of a cell view for the items of the JList instance.
withCell(Configurator<CellConf<T, V>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Allows for the configuration of a cell view for the items of the JTable instance.
withCellEditorForColumn(int, TableCellEditor) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to register a table cell editor for a particular column.
withCellEditorForColumn(String, TableCellEditor) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to register a table cell editor for a particular column.
withCellForColumn(int, Configurator<CellConf<T, Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to build a basic table cell view for a particular column.
withCellForColumn(String, Configurator<CellConf<T, Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to build a basic table cell renderer for a particular column.
withCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Sets the ListCellRenderer for the JComboBox, which renders the combo box items by supplying a custom component for each item through the ListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) method.
withCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Sets the ListCellRenderer for the JList, which renders the list items by supplying a custom component for each item through the ListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) method.
withCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to register a TableCellRenderer for all columns of this table.
A TableCellRenderer is a supplier of Component instances which are used to render the cells of a table.

Note that in SwingTree, the preferred way of defining a cell renderer is through the UIForTable.withCell(Configurator) method, which allows for a more fluent and declarative way of defining cell renderers and also supports both cell rendering and editing.
withCellRendererForColumn(int, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to register a table cell renderer for a particular column.
withCellRendererForColumn(String, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to register a table cell renderer for a particular column.
withCells(Configurator<CellBuilder<C, V>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this to define a generic combo box view/renderer for any type of item.
withCells(Configurator<CellBuilder<L, V>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Use this to build a list cell renderer for various item types by defining a renderer for each type or using Object as a common type using the fluent builder API exposed to the Configurator lambda function passed to this method.
withCells(Configurator<CellBuilder<T, Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to define a table cell renderer for all columns of this table using the fluent builder API exposed to the provided lambda function.
Here is an example of how this method is used:
withCellsForColumn(int, Configurator<CellBuilder<T, Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to build a table cell renderer for a particular column.
withCellsForColumn(String, Configurator<CellBuilder<T, Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to build a table cell renderer for a particular column.
withColumnConstraint(String) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
withComponentConstraint(String) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
withCompoundBorder(Border, Border) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a CompoundBorder with the provided borders to the JComponent.
withCompoundBorderTitled(String, Border, Border) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled CompoundBorder with the provided borders to the JComponent.
withConstraint(String) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
withCursor(Val<UI.Cursor>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set the cursor type which should be displayed when hovering over the UI component wrapped by this builder.
withCursor(UI.Cursor) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this set the cursor type which should be displayed when hovering over the UI component wrapped by this builder.
withCursorIf(Val<Boolean>, Val<UI.Cursor>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set the cursor type which should be displayed when hovering over the UI component wrapped by this builder based on boolean property determining if the provided cursor should be set ot not.
withCursorIf(Val<Boolean>, UI.Cursor) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the cursor type which should be displayed when hovering over the UI component wrapped by this builder based on boolean property determining if the provided cursor should be set ot not.
withDividerAt(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the location of the divider.
withDividerAt(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the location of the divider in the form of a property, which can be dynamically update the divide.
withDividerSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the size of the divider.
withDividerSize(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the size of the divider in the form of a property, which can be dynamically update.
withDivisionOf(double) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the location of the divider based on a percentage value.
withDivisionOf(Val<Double>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Updates the location of the divider based on a percentage property which means that if the split pane split is aligned horizontally, the divider will be set to the percentage of the height of the split pane and if the split pane is aligned vertically, the divider will be set to the percentage of the width of the split pane.
withDivisionOf(Var<Double>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Updates the location of the divider based on a percentage property which means that if the split pane split is aligned horizontally, the divider will be set to the percentage of the height of the split pane.
withDragAway(Configurator<DragAwayComponentConf<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Exposes a functional Configurator API for turning the component into a drag source site with the given configuration.
withDropSite(Configurator<DragDropComponentConf<C>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Exposes a functional Configurator API for turning the component into a drag drop receiver site with the given configuration.
withEchoChar(char) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPasswordField
Sets the echo character for this JPasswordField.
withEchoChar(Val<Character>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPasswordField
Binds to a echo character property for this JPasswordField.
withEmptyBorder(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define an empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorder(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define an empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorder(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define an empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorder(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates an empty and un-titled Border with the provided insets property bound to all insets of said border.
withEmptyBorderTitled(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define an empty Border with a title and a default insets size of 5.
withEmptyBorderTitled(String, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorderTitled(String, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorderTitled(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled empty Border with the provided insets.
withEmptyBorderTitled(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled empty border bound to a String property and a default insets size of 5.
withEmptyBorderTitled(Val<String>, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled empty border bound to a String property and the provided insets.
withEmptyBorderTitled(Val<String>, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled empty Border with the provided insets and where the title is bound to a Val.
withEmptyBorderTitled(Val<String>, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled empty Border with the provided insets and where the title is bound to a Val.
withEntries(E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Takes the provided array of entry objects and sets them as JList data.
withEntries(List<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Takes the provided list of entry objects and sets them as JList data.
withEntries(Vals<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Takes the provided observable property list of entries in the form of a Vals object and uses them as a basis for modelling the JList data.
withFitComponent(UI.FitComponent) - Method in class
There are different kinds of strategies to fit an SVG icon onto the component.
withFlowLayout() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a FlowLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withFlowLayout(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a FlowLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withFlowLayout(UI.HorizontalAlignment, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a FlowLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the font of the wrapped button type.
withFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Use this to set the font of the wrapped JTextComponent.
withFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the font of the wrapped JLabel.
withFont(Val<Font>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically set the font of the wrapped button type through the provided view model property.
withFont(Val<Font>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Use this to dynamically set the font of the wrapped JTextComponent through the provided view model property.
withFont(Val<Font>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to dynamically set the font of the wrapped JLabel through the provided view model property.
withFontSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the size of the font of the wrapped button type.
withFontSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the size of the font of the wrapped JLabel.
withFontSize(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically set the size of the font of the wrapped button type through the provided view model property.
withFontSize(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to dynamically set the size of the font of the wrapped JLabel through the provided view model property.
withForeground(Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the color of this JComponent.
withForeground(Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a Val containing a foreground color.
withForegroundColor(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to define the Component.getForeground() color of the underlying JComponent using a color string.
withForegroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a foreground color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withForegroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Color, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically bind to a foreground color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withForegroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically bind to a foreground color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withForegroundIf(Val<Boolean>, Val<Color>, Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically bind to a foreground color which will be set dynamically based on a boolean property.
withGreen(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the green component changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withGridBagLayout() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a new GridBagLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withGridLayout() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a GridLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withGridLayout(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a GridLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withGridLayout(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a GridLayout for the component wrapped by this builder.
withHeader(JComponent) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
withHeader(JTableHeader) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to set the table header.
withHeader(UIForAnySwing<?, ?>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Use this to add custom components to the tab header like buttons, or labels with icons.
withHeader(UIForTableHeader<?>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to set the table header.
withHeight(double) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Creates an updated Size instance with the given height.
withHeight(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
Allows you to create an updated IconDeclaration instance with a new preferred height for the icon.
withHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to create an updated version of this bounds object with the specified height and the same x and y coordinates as well as width as this bounds instance.
withHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the current height of this JComponent.
withHeight(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the current height of this JComponent.
withHeightExactly(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the min-, max- and preferred height of this JComponent to the same value.
withHeightExactly(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a Val property to dynamically update the min-, max- and preferred height of this JComponent to the same value.
withHorizontalAlignment(Val<UI.HorizontalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withHorizontalAlignment(Val<UI.HorizontalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
This binds to a property defining the horizontal alignment of the label's content (icon and text).
withHorizontalAlignment(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withHorizontalAlignment(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withHorizontalBlockScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the horizontal scroll bar block increment, which typically controls how far the content moves to the left or right when you: press the page up or page down keys (not to be confused with the arrow keys) click on a scroll bar track (the empty area of the scrollbar, not the thumb or arrows)
Please be aware that look and feel implementations that provide custom scrolling behavior may ignore the block increment value.
withHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Val<UI.Active>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to dynamically set the scroll bars policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
withHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(UI.Active) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the scroll bars policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
withHorizontalScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the horizontal scroll increment unit, which typically controls how far the content moves when you: press the left and right arrow buttons on the scrollbar press the left and right arrow buttons on the keyboard use the mouse wheel or scroll gesture on a touchpad
This can be thought of as the smallest step size for scrolling.
withHorizontalTextAlignment(Val<UI.HorizontalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withHorizontalTextAlignment(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withHorizontalTextPosition(Val<UI.HorizontalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to bind to a property defining the horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its image.
withHorizontalTextPosition(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its image.
withHue(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the hue changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-360.0.
withIcon(int, int, ImageIcon) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Takes the provided Icon and scales it to the provided width and height before displaying it on the wrapped button type.
withIcon(int, int, IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Takes the provided IconDeclaration and scales it to the provided width and height before displaying it on the wrapped button type.
withIcon(int, int, IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Takes the provided IconDeclaration and scales the corresponding icon it to the provided width and height before displaying it on the wrapped button type.
withIcon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
A tab header may have an icon displayed in it, which you can specify with this method.
withIcon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the icon for the wrapped button type.
withIcon(Icon) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the icon for the wrapped JLabel.
withIcon(ImageIcon, UI.FitComponent) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Sets the Icon property of the wrapped button type and scales it according to the provided UI.FitComponent policy.
withIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Allows you to dynamically model the icon displayed on the tab through a property bound to this tab.
withIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to dynamically set the icon property for the wrapped button type.
withIcon(Val<IconDeclaration>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to dynamically set the icon property for the wrapped JLabel.
withIcon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Determines the icon to be displayed in the tab header based on a IconDeclaration, which is essentially just a path to the icon which should be displayed in the tab header.
withIcon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to specify the icon for the wrapped button type.
withIcon(IconDeclaration) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the icon for the wrapped JLabel based on the provided IconDeclaration.
withIcon(IconDeclaration, UI.FitComponent) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
withIconHeight(int) - Method in class
Creates an updated SvgIcon with the supplied integer used as the icon height, which you can retrieve using SvgIcon.getIconHeight().
withIconSize(int, int) - Method in class
Creates an updated SvgIcon with the given width and height.
withIconSize(Size) - Method in class
Allows you to create an updated SvgIcon with the given size in the form of a Size object containing the width and height.
withIconSizeFromHeight(int) - Method in class
Determines the size of the icon (both width and height) using the provided height and the aspect ratio of the SVG document.
withIconSizeFromWidth(int) - Method in class
Determines the size of the icon (both width and height) using the provided width and the aspect ratio of the SVG document.
withIconWidth(int) - Method in class
Creates an updated SvgIcon with the given width returned by SvgIcon.getIconWidth().
withInterval(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class swingtree.animation.LifeTime
Updates this lifetime with the given interval, which is a property that determines the delay between two consecutive animation steps.
withItems(List<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the model for the combo box.
withItems(Vals<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses a read only property list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the model for the combo box.
withItems(Var<E>, E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given selection property as well as an array of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the new model for the combo box state.
withItems(Var<E>, List<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the provided selection property as well as a list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model.
withItems(Var<E>, Val<E[]>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given selection property as well as a read only property of an array of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the new model for the combo box state.
withItems(Var<E>, Vals<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given selection property as well as a read only property list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the new model for the combo box state.
withItems(Var<E>, Var<E[]>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given selection property as well as a property of an array of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the new model for the combo box state.
withItems(Var<E>, Vars<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given selection property as well as a property list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the new model for the combo box state.
withItems(Vars<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Uses the given property list of elements as a basis for a new combo box model and sets it as the model for the combo box.
withKeyStroke(KeyStroke) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyMenuItem
Sets the key combination which invokes the wrapped JMenuItem's action listeners without navigating the menu hierarchy.
withKeyStroke(Val<KeyStroke>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyMenuItem
Sets the key combination property which invokes the wrapped JMenuItem's action listeners without navigating the menu hierarchy.
withLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the LayoutManager of the component wrapped by this builder.
withLayout(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder, based on the provided layout-constraints in the form of a simple string which is parsed by the ConstraintParser class into LC and AC instances.
withLayout(String, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a string.
withLayout(String, String, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder, based on the provided layout-, column- and row-constraints in the form of simple strings, which are parsed by the ConstraintParser class into LC and AC instances.
withLayout(LC, AC, AC) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder.
withLayout(LC) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a new MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder, based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a LC instance, which is a builder for the layout constraints.
withLayout(LC, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a LC instance and column constraints in the form of a simple string.
withLayout(LC, String, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a LC instance and column and row constraints in the form of a simple string.
withLayout(LC, AC) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a LC instance and column constraints in the form of a AC instance.
withLayout(Val<LayoutConstraint>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForBox
Use this to dynamically set the MigLayout attributes of the MigLayout of the JBox.
withLayout(Val<LayoutConstraint>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPanel
Use this to dynamically set the MigLayout attributes of the MigLayout of the JPanel.
withLayout(LayoutConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a new MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder, based on the provided layout constraints in the form of a LayoutConstraint instance, which is an immutable string wrapper for the layout constraints.
withLayout(LayoutConstraint, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Takes the supplied layout constraints and column constraints uses them to construct a new MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder.
withLayout(LayoutConstraint, String, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This creates a MigLayout for the component wrapped by this UI builder.
withLength(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
Sets the length of the separation line either horizontally or vertically depending on the orientation of the separator.
withLength(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
Binds the provided integer property to the length of the separation line., which means that whenever the property changes, the length of the separation line will be updated accordingly.
withLineBorder(Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a line Border with the provided color and a default thickness of 1.
withLineBorder(Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a line Border with the provided color and insets.
withLineBorder(Val<Color>, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a line border bound to a Color property.
withLineBorderTitled(String, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled line Border with the provided color and a default thickness of 1.
withLineBorderTitled(String, Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to define a titled line Border with the provided color and insets.
withLineBorderTitled(Val<String>, Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled line border bound to a String property.
withLineBorderTitled(Val<String>, Val<Color>, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled line border bound to a String property and a Color property.
withMajorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the major tick spacing of the slider.
withMajorTickSpacing(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Dynamically sets the major tick spacing of the slider.
withMargin(int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the margin of the wrapped button type.
withMargin(Insets) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Use this to set the margin of the wrapped button type.
withMatteBorder(Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMatteBorder(Color, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMatteBorder(Color, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMatteBorderTitled(String, Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMatteBorderTitled(String, Color, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMatteBorderTitled(String, Color, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled MatteBorder with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withMax(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Sets the maximum value of the progress bar.
withMax(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the maximum value of the slider.
withMax(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Models the maximum value of the progress bar using a Val property so that when the value of the property changes, the max value of the progress bar will be updated accordingly.
withMax(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Binds the supplied Val property to the max value of the slider.
withMaxHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the maximum height of this JComponent.
withMaxHeight(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the maximum height of this JComponent.
withMaxSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the maximum width and height (Dimension) of this JComponent.
withMaxSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Due to the inherent pitfalls that come along with the Dimension being mutable!
Use UIForAnySwing.withMaxSize(Size) instead.
withMaxSize(Val<Integer>, Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the maximum size of this JComponent.
withMaxSize(Val<Size>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the maximum Size of this JComponent.
withMaxSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the maximum Size of this JComponent.
withMaxWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the maximum width of this JComponent.
withMaxWidth(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the maximum width of this JComponent.
withMin(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Sets the minimum value of the slider.
withMin(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the minimum value of the slider.
withMin(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Models the minimum value of the slider using a Val property which allows for dynamic updates to the min value of the slider.
withMin(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Binds the supplied Val property to the min value of the slider so that when the value of the property changes, the min value of the slider will be updated accordingly.
withMinHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the minimum height of this JComponent.
withMinHeight(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the minimum height of this JComponent.
withMinorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the minor tick spacing of the slider.
withMinorTickSpacing(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Dynamically sets the minor tick spacing of the slider.
withMinSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the minimum width and heigh (Dimension) of this JComponent.
withMinSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Due to the inherent pitfalls that come along with the Dimension being mutable!
Use UIForAnySwing.withMinSize(Size) instead.
withMinSize(Val<Integer>, Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the minimum Dimension of this JComponent.
withMinSize(Val<Size>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the maximum Size of this JComponent.
withMinSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the minimum Size of this JComponent.
withMinWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the minimum width of this JComponent.
withMinWidth(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the minimum width of this JComponent.
withModel(Class<E>, Configurator<BasicTableModel.Builder<E>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Exposes a fluent builder API for a table model holding a specific type of entry.
withModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this convenience method to specify the model for the combo box, which is used by the combo box component to determine the available options and the currently selected item.
withModel(Buildable<BasicTableModel>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to set a table model.
withModel(Configurator<BasicTableModel.Builder<Object>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Exposes a fluent builder API for a table model.
withModel(BasicTableModel) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this to set a basic table model for this table.
withModel(UI.ListData, TableListDataSource<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this instead of JTable.setModel(TableModel) if your table data can be represented by either a row major List of Lists of entry Objects (a list of rows)
or a columns major List of Lists of entry Objects (a list of columns).
withModel(UI.MapData, TableMapDataSource<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
Use this instead of JTable.setModel(TableModel) if your table data can be represented based on a map of column names to lists of table entries (basically a column major matrix).
withName(String) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Font
Returns an updated version of this font with the font (family) name changed to the specified value.
withNumber(Val<N>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Effectively bind this text field to a numeric Val property but only for reading purposes.
withNumber(Var<N>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Effectively bind this text field to a numeric Var property which will only accept numbers as input.
withNumber(Var<N>, Function<N, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Binds this text field to a numeric Var property which will only accept numbers as input and a custom formatter which turns the number into a string.
withNumber(Var<N>, Var<Boolean>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Effectively bind this text field to a numeric Var property which will only accept numbers as input.
withNumber(Var<N>, Var<Boolean>, Function<N, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Effectively bind this text field to a numeric Var property which will only accept numbers as input.
withOnCloseOperation(UI.OnWindowClose) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Sets the UI.OnWindowClose operation for the window.
withOpacity(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the opacity changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withOrientation(Val<UI.Align>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Models the orientation of the slider using a Val property which allows for dynamic updates to the orientation of the slider.
withOrientation(Val<UI.Align>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
Binds the supplied alignment property to the orientation of the separator, so that whenever the property changes, the orientation of the separator will be updated accordingly.
withOrientation(Val<UI.Align>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Dynamically sets the orientation of the slider.
withOrientation(Val<UI.Align>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the alignment of the split bar in the split pane dynamically based on the provided Val property which will be observed by the split pane.
withOrientation(Val<UI.Align>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForToolBar
Dynamically determines the orientation of the JToolBar based on the value of the given Val, which means that whenever the value of the Val changes, the orientation of the JToolBar will change.
withOrientation(UI.Align) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Sets a fixed orientation for the slider using the UI.Align enum.
withOrientation(UI.Align) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
Sets the orientation of the separator which can be either SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL.
withOrientation(UI.Align) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the orientation of the slider.
withOrientation(UI.Align) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
Sets the alignment of the split bar in the split pane.
withOrientation(UI.Align) - Method in class swingtree.UIForToolBar
Use this to set the orientation of the JToolBar, which is a layout mode that is either horizontal or vertical.
withOverflowPolicy(Val<UI.OverflowPolicy>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Binds the supplied enum property to the overflow policy of the tabbed pane.
withOverflowPolicy(UI.OverflowPolicy) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Defines the overflow policy based on the given UI.OverflowPolicy enum, which maps directly to the JTabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(int) method.
withPlaceholder(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Sets the placeholder text of this text field to a static string.
withPlaceholder(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
Binds the placeholder text of this text field to a Val property.
withPreferredPlacement(UI.Placement) - Method in class
Allows you to get an updated SvgIcon with the given UI.Placement policy which determines where the icon should be placed within a component when rendered through the SvgIcon.paintIcon(Component, java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int) method.
withPrefHeight(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the preferred height of this JComponent, which serves as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefHeight(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the preferred height of this JComponent, which serves as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the preferred width and height (Dimension) of this JComponent, which consists of a width and a height used as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Due to the inherent pitfalls that come along with the Dimension being mutable!
Please use UIForAnySwing.withPrefSize(Size) instead.
withPrefSize(Val<Integer>, Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the preferred Dimension of this JComponent, which consists of a width and a height used as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefSize(Val<Size>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the preferred Size of this JComponent, which consists of a width and a height used as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the preferred Size of this JComponent, which consists of a width and a height used as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to only set the preferred width of this JComponent, which serves as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withPrefWidth(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to dynamically set only the preferred width of this JComponent, which serves as a suggestion to the LayoutManager of the parent container.
withProgress(double) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Use this to specify the current progress value in terms of a double value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents 0% progress and 1 represents 100% progress.
withProgress(Val<Double>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Allows you to model the progress of the progress bar in terms of a double value between 0 and 1 using a Val property.
withProperty(String, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Adds String key/value "client property" pairs to the wrapped component.
withRed(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the red component changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withRenderComponent(ListEntryRenderer<E, L>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
The ListEntryRenderer passed to this method is a functional interface receiving a ListEntryDelegate instance and returns a JComponent, which is used to render each entry of the JList instance.
withRepaintOn(Event) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to bind an Event to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRepaintOn(Event, Event, Event...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method exposes a concise way to bind multiple Events to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRepaintOn(Observable) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind an Observable (usually from a sprouts.Event) to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRepaintOn(Observable, Observable, Observable...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
This method exposes a concise way to bind multiple Observables (usually sprouts.Event instances) to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRepaintOn(Val<?>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to bind a Val to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRepaintOn(Val<?>, Val<?>, Val<?>...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this method to bind multiple Vals to the Component.repaint() method of the component represented by this builder.
withRoundedLineBorder() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a rounded black line Border with a thickness of 1 to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorder(Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a rounded line Border with the provided color and a default thickness of 1 to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorder(Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a rounded line Border with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorder(Val<Color>, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled rounded line Border with the provided color property and a custom thickness to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled rounded black line Border with a thickness of 1 to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(String, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled rounded line Border with the provided title, color and a default thickness of 1 to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(String, Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled rounded line Border with the provided color and insets to the JComponent.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled rounded black line Border with a thickness of 1 to the JComponent and binds it to the provided title property.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(Val<String>, Color, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled rounded line Border with the provided color and insets for this JComponent and binds the border to the provided title property.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(Val<String>, Val<Color>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to attach a titled rounded line Border with the provided title and color to the JComponent, as well as a default thickness of 1.
withRoundedLineBorderTitled(Val<String>, Val<Color>, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Creates a titled rounded line Border with the provided color and insets for this JComponent and binds the border to the provided title and color properties.
withRowConstraint(String) - Method in class swingtree.api.Layout.ForMigLayout
withSaturation(double) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Color
Returns an updated version of this color with the saturation changed to the specified value in the range 0.0-1.0.
withScrollBarPolicy(UI.Active) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the scroll bars policy for both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
The scroll policy can be one of the following: UI.Active.NEVER: The scrolls bar will never be displayed. UI.Active.ALWAYS: The scrolls bar will always be displayed. UI.Active.AS_NEEDED: The two scroll bars will only be displayed when needed, i.e.
withScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the vertical and horizontal scroll increment, which controls how far the content moves when you: press the arrow buttons on the scrollbars press the arrow buttons on the keyboard use the mouse wheel or scroll gesture on a touchpad
This can be thought of as the smallest step size for scrolling.
withSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Sets the selected tab based on the given index.
withSelectedIndex(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Dynamically sets the selected tab based on the given index property.
withSelectedIndex(Var<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Binds the given index property to the selection index of the tabbed pane, which means that when the index property changes, the selected tab will change accordingly and when the user selects a different tab, the index property will be updated accordingly.
withSelectedItem(E) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
This method allows you to specify an initial selection for the combo box.
withSelectedItem(Var<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this to dynamically set the selected item of the combo box.
withSelection(Val<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Takes an observable read-only property in the form of a Val object and uses it as a basis for modelling the JList selection.
withSelection(Var<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
Takes an observable property in the form of a Var object and uses it as a basis for modelling the JList selection.
withSelection(Var<E>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type.
withSelection(Var<E>, Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type.
withSelection(Var<E>, Event) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Use this to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type, and the click event is handles by an Event instance.
withSelection(Var<E>, Event, Function<E, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
Allows you to build JSplitButtons where the selectable options are represented by an Enum type, and the click event is handled by an Event instance as well as a "text provider", which is a function that maps an enum value to a string to be used as the button text displayed to the user.
withSize(int) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Font
Returns an updated version of this font with the font size changed to the specified value.
withSize(int, int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
Creates and returns an updated IconDeclaration instance with a new preferred width and height for the icon.
withSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to create an updated version of this bounds object with the specified width and height and the same x and y coordinates as this bounds instance.
withSize(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to directly set the width and height of the current component directly instead of through the layout manager.
withSize(Dimension) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Due to the inherent pitfalls that come along with the Dimension being mutable!
Please use UIForAnySwing.withSize(Size) instead.
withSize(Val<Size>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the current Dimension of this JComponent using a Size object.
withSize(Size) - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
Creates and returns an updated IconDeclaration instance with a new preferred size for the icon.
withSize(Size) - Method in class
Returns a new ScalableImageIcon that will render the image at the given size.
withSize(Size) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Sets the current Size) (width and height) of this JComponent.
withSizeExactly(int, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to define a common width and height for the minimum, maximum, and preferred size of this component.
withSizeExactly(Val<Integer>, Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to bind to two Val properties to dynamically update the common width and height for the minimum, maximum, and preferred size of this component.
withSizeExactly(Val<Size>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Size object to dynamically update the common width and height for the minimum, maximum, and preferred size of this component.
withSizeExactly(Size) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to define a common width and height for the minimum, maximum, and preferred size of this component in the form of the supplied Size object.
withStepSize(Number) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Sets the numeric step size of the value of the spinner.
withStepSize(Val<N>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Sets the numeric step size of the value of the spinner and also binds to said value.
withStyle(Styler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to configure how the component wrapped by this builder looks and behaves, by passing a Styler lambda to this method which receiving a ComponentStyleDelegate and returns an updated version with the desired style rules applied.
withStyle(UI.FontStyle) - Method in class swingtree.UI.Font
Returns an updated version of this font with the font style changed to the specified value.
withTabPlacementAt(Val<UI.Side>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Binds the supplied property to the tab placement of the tabbed pane.
withTabPlacementAt(UI.Side) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
Defines the tab placement side based on the given UI.Side enum, which maps directly to the JTabbedPane.setTabPlacement(int) method.
withText(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Defines the single line of text the wrapped button type will display.
withText(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Sets the text of the wrapped TextComponent to the specified text.
withText(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Defines the single line of text this component will display.
withText(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
Binds the provided Val property to the wrapped button type and sets the text of the button to the value of the property.
withText(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Binds the text of the wrapped TextComponent to the specified Val property instance so that the text of the wrapped text component is dynamically updated whenever the value of the property changes.
withText(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Dynamically defines a single line of text displayed on this label.
withText(Var<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
Binds the text of the wrapped TextComponent to the specified Val property instance so that the text of the wrapped text component is dynamically updated whenever the value of the property changes.
withTextOrientation(UI.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
The provided UI.HorizontalAlignment translates to JTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(int) instances which are used to align the elements or text within the wrapped JTextComponent.
withTextPosition(UI.Alignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the horizontal and vertical position of the label's text, relative to its image.
withTextRenderer(Function<CellConf<C, E>, String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
Use this to specify a custom text based cell renderer for each item in the combo box.
withTip(String) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Allows you to define the tooltip which should be displayed when hovering over the tab header.
withTip(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.Tab
Allows you to bind a string property to the tooltip of the tab.
withTitle(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Adds a title to the window.
withTitle(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
Binds a text property to the window determining the title displayed in the top bar of the window.
withTooltip(String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set a helpful tool tip text for this UI component.
withTooltip(Val<String>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a Val containing a tooltip string.
withTransitionalStyle(Val<Boolean>, LifeTime, AnimatedStyler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Here an example demonstrating how a transitional style can be applied to make a border which can transition between 2 colors based on a boolean property:
withTransitoryStyle(Event, LifeTime, AnimatedStyler<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Allows you to configure a style which will be applied to the component temporarily when the provided Event is fired.
withValue(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Sets the value of the progress bar through the JProgressBar.setValue(int) method of the underlying JProgressBar type.
withValue(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Sets the current value of the slider.
withValue(Object) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Sets the value of the spinner.
withValue(Val<?>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Sets the value of the spinner and also binds to said value.
withValue(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
Allows you to model the progress of the progress bar in terms of an integer based property which will update the progress bar value whenever it is changed, typically in your view model or controller.
withValue(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Binds the supplied Val property to the value of the slider, which causes the knob of the slider to move when the value of the property changes.
withValue(Var<?>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
Sets the value of the spinner and also binds to the provided property.
withValue(Var<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
Use this to bind the supplied Var property to the value of the slider.
withVerticalAlignment(Val<UI.VerticalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withVerticalAlignment(Val<UI.VerticalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
This binds to a property defining the vertical alignment of the label's content (icon and text).
withVerticalAlignment(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withVerticalAlignment(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the vertical alignment of the label's content (icon and text).
withVerticalBlockScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the vertical scroll bar block increment, which typically controls how far the content moves when you: press the page up or page down keys (not to be confused with the arrow keys) click on a scroll bar track (the empty area of the scrollbar, not the thumb or arrows) It represents a larger jump, like moving an entire "page" or a significant chunk of content.
withVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Val<UI.Active>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to dynamically set the scroll bars policy for the vertical scroll bar.
withVerticalScrollBarPolicy(UI.Active) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the scroll bars policy for the vertical scroll bar, which controls when the vertical scroll bar should be displayed or not.
The scroll policy can be one of the following: UI.Active.NEVER: The vertical scroll bar will never be displayed. UI.Active.ALWAYS: The vertical scroll bar will always be displayed. UI.Active.AS_NEEDED: The vertical scroll bar will only be displayed when needed, i.e.
withVerticalScrollIncrement(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
Use this to set the vertical scroll increment unit, which controls how far the content moves when you use the mouse wheel, scroll gesture on a touchpad or press the arrow buttons on the scrollbar.
withVerticalTextAlignment(Val<UI.VerticalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withVerticalTextAlignment(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
A convenience method to avoid peeking into this builder like so:
withVerticalTextPosition(Val<UI.VerticalAlignment>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to bind to a property defining the vertical position of the label's text, relative to its image.
withVerticalTextPosition(UI.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
Use this to set the horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its image.
withWidth(double) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Size
Creates an updated Size instance with the given width.
withWidth(int) - Method in interface swingtree.api.IconDeclaration
Creates and returns an updated IconDeclaration instance with a new preferred width for the icon.
withWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to create an updated version of this bounds object with the specified width and the same x and y coordinates as well as height as this bounds instance.
withWidth(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Set the current width of this JComponent.
withWidth(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Bind to a Val object to dynamically set the current width of this JComponent.
withWidthExactly(int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to set the min-, max- and preferred width of this JComponent to the same value.
withWidthExactly(Val<Integer>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
Use this to bind to a Val property to dynamically update the min-, max- and preferred width of this JComponent to the same value.
withX(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to create an updated version of this bounds object with the specified x-coordinate and the same y-coordinate and size as this bounds instance.
withX(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Allows you to create an updated version of this location with the specified x-coordinate and the same y-coordinate as this location instance.
withY(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Bounds
Allows you to create an updated version of this bounds object with the specified y-coordinate and the same x-coordinate and size as this bounds instance.
withY(int) - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Allows you to create an updated version of this location with the specified y-coordinate and the same x-coordinate as this location instance.
WRAP - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.OverflowPolicy
WRAP - Static variable in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants
WRAP(int) - Static method in class swingtree.UILayoutConstants


x() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Exposes the x coordinate of this location in the form of a float, which describes the horizontal position in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
X - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
X - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Specifies that something is laid out left to right.


y() - Method in class swingtree.layout.Position
Exposes the y coordinate of this location in the form of a float, which describes the vertical position in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
Y - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
Y - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.UI.Axis
Specifies that something is laid out top to bottom.
YELLOW - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color yellow with an RGB value of #FFFF00
YELLOWGREEN - Static variable in class swingtree.UI.Color
The color yellow green with an RGB value of #9ACD32
YES - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmAnswer
The user selected the "yes" option in the dialog.
yesOption(String) - Method in class swingtree.dialogs.ConfirmDialog
This method allows you to specify some text that will be used to represent the ConfirmAnswer.YES option in the dialog.


Z - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key
ZERO - Enum constant in enum class swingtree.input.Keyboard.Key


_addBuildersTo(C, B...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
_addBuilderTo(C, UIForAnything<?, ?, ?>, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
_addComponentsTo(C, E...) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
_addComponentTo(C, E, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This builder class expects its implementations to be builder types for anything which can be built in a nested tree-like structure.
_addComponentTo(C, JComponent, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_addComponentTo(D, Component, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
_addComponentTo(F, Component, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
_addComponentTo(P, JComponent, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyScrollPane
_addComponentTo(P, JComponent, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPane
We override this method to wrap the added component in a UIForScrollPane.ScrollableBox instance in case a Configurator for ScrollableComponentDelegate instances was provided.
_addComponentTo(P, JComponent, AddConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
_addViewableProps(Val<Tuple<M>>, AddConstraint, ModelToViewConverter<M>, C) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_addViewableProps(Val<Tuple<M>>, AddConstraint, ModelToViewConverter<M>, P) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
_addViewableProps(Vals<M>, AddConstraint, ModelToViewConverter<M>, C) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_addViewableProps(Vals<M>, AddConstraint, ModelToViewConverter<M>, P) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
_and(AbstractConstraint, AbstractConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.layout.LayoutConstraint
_and(AbstractConstraint, AbstractConstraint) - Method in class swingtree.layout.MigAddConstraint
_component() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
_disposeState() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
This method is used to dispose of the state of the builder, which means that the builder state disposes of its reference to either the wrapped component or the wrapped component or the composite of component factories which are used to build the wrapped component eagerly each time the wrapped component is accessed.
_getRootPaneOf(D) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
_getRootPaneOf(F) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
_getRootPaneOf(W) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
_isUndefinedColor(Color) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Checks if the given color is the undefined color constant with respect to regular object identity instead of value equality.
_isUndefinedColor(Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_isUndefinedFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
Checks if the given font is the undefined font constant with respect to regular object identity instead of value equality.
_isUndefinedFont(Font) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<A>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextArea
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<B>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForBox
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<B>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForButton
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<B>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBox
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<B>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<B>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForToggleButton
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
An internal wither method which creates a new builder instance with the provided BuilderState stored inside it.
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSwing
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<D>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<F>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<F>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPasswordField
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<F>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<H>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTableHeader
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<I>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForIcon
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<JComboBox<E>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<JFormattedTextField>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForFormattedTextField
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<L>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<L>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBoxMenuItem
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenu
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenuItem
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<M>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForRadioButtonMenuItem
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForEditorPane
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPanel
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPane
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<P>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextPane
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<R>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForRadioButton
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<S>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<S>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<S>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
_newBuilderWithState(BuilderState<T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForToolBar
_onChange(B, Consumer<ItemEvent>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
_onClick(B, Consumer<ActionEvent>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
_onModelChange(B, Consumer<ChangeEvent>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyButton
_onShow(Val<T>, C, BiConsumer<C, T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Use this to register a state change listener for the provided property which will be executed by the UI thread (see EventProcessor).
_onShow(Vals<T>, C, BiConsumer<C, ValsDelegate<T>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Use this to register a state change listener for the provided property list which will be executed by the UI thread (see EventProcessor).
_onTextChange(C, Consumer<DocumentEvent>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
_runInApp(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
A convenient delegate to the EventProcessor.registerAppEvent(Runnable) method, which allows you to execute an action on the current application thread.
_runInApp(T, Consumer<T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
A convenient delegate to the EventProcessor.registerAppEvent(Runnable) method, which allows you to execute an action on the current application thread.
_runInUI(Runnable) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
A convenient shortcut to the EventProcessor.registerUIEvent(Runnable) method to the current EventProcessor attached to the current BuilderState.
_setBackground(JComponent, Color) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_setEnabled(B, boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForBox
_setEnabled(C, boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_setEnabled(P, boolean) - Method in class swingtree.UIForPanel
_setMinHeight(C, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_setMinWidth(C, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_setPrefWidth(C, int) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnySwing
_setTextSilently(C, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyTextComponent
_setTitleOf(D, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
_setTitleOf(F, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
_setTitleOf(W, String) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnyWindow
_siblingsSource() - Method in class swingtree.AbstractDelegate
A library internal utility method that exposes the sibling components of the delegated component.
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Returns the state of the builder, which is a container for the wrapped component as well as it's type and current EventProcessor.
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForBox
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForButton
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBox
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForCheckBoxMenuItem
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForEditorPane
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForFormattedTextField
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForIcon
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForJDialog
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForJFrame
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForLabel
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForList
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenu
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForMenuItem
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForPanel
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForPasswordField
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForPopup
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForProgressBar
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForRadioButton
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForRadioButtonMenuItem
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPane
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForScrollPanels
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSeparator
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSlider
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSpinner
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitButton
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSplitPane
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForSwing
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTabbedPane
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTable
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTableHeader
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextArea
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextField
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForTextPane
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForToggleButton
_state() - Method in class swingtree.UIForToolBar
_this() - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Exposes the this-pointer of the builder instance cast to the I type parameter of the builder class.
_updateAndGetComponent(Function<Object, Component>, BiConsumer<Component, CellConf<?, ?>>, CellConf<T, Object>) - Method in class swingtree.CellBuilder
_with(Consumer<C>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
Creates a new builder with the provided component mutation applied to the wrapped component.
_withOnShow(Val<T>, BiConsumer<C, T>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
_withOnShow(Vals<T>, BiConsumer<C, ValsDelegate<T>>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForAnything
_withRenderer(Component) - Method in class swingtree.CellConf
_withRendererAndEditor(CellBuilder<C, V>) - Method in class swingtree.UIForCombo
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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