Class StyleSheet


public abstract class StyleSheet extends Object
An abstract class intended to be extended to create custom CSS look-alike source code based style sheets for your Swing application.

A style sheet object is in essence merely a collection of StyleTraits and corresponding Styler lambdas which are used by the SwingTree style engine to calculate component StyleConf configurations in a functional and side effect free manner.
Implement the configure() method and use the add(StyleTrait, Styler) method to add StyleTraits and corresponding Styler lambdas to the style sheet. There are also various factory methods for creating StyleTraits in the form of id(String), group(String), group(Enum), type(Class). This is designed to make your style sheet code more readable and maintainable.

Here an example of how this class is typically used to create a custom style sheet:

  class MyStyleSheet extends StyleSheet {
    {@literal @}Override
    protected void configure() {
      add(group("MyButton"), it -> it
      add(type(JLabel.class).id("Foo"), it-> it
        .gradient("Bar", ... )
      add(group(Group.ERROR), it -> it
This API design is inspired by the CSS styling language, and the use of immutable objects is a key feature of the style API, which makes it possible to safely compose Styler lambdas into any kind of style inheritance hierarchy without having to worry about side effects.

Note that the configure() method, here the Styler lambdas are intended to be registered, is not called eagerly in the constructor of the style sheet, but rather lazily when the style sheet is first used to calculate the style for a particular component through the applyTo(JComponent) or applyTo(JComponent, StyleConf) methods.
  • Field Details

    • log

      protected final org.slf4j.Logger log
  • Constructor Details

    • StyleSheet

      protected StyleSheet()
    • StyleSheet

      protected StyleSheet(StyleSheet parentStyleSheet)
  • Method Details

    • none

      public static StyleSheet none()
      A factory method for getting the empty style sheet representing no style whatsoever. It is especially useful instead of null.
      A style sheet without any traits and stylers.
    • reconfigure

      public final void reconfigure()
      Essentially (re)initiates the style sheet by clearing all the traits and then calling the configure() method to add new traits to the style sheet. Use this method if your style sheet has a more advanced meta configuration which requires that the StyleTraits and Stylers of this style sheet to change dynamically. For example, during the new configuration you may want to add a different set of traits with different Stylers depending on the current theme of the application, which the user can change at runtime (don't forget to repaint the components).
    • id

      protected StyleTrait<JComponent> id(String id)
      A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components with the given id/name (see Component.setName(String)). This is intended to be used in the configure() method of the style sheet. Note that this method does not set the id/name of the component, it expects there to be a component with the given id/name already in the component hierarchy so that a corresponding Styler lambda can be applied to it.

      This is intended to be used in the configure() method of the style sheet.
      Here an example of how to use this method in the configure() method:
            add(id("myButton"), it -> it.backgroundColor(Color.CYAN));
      id - The id/name of the component to target.
      A StyleTrait targeting components with the given id/name.
    • group

      protected StyleTrait<JComponent> group(String group)
      A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given string group (see A group is conceptually similar to a CSS class, meaning that you can add a group to any component and then target all components belonging to that group with a single StyleTrait. Note that this method does not add the group to any component, it expects there to be a component with the given group already in the component hierarchy so that a corresponding Styler lambda can be applied to it.

      This is intended to be used in the configure() method of the style sheet.
      Here an example of how to use this method in the configure() method:
            add(group("myGroup"), it -> it.backgroundColor(Color.RED));
      Although using Strings is a convenient way of grouping components, it is not ideal with respect to compile time safety. Please use group(Enum) and[]) instead...
      group - The group to target in the form of a string.
      A StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given group.
    • group

      protected <E extends Enum<E>> StyleTrait<JComponent> group(E group)
      A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given enum group (see A group is conceptually similar to a CSS class, meaning that you can add a group to any component and then target all components belonging to that group with a single StyleTrait. Note that this method does not add the group to any component, it expects there to be a component with the given group already in the component hierarchy so that a corresponding Styler lambda can be applied to it.

      This is intended to be used in the configure() method of the style sheet.
      Here an example of how to use this method in the configure() method:
            add(group(Group.ERROR), it -> it.backgroundColor(Color.RED));
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of the enum defining the group to target.
      group - The group to target in the form of an enum.
      A StyleTrait targeting components belonging to the given group.
    • type

      protected <C extends JComponent> StyleTrait<C> type(Class<C> type)
      A factory method for a StyleTrait targeting components which are of a given type (see Object.getClass(). Note that this method does not set the type of any component, it expects there to be a component of the given type already in the component hierarchy so that a corresponding Styler lambda can be applied to it.

      This is intended to be used in the configure() method of the style sheet.
      Here an example of how to use this method in the configure() method:
            add(type(JButton.class), it -> it.backgroundColor(Color.RED));
      Type Parameters:
      C - The type of the components to target for styling.
      type - The type of the component to target.
      A StyleTrait targeting components of the given type.
    • add

      protected <C extends JComponent> void add(StyleTrait<C> trait, Styler<C> traitStyler)
      Use this to register style rules in you configure() implementation by providing a StyleTrait targeting the components you want to style (see id(String), group(String), group(Enum), type(Class)), and a corresponding Styler lambda which will be applied to the components targeted by the StyleTrait.

      Here an example of how to use this method in the configure() method:
        protected void configure() {
            add(id("arial-button"), it -> it.font(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12)));
            add(type(JButton).group("FooBar"), it -> it.borderRadius(5));
            add(group(Group.ERROR), it -> it.backgroundColor(Color.RED));
            // ...
      Type Parameters:
      C - The type of the components targeted by the StyleTrait.
      trait - The StyleTrait targeting the components you want to style.
      traitStyler - The Styler lambda which will be applied to the components targeted by the StyleTrait.
    • configure

      protected abstract void configure()
      Override this method to configure the style sheet by adding StyleTraits and corresponding Styler lambdas to the style sheet through the add(StyleTrait, Styler) method.

        protected void configure() {
            add(type(JComponent.class), it -> it
              .backgroundColor(new Color(0.7f, 0.85f, 1f))
            add(type(JButton.class), it -> it
               .gradient("default", shade -> shade
                   .colors(it.component().getBackground().brighter(), Color.CYAN)
            // ...
    • applyTo

      public StyleConf applyTo(JComponent toBeStyled)
      Applies the style sheet to the given component. Note that the style sheet is already configured at this point, because the configure() method is called in the constructor of the style sheet.

            MyStyleSheet styleSheet = new MyStyleSheet();
            JComboBox<String> comboBox = new JComboBox<>();
      toBeStyled - The component to apply the style sheet to.
      The StyleConf that was applied to the component.
    • applyTo

      public StyleConf applyTo(JComponent toBeStyled, StyleConf startingStyle)
      Applies the style sheet to the given component using the supplied starting StyleConf as a basis. Note that the style sheet is already configured at this point, because the configure() method is called in the constructor of the style sheet.


            MyStyleSheet styleSheet = new MyStyleSheet();
            JComboBox<String> comboBox = new JComboBox<>();
            styleSheet.applyTo(comboBox, Style.none());
      toBeStyled - The component to apply the style sheet to.
      startingStyle - The StyleConf to start with when applying the style sheet.
      The StyleConf that was applied to the component.
      NullPointerException - If either argument is null.