Interface AnimationTransformation<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the value that is animated through repeated transformations.
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface AnimationTransformation<T>
Defines an animation in terms of functional transformations taking in an AnimationStatus together with a value and returning an updated value.
The value is expected to be immutable and may be everything from a simple Number to a complex view model holding your application state and business logic.

Implementations of this are designed to be used as part of the Animatable class holding the initial animation state and the LifeTime determining when the animation should run.
So you may use this interface to define an Animatable like this:

      return Animatable.of(
          LifeTime.of(0.45, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this,
          (status, model) -> model.withFontSize((int) (24 + status.pulse() * 16))
An Animatable may then be passed to UIFactoryMethods.animate(sprouts.Var, Animatable) together with a Var property to repeatedly transform the property item during the iterations of the entire animation lifetime.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    finish(AnimationStatus status, T value)
    This method is called after the animation has finished.
    run(AnimationStatus status, T value)
    This takes in the current AnimationStatus and an immutable value of type T and returns a new updated value of type T.
  • Method Details

    • run

      T run(AnimationStatus status, T value) throws Exception
      This takes in the current AnimationStatus and an immutable value of type T and returns a new updated value of type T. This may typically be an immutable view model whose fields are bound to the UI components of your application through property lenses.
      status - The current status of the animation.
      value - The current value of the animated item.
      The updated value of the animated item based on the current status, typically the AnimationStatus.progress() number.
      Exception - If the method call encounters errors in the execution of its implementations. Due to this being a generic interface, the likelihood of exceptions being thrown is high and so it is recommended to handle them at the invocation site.
    • finish

      default T finish(AnimationStatus status, T value) throws Exception
      This method is called after the animation has finished. The default implementation does nothing but returns the supplied value.
      Implement this to create a cleaned up final version of the item after the animation has finished.
      Note that this method deliberately requires the handling of checked exceptions at its invocation sites because there may be any number of implementations hiding behind this interface and so it is unwise to assume that all of them will be able to execute gracefully without throwing exceptions.
      status - The current progress status of the animation, which is used to determine the intermediate values of the animated item. You may typically want to use the AnimationStatus.progress() number to interpolate fields of your view model.
      value - The final value of the animated item, which is expected to be an immutable object.
      The final value of the animated item after the animation has finished.
      Exception - If the method call encounters errors in the execution of its implementations. Due to this being a generic interface, the likelihood of exceptions being thrown is high and so it is recommended to handle them at the invocation site.