Package swingtree.animation

@NullMarked package swingtree.animation
  • Class
    An animation is a function which is called repeatedly during its lifetime, which is determined by a LifeTime and a RunCondition.
    The state of an animation at a given point in time describing how far the animation has progressed using a number between 0 and 1 (see AnimationState.progress()).
    An API for creating an Animation and defining how it should be executed.
    The lifespan defines when an Animation starts and for how long it should run.
    The lifetime is an immutable and thread safe value based object, which defines for how long an Animation should run.
    Represents the progress snapshot of an animation in terms of numbers between 0 and 1 that describe how far the animation has progressed between its start and end.
    Defines either an animation progresses from 0 to 1 or regresses from 1 to 0.