Package swingtree

Class SplitButtonDelegate<I extends JMenuItem>

Type Parameters:
I - The common type of the JMenuItem which is part of the JSplitButton.

public final class SplitButtonDelegate<I extends JMenuItem> extends AbstractDelegate<JSplitButton>
This class is a delegate for events of the JSplitButton component. See UIForSplitButton.onSplitClick(Action) or UIForSplitButton.onSelection(Action) for more information about where this delegate is used.
  • Method Details

    • getEvent

      public ActionEvent getEvent()
    • getSplitButton

      public JSplitButton getSplitButton()
      Exposes the underlying SplitItemDelegate instance.
      The JSplitButton to which this SplitItem (and its JMenuItem) belongs.
    • getCurrentItem

      public final I getCurrentItem()
      Exposes the JMenuItem which is currently selected.
      The JMenuItem which caused this action to be executed.
    • getSiblinghood

      public List<JComponent> getSiblinghood()
      The "siblinghood" of a component refers to all children of its parent component, including itself. This is contrary to the getSiblings() method which returns all children of the parent component except the current component.
      A list of all the JComponent siblings of the split button, including the split button itself.
    • getSiblings

      public List<JComponent> getSiblings()
      The "siblings" of a component refer to all children of its parent component, except itself. This is contrary to the getSiblinghood() method which returns all children of the parent component including the current component.
      A list of all the JComponent which constitute the neighbouring UI components of the split button. except the current JSplitButton itself.
    • selectCurrentItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> selectCurrentItem()
      Selects the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • selectOnlyCurrentItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> selectOnlyCurrentItem()
      Selects only the current JMenuItem by passing true to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method. All other JMenuItems will be unselected.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • unselectCurrentItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> unselectCurrentItem()
      Unselects the current JMenuItem by passing false to the AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) method.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • unselectAllItems

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> unselectAllItems()
      Unselects all JMenuItems by passing false to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • selectAllItems

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> selectAllItems()
      Selects all JMenuItems by passing true to their AbstractButton.setSelected(boolean) methods.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • displayCurrentItemText

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> displayCurrentItemText()
      Use this to conveniently make the JSplitButton display the text of the currently selected JMenuItem (button item).
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • setButtonText

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> setButtonText(String text)
      Allows you to set the text displayed on the JSplitButton inside of your user Action implementation.
      text - The text which should be displayed on the JSplitButton.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • getButtonText

      public String getButtonText()
      A convenient getter method for accessing the text displayed on the JSplitButton. See also setButtonText(String) for setting the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
      The text displayed on the JSplitButton.
    • appendToButtonText

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> appendToButtonText(String postfix)
      A convenience method to append text to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
      postfix - The text which should be appended to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • prependToButtonText

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> prependToButtonText(String prefix)
      A convenience method to prepend text to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
      prefix - The text which should be prepended to the text displayed on the JSplitButton.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • selectItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> selectItem(int i)
      Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
      i - The item index of the JMenuItem which should be selected.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • selectOnlyItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> selectOnlyItem(int i)
      Selects the targeted split item (JMenuItem) and unselects all other items.
      i - The item index of the JMenuItem which should be selected exclusively.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.
    • unselectItem

      public SplitButtonDelegate<I> unselectItem(int i)
      Unselects the targeted split item (JMenuItem).
      i - The item index of the JMenuItem which should be unselected.
      This delegate instance to allow for method chaining.