Class MigAddConstraint

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MigAddConstraint extends Object implements AddConstraint
A wrapper for mig layout constraint string to avoid the inherent brittleness of strings... Instances of this are immutable collections of mig layout constraints which can be merged with other instances of this class through the and(MigAddConstraint) method, which is in essence a wither method.
Here how this class would typically be used in a swing-tree UI:

  	import static swingtree.UI.*;

      public class MyView extends JPanel {
          public MyView() {
          	.add(LEFT, label("Name:") )
          	.add(GROW.and(SPAN), textField("name") )
          	.add(LEFT, label("Address:") )
          	.add(GROW.and(SPAN), textField("address") )
As you can see this class is not used directly, but rather in the form of static constants as part of the UI class. You can define your own component constraints as static constants in your own code by using the of(String...) method.
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